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Pakistan conducts successful test launch of Shaheen-3 SSM (2750 km)

Why does it concern you? If, God forbid, a nuclear war ever breaks out, any nuclear asset India has based on those islands would be the least of Pakistan's concern. Pakistani military won't even be able to deal with the nuclear assets in mainland India.

But if you have some personal problems with someone there, you can always ride a Agosta-90B and kick his behind with a Babur SLCM. :sarcastic:
I would love to deal my personal matter one on one
Pakistan is working on ICBM that is for sure. As for Israel if it ever goes to war with Jordan or Egypt Pakistan will get involved, and if KSA is part of that war than we would be involved on full scale. @Rakan.SA

Forget about ICBM, I'll be glad if we could get clear pics and specifications of Shaheen-III first.

Shaheen-II was probably a 1500km missile..and our authorities made us "phuddu" all these years..

And now you are talking about ICBMs? LOL, what are you on to?
Forget about ICBM, I'll be glad if we could get clear pics and specifications of Shaheen-III first.

Shaheen-II was probably a 1500km missile..and our authorities made us "phuddu" all these years..

And now you are talking about ICBMs? LOL, what are you on to?
I still stand by it
We would pay back both to Israel and India and also to big brother of Israel you know who I am talking about and we need to work on ICBM as well as long Range cruise Missiles
your'e bordering on stupidity, claiming we have an agenda of taking down the USA.
Because sooner or later USA along with NATO will come after us
Nop they won't, Pakistan is too important strategically, its cooperation is required whether its Russia, China , US or NATO , We are at the crossroads of regions and a front line state in war on terror, and our security establishment has no designs or intentions of creating another enemy (Israel or US), we have to focus our energies on two fronts, one against extremists on the western border and the other would be the rapidly developing indian threat.
oh you one bastard you hahaha do you think i got an american brain that can get brainwashed with a few words ?!
your country has been involved in the killing of more than 100 million human beings since it was established.
you killed millions of Indians
you killed millions of Africans
you had the worst bloody wars
you participated in ww1 and ww2
you used 2 nukes on 2 Japanese cities
you started the cold war
you killed Vietnamese and Koreans
you were involved in the killing of 3 million muslims the last decade
as for pakistan. maybe you can walk there peacfully when you stop killing innocent civilians with drones all over the world specially pakistan and yemen and somalia.
you white terrorist peace of sht dont talk with me. we either go to war with you and your zionist government or i pray Allah that the good ppl in the US, and i know there are a lot of good americans who are not like you, will stand against your terrorist government and drag those dirty terrorist politcians to courts and execute them
even 2322 american architects and engineers say that 9/11 was an inside job. so basically your government killed your own ppl to go to war. thats how sick you are
good ppl like these will bring justice to all, not only americans, by exposing your terrorist government
World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? - Home
Well I am pretty surprised with your knowledge of history. When Americans killed thousands of Indians?
Nop they won't, Pakistan is too important strategically, its cooperation is required whether its Russia, China , US or NATO , We are at the crossroads of regions and a front line state in war on terror, and our security establishment has no designs or intentions of creating another enemy (Israel or US), we have to focus our energies on two fronts, one against extremists on the western border and the other would be the rapidly developing indian threat.
They would come after some people want to remain in denial but that is harsh reality which we would face
Facts on ground don't support ur opinion, but you're entitled to it !!!
Facts on Ground show what the did to one time there biggest asset Saddam and what they did to many other countries they have old habit of backstabbing they will do that again
Pakistan is working on ICBM that is for sure. As for Israel if it ever goes to war with Jordan or Egypt Pakistan will get involved, and if KSA is part of that war than we would be involved on full scale. @Rakan.SA

Ohh please Egypt is in bed with Israel and so is Jordan and other so called Ummah countries including the beloved KSA. A chuttia leader like Nawaz can throw Pakistan into war as per instructions from his King but thanks God strategic affairs are now out of his moronic hands. Rest assured Pakistan has neither the means nor the desire to get involved in a conflict past India and Taliban.
Forget about ICBM, I'll be glad if we could get clear pics and specifications of Shaheen-III first.

Shaheen-II was probably a 1500km missile..and our authorities made us "phuddu" all these years..

And now you are talking about ICBMs? LOL, what are you on to?

Our neighbours were probably also made phuddu for many years...he he

One thing about pakistan is that if they are not openly testing or announcing it does not mean they dont have a longer range missile...
We now know pakistans first functioning nuke was ready for delivery to our neighbours in 1982. It was only announced 16 years later..
Similarly only hatf 1 and 2 were announced in late 80s . Longer range missiles only came out in 1990s but probably were in inventory since late 80s
Our neighbours were probably also made phuddu for many years...he he

One thing about pakistan is that if they are not openly testing or announcing it does not mean they dont have a longer range missile...
We now know pakistans first functioning nuke was ready for delivery to our neighbours in 1982. It was only announced 16 years later..
Similarly only hatf 1 and 2 were announced in late 80s . Longer range missiles only came out in 1990s but probably were in inventory since late 80s

India has radars that track Pakistani missiles.

As long as they are not tested,you can't conclude that we have longer range missiles.
India has radars that track Pakistani missiles.

As long as they are not tested,you can't conclude that we have longer range missiles.

If indians were really able to track the missiles; which they may be able to; than there were no lies told about shaheen 2 range, as there would have been no point doing that, as indians may leak the real range and cause embarassment...
Lie is told in that case on real range of shaheen 3 ...its probably tested at an optimal range not maximum range
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