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Pakistan conducted another successful test fire of indigenously developed Submarine Launched Cruise

No sign of this expert neither RajSantaleees :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Partial success missile unable to reach target or desired range....google it my Sanghi chadi clad fellow PDF member.
Padh le tera gyan badhega ....:lol:

A defence official said the flight test achieved all the mission objectives completely from lift-off till the final splash, boosting the confidence of all scientists associated with the trial. The missile majestically cruised for around 50 minutes and covered a distance of 647 km, he informed.

All critical operations including launch phase, booster deployment, engine start, wing deployment and other operational parameters were demonstrated through autonomous way point navigation. The missile was tracked with the help of ground based radars and other parameters were monitored by indigenous telemetry stations developed by DRDO. The missile can strike deep in to the enemy territory and works on search and hit principle.

Keeping all the rhetoric aside, as a man of science, I must congratulate Pakistan for having accomplished this feat if they really did it on their own. These are some of the instances Where I feel they should be a little bit more transparent. Anyways this particular launch does seem legit and also if one observes carefully, this one is "different" from the previous launch. Which also proves that previous launch wasn't actually a Pakistani launch.
I'd like to highlight that capability to achieve a controlled underwater ignition and clearing it off water is nothing short of really good achievement for Pakistan. What is also commendable is the fact that Pakistan somehow is able to produce the system in house without actually having serious R&D in any of the specific areas of aerospace or sub systems. For instance Pakistan does not have any R&D in micro turbofans/jets, aerospace grade actuators or navigation boards(military grade), yet they've a working system at their disposal.
For India it would indeed complicate the nuclear equation when Chinese submarine first start arriving in Pakistan. That's the time when these nuclear armed baburs would be integrated onto a real naval platform. All the gossip of changing the combat management system of Agosta to accommodate Baburs is way off the mark for the simple reason that combat management systems are highly proprietary and one doesn't have authorization to tweak the code to incorporate let's say a mission planner for the cruise missile. Mission planner is a software that is embedded into the launch platform that provides a way of navigation way points to the missile. These navigation way points form the outer loop that the control system is required to track. I've published one such paper at AIAA(American Institute of aeronautics and astronautics) and another one using advanced neural networks based controller is on the way.
Longtime no see.... Good to see you here.
Thanks for the detailed post with maps. I however have two question
1) In any war scenario, India will likely not keep its war assets this close to coastal areas knowing well Pakistan can target them even if we use conventional warheads and not nuclear. Yes not all assets can be moved but India will try to move as many as it can so as to minimize loss of any attack by Pakistan. Where does that leave us?
In any war scenario India will have to spread its naval assets in multiple regions for the purposes stated publicly like 'Naval blockade' of Pakistan keeping their SLOC protected and of-course defence of their territorial and exclusive economic zone now again go to the map and see how vast the area of responsibility is for Indian navy which is stretched from Malaca straits to bab-ul Mandab; now compare the number of assets available to Indian Navy for all three purpose, so in short it is logical to assume they will face shortage of Naval resources for all three of their prime tasked.

So as you said India will not keep all of its naval war assets close to its shore/coastal areas
and most of their naval assets will be placed in near sea region of Pakistan but again it will a behemoth task for Indian navy to deny operations for Pakistani subs in vastness of Indian Ocean.

2) What about Mumbai which is considered as their financial capital and also their hub for international investment? if India knows Pakistan can take out Mumbai even if our land assets are taken out, a war can be won even before it began.
Nuclear tip SLCM is for second strike option which mean at the time of Babur-III operation nuclear exchange would have occurred already

BTW Mumbai is approachable for us even without BABUR-III
Bhia why do you want 3000 KM range missile ....??? Indian is not situated at some other continent its next to us ....

Do you even know ~47% of Indian population lives in the coastal states of India and a BIG chunk of Indian economy is based there, even if we take population of only coastal districts of India then ~18% of Indian population is residing in those districts.

Try to understand basically we have a weapon with which we can threat around +25% Indian population (population of coastal districts and districts adjacent to coastal districts) and a very big chunk of Indian economy and defence infrastructure.

plz have a look at this
View attachment 462523

keep in mind
  • I have drawn all the circles for 100 KM radius only which mean sub could remain at 300-350 KM distance form Indian coast and can still pose threat of a great magnitude to any target situated within 100 Km at Indian coast again recall ~25% of Indian population reside there and a big chunk of Economic and Defence related infrastructure of Indian in those region
  • I have not circled any potential area of interest for us at eastern coast of India but as a matter of fact even that region is approachable for our subs
  • And If you are thinking about Anti submarine capabilities of India which could obviously pose counter threat than plz note it will not be a very easy task for Indian Navy to locate 1 (or maximum 2 deployed) Pakistani subs in an area of +700,000 Km of deep Ocean stretch from Kerala to Gujarat

so in short current 450 KM range of BABUR SLCM is enough to post credible minimum deterrence by PN


I dont know if you have observed the weird coincidence but last time America announced sanctions on NESCOM and related entities in December 2016, Pakistan revealed BABUR-III and Ababeel existence very next month

America sanctioned 7 Pakistan nuclear related entities last week . Pakistan announced the test of Babur-III shortly afterwards. Let's see if we see Ababeel test or not
Pakistan got these subs with ToT so there is no issue as to modify, repair or make copies of this sub or use the technology in our indigenous development. Just one thing I'm not sure is if we can market and export our made Agosta 90Bs but that's irrelevant since Pakistan is not doing that.
Also remember that these sub are being upgraded by STM of Turkey and not by France...so no need to be cynical.
I know Pak has the ToT for the Agosta subs...so modification of those is fine. I was asking more in terms of Harpoon modifications he mentioned.

...and I'm not being cynical...just asking out of curiosity.

I dont know if you have observed the weird coincidence but last time America announced sanctions on NESCOM and related entities in December 2016, Pakistan revealed BABUR-III and Ababeel existence very next month

America sanctioned 7 Pakistan nuclear related entities last week . Pakistan announced the test of Babur-III shortly afterwards. Let's see if we see Ababeel test or not
What else would we want? A missile test captioned "In you Face" :lol: (Well that would be fun now)

On a serious note, i agree (and must admit that i have not noticed this before) that this cannot all be a coincidence.

So everyone who claims to have insiders knowledge....may not know everything regardless of what title he or she is carrying on this anonymous forum ;)
The worst thing however is that there are some who claim to know it all!

Anyway, i will leave it at that. :)
Keeping all the rhetoric aside, as a man of science, I must congratulate Pakistan for having accomplished this feat if they really did it on their own. These are some of the instances Where I feel they should be a little bit more transparent. Anyways this particular launch does seem legit and also if one observes carefully, this one is "different" from the previous launch. Which also proves that previous launch wasn't actually a Pakistani launch.
I'd like to highlight that capability to achieve a controlled underwater ignition and clearing it off water is nothing short of really good achievement for Pakistan. What is also commendable is the fact that Pakistan somehow is able to produce the system in house without actually having serious R&D in any of the specific areas of aerospace or sub systems. For instance Pakistan does not have any R&D in micro turbofans/jets, aerospace grade actuators or navigation boards(military grade), yet they've a working system at their disposal.
For India it would indeed complicate the nuclear equation when Chinese submarine first start arriving in Pakistan. That's the time when these nuclear armed baburs would be integrated onto a real naval platform. All the gossip of changing the combat management system of Agosta to accommodate Baburs is way off the mark for the simple reason that combat management systems are highly proprietary and one doesn't have authorization to tweak the code to incorporate let's say a mission planner for the cruise missile. Mission planner is a software that is embedded into the launch platform that provides a way of navigation way points to the missile. These navigation way points form the outer loop that the control system is required to track. I've published one such paper at AIAA(American Institute of aeronautics and astronautics) and another one using advanced neural networks based controller is on the way.
There is no need to modify Agosta Software., just install a new plugin. The original software by French manufacturers was Unix based and allowed installation of "Add-ons". That was a marketing technique and a selling point. Thats why Pakistan went for these.
Pakistan got these subs with ToT so there is no issue as to modify, repair or make copies of this sub or use the technology in our indigenous development. Just one thing I'm not sure is if we can market and export our made Agosta 90Bs but that's irrelevant since Pakistan is not doing that.
Also remember that these sub are being upgraded by STM of Turkey and not by France...so no need to be cynical.

Dude, i think you need to reconsider your ToT definition. CMS is a piece of hardware which was shipped to Pakistan who installed it in submarine. Pakistan was never handed software of CMS. Why do you think Pakistani Agosta can only fire Exocet Anti Ship missile ? And in 20 years (1997-8 when first agosta came) Pakistan never integrated Harpoon or chinese Anti Ship missile in Agosta ?

There is no need to modify Agosta Software., just install a new plugin. The original software by French manufacturers was Unix based and allowed installation of "Add-ons". That was a marketing technique and a selling point. Thats why Pakistan went for these.

Is it confirmed? Even Turkish are not giving access of their CMS to Pakistan in this new upgradation program
There is no need to modify Agosta Software., just install a new plugin. The original software by French manufacturers was Unix based and allowed installation of "Add-ons". That was a marketing technique and a selling point. Thats why Pakistan went for these.
Only the operating syste is in Unix as it uses C++ almost all non Russian Cms are written in C/C++ or Java.

But to integrate a new missle you need so much more than OS, you will have to 're programme the TMS320C30 processors which has a different code provided by lead integrator of CMS (and not manufacturer like Texas Instrument).
@amardeep mishra
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@Arsalan @Bratva
Guys, remember, tests are technical requirements and whenever the project reaches a certain milestone in the development, it is tested as per schedule but making the test public is a political decision and govt / establishment decides to make it public only when it feels it is the right time to do. So a lot of systems get tested without being announced.
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Very interesting analysis/comparisons buy Indian in reference to Babur & Nirbhay.
What I able to understand - every Indian technology is totally indigenous and unique from rest of the world, they reinvented the wheel ... :lol:.
People in the world do shit from their behinds - not aware from where the Indians do ... may be from some other hole as uniqueness is their trait.
Almost all western submarines CMS from late 70s to 90s used Unix.
Later as Unix started to get older some subs shifted to Linux.

In 2008 UK started using Windows as OS on submarines Cms
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