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Pakistan Army | News and Discussions

National Security
  • On November 11, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan applauded the Sindh Rangers for conducting some 4,000 raids and arresting 7,500 criminals in a 14-month long targeted operation in Karachi.[24]
  • On November 11, the Garrison Officer Commanding (GOC) for North Waziristan, Major General Zafarullah Khan, declared that the people of North Waziristan had themselves to blame for their displacement, since they supported foreign militants in the region against the military. He also said that if the tribesmen wanted peace, they would have to support the army in its fight against militants.[25]
  • On November 10, the newly appointed Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt. Gen. Rizwan Akhtar reportedly visited Kabul to meet officials of the Afghan National Unity Government and held talks on security issues. There is no official confirmation of the chief’s visit from either Afghanistan or Pakistan.[26]
  • On November 11, Army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif visited ISI headquarters in Rawalpindi and appreciated the role played by the ISI in the defense and national security of Pakistan. According to ISPR Director General, Maj. Gen. Asim Bajwa, the message of the meeting between Gen. Sharif and ISI chief Lt. Gen Rizwan Akhtar was that of “zero tolerance for all forms of terrorism.”[27]
  • On November 12, Army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif chaired the 176th Corps Commanders’ Conference at army headquarters in Rawalpindi. The conference was a part of a routine monthly meeting which included briefings on the overall security situation in Pakistan with particular reference to the ongoing military operations in Khyber and North Waziristan Agencies. Gen. Sharif is reportedly leaving for a week-long visit to the U.S. on November 16 where he is expected to meet American Defense officials. [28]
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Asia & Pacific
Pakistani army chief’s trip to U.S. likely to be marked by greater optimism, trust

Pakistani army chief Raheel Sharif addresses internally displaced Pakistani civilians fleeing a military operation against Taliban militants in the North Waziristan tribal agency during a ceremony to mark the country’s Defence Day in Bannu, near the North Waziristan border, on Sept. 6. (Karim Ullah/AFP/Getty Images)
By Tim Craig November 14 at 3:30 AM

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The last time a Pakistani army chief visited Washington, he got an earful from U.S. leaders worried that he was not a reliable partner in efforts to combat militant groups responsible for devastating attacks in Afghanistan.

Four years later, Pakistan’s newest military chief, Gen. Raheel Sharif, is scheduled to arrive in Washington this weekend on his first official U.S. visit. And this time, the most powerful man in Pakistan is expected to be greeted with far less skepticism.

Since becoming army chief a year ago, Sharif has overseen a broad military campaign against Islamist extremists in northwestern Pakistan. Although it could take months or years to fully assess its effectiveness, U.S. officials say the operation has boosted their confidence in Pakistan’s commitment to combating terrorist groups operating within its borders.

Last week, Lt. Gen. Joseph Anderson, a senior commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, told reporters that the Haqqani network — a Pakistan-based Afghan insurgent group — is now “fractured.”
“That’s based pretty much on the Pakistan ops in North Waziristan this entire summer-fall,” Anderson said in a video conference from the Afghan capital. “That has very much disrupted their efforts here and has caused them to be less effective in terms of their ability to pull off an attack here in Kabul.”

Although other U.S. officials are more guarded in their assessments, Anderson’s remarks are helping to set the tone for Sharif’s visit. The week-long trip also coincides with growing optimism that relations among the United States, Pakistan and Afghanistan are improving now that Hamid Karzai is no longer the Afghan president.

“Both sides are aware of this historical moment and are taking steps to seize this moment,” U.S. Ambassador Richard G. Olson said in a speech Wednesday in Islamabad.

At the same time that Sharif is in Washington, Afghanistan’s new president, Ashraf Ghani, will be in Islamabad to meet with Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is not related to the general. The Pakistani leader plans to take Ghani to a cricket match.

For many analysts, the two visits signal that the space for meaningful engagement on counterterrorism issues is expanding with a new power-sharing government in place in Afghanistan.

Karzai, who had been Afghanistan’s only leader since shortly after U.S.-backed forces ousted the Taliban from power in 2001, was deeply skeptical of Pakistan and widely considered it the root of many of Afghanistan’s woes. He also repeatedly clashed with the Obama administration, setting limits on U.S. military operations and refusing to allow a residual American troop presence after the NATO mission in Afghanistan ends this year.

But Ghani, within days of taking office, signed an agreement that will keep about 9,800 U.S. troops in Afghanistan next year.

Last month, in a sign of thawing relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the two nations agreed to jointly import power from Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, Olson noted. Ghani also recently announced that he is reevaluating Karzai’s efforts to buy weapons from India for the Afghan army. The new president’s move was widely interpreted as an olive branch to Pakistan, which has fought three major wars with India since 1947.
Salman Zaidi, a military and political expert at the Islamabad-based Jinnah Institute, said there appears to be a genuine effort to put past tensions “back in the box.”

“There is still a lot of debris lying around [in the relationships] from the last 10 years, both in terms of Pakistan-U.S. ties and Pakistan-Afghanistan, but the attempt is now there,” Zaidi said. “Karzai was a mercurial personality, and everybody found it difficult to deal with him.”

For years, Pakistani military and intelligence officials have been accused of secretly providing support to some militant groups, including the Haqqani network, thwarting U.S. efforts to contain the flow of fighters and weapons from Pakistan into Afghanistan.

In widely reported remarks in 2011, Adm. Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the Haqqanis were operating “with impunity” in Pakistan and were relying on state support.

Although Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, Pakistan’s army chief at the time, oversaw two military operations in the Swat Valley and another in South Waziristan, he resisted calls to invade North Waziristan, which had become a haven not only for the Pakistani Taliban but also for al-Qaeda and the Haqqani network.

But in June, Raheel Sharif ordered the military into North Waziristan. Since then, Pakistani officials say, more than 1,200 terrorists have been killed or captured. Seventy Pakistani soldiers also have been killed.
Last month, in a move that surprised many analysts, the army chief expanded the operation to the Khyber Agency, also in Pakistan’s unruly tribal areas.

“This time, the army is not letting up,” said Javed Ashraf Qazi, a retired general and former head of Pakistan’s spy agency. “The air force, the gunship helicopters hit them wherever they are, and the army is slowly and gradually moving up into the mountains to their last refuges.”

Still, Pakistan’s military has not released the names of any high-value terrorists killed in the operation. And Anderson’s comments notwithstanding, many U.S. officials remain unconvinced that Pakistan’s military is poised to deliver a lasting blow to the Haqqani network, which has carried out several attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan.

A senior U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said the military offensive has “disrupted” but “not damaged” the Haqqanis. Still, the official said ties between the United States and Pakistan have greatly improved since the 2011 U.S. operation that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

“Pakistan now has substantial control over their whole territory — they have expended a lot on this operation, and we have to give them credit,” the official said. “We also have to hold them to their repeated commitment not to allow [the Haqqani network] to operate from Pakistan.”

Here in Islamabad, analysts expect Raheel Sharif to quickly forge a productive relationship with his U.S. counterparts.

Imtiaz Gul, executive director of the Islamabad-based Center for Research and Security Studies, said Sharif is known to be “assertive, aggressive” and outspoken. Kayani, who served as the military chief from late 2007 until last November, was known to be reserved and often said little during meetings.

“I think [Pentagon leaders] will feel quite at home with him, because his style is more the American style,” Qazi said of Sharif. “But actions speak louder than words, and, so far, he is giving them action.”

Tim Craig is The Post’s bureau chief in Pakistan. He has also covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and within the District of Columbia government.
Pakistani, US military leaders to discuss bilateral cooperation, Afghan security
  • APP
  • November 15, 2014, 9:42 pm

WASHINGTON – Bilateral defence ties and cooperation towards stability in Afghanistan are likely to be major subjects of discussion when top Pakistani and American military officers meet amid improving relations between the two countries.

During his first visit to the US beginning this weekend, Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif will meet Chairman Joint Chiefs Staff General Martin Dempsey and Centcom leaders at a time of growing convergences of views between Pakistan and the United States. Officials said that the army chief meetings with US counterparts would provide an opportunity to enhance bilateral military cooperation.

The United States has acknowledged the efficacy of Pakistan's massive Zarb-e-Azb military operation against militants in their former stronghold North Waziristan, with both American military leaders and experts saying the Pakistani offensive along the Afghan border has disrupted the Haqqani network - a development that has had a positive bearing on the security situation in Afghanistan.

Lisa Curtis, a South Asian expert at the Heritage Foundation, told Voice of America's Urdu Service that the Pakistani operation in North Waziristan had disrupted the Afghan militants and weakened their ability to launch attacks inside Afghanistan. According to American media reports, Pakistani and Afghan efforts to repair the ties, the effectiveness of Zarb-e-Azb military operation and upward trajectory of Pakistan-US relations have helped set an environment of optimism and trust.

Pakistan's counter-terrorism efforts are also likely to figure in talks between the military leaders. Meanwhile, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has also visited Islamabad for talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. Washington has welcomed the opportunity for the two neighbouring countries to forge a better relationship.

“We welcome the prospect of improved cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan, and certainly, a trip there, a visit, an opportunity to have a dialogue is a good opportunity for that,” State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said on Friday. At the Pentagon, commenting on Islamabad's offer to train Afghan security forces in Pakistan, spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby described Pakistan a key partner in the region.

“Pakistan's a key partner in the region. Any opportunity that can be had to increase cooperation and coordination with the Pakistani military is a good thing,” he said at a recent briefing. Additionally, both Pakistan and the United States see recent escalations on the eastern border with India and the Line of Control in Kashmir as a distraction in Islamabad's high-stakes counter-terrorism offensive along the western border with Afghanistan.

The Pakistani offensive has assumed greater importance in view of the ongoing security and political transitions in Afghanistan with the drawdown of American and international troops from the landlocked country. The recent Pakistani-Indian tensions in the Indian-held Jammu Kashmir region may also come up for discussion in General Sharif’s meetings.

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U.S.-Pakistan Relations
  • On November 16, Army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif arrived in Washington D.C. for a five day official visit. Sharif reportedly visited the headquarters of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) office on the same day and discussed the ongoing military offensives against militants in North Waziristan and Khyber Agency. Gen. Sharif is expected to meet Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Marin Dempsey and other U.S. defense officials and diplomats. According to reports, bilateral defense ties and cooperation towards stability in Afghanistan will be major subjects of discussion during the Army chief’s visit. Gen. Sharif is accompanied by Director General Military Operations and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief on his visit to the U.S.[30]
Today Pak Army is a powerful army with Pakistani nation we are all with Pak army in every situation like war, internal security problems as will as against india because india is a anti Muslim country so we always with Pak army
Pak Army Zinda Bad
Pakistan Painda Bad

Last edited:
Today Pak Army is a powerful army with Pakistani nation we are all with Pak army in every situation like war, internal security problems as will as against india because india is a anti Muslim country so we always with Pak army
Pak Army Zinda Bad
Pakistan Painda Bad

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okay slow down there buddy, seems like youre new here.
so lets be rational instead of emotional, blaming all problems on india will never improve our own situation.
Pakistan receives $734.5 million under CSF
November 24, 2014 ALI HUSSAIN & TAHIR AMIN

Pakistan has received $734.5 million on the account of Coalition Support Fund (CSF) from the United States in the current fiscal year, and the Obama administration has requested Congress for authorisation of an additional $1 billion for FY15, according to officials at the Ministry of Finance and the US Embassy here.

An official of the US Embassy told Business Recorder that the United States government disbursed $363 million in CSF to Pakistan on September 29, in support of the US Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) for the period of July-September 2013.

This payment is the latest in a series of reimbursements the US has made to a number of allies for expenses incurred in support of the Operation Enduring Freedom, the US official said.

"The CSF disbursement is a reimbursement for Pakistani support to OEF and is a positive sign of co-operation on our shared national security priorities," said the official.

To a question about the expected amount to be released in the near future on account of the pending CSF amount, the official said that Congress authorised reimbursements to Pakistan in the National Defence Authorisation Acts (NDAA) of up to $1.2 billion each for FY14 and FY13. The US Congress has not passed the FY15 NDAA and established CSF appropriations for Pakistan. However, the Obama administration requested $1 billion for Pakistan for FY15, she said.

She pointed out that Congress will need to authorise funding for a reimbursement program beyond FY15, adding "we continue discussions with Pakistan on such a program". According to the official, Pakistan has received over $12 billion from the United States in CSF reimbursements since 2001. Official sources at the Ministry of Finance told Business Recorder that the government was expecting to receive about $1.4 billion in the current fiscal year from the US under the head of CSF.

The country has already received two tranches totalling $725 million in the current financial year, said a senior official of the Finance Ministry, adding that the first tranche of $371.5 million was received on August 28, 2014, while the second tranche of $363 million was received on September 30, 2014.

According to the sources, one of the biggest concerns for Pakistan is to ensure the continuation of the CSF and the matter is currently under discussion between the concerned authorities of two countries. In the Economic Survey 2013-14, the incumbent government claimed that the war against terrorism and invasion of Afghanistan by the US have incurred losses of around $102.5 billion to Pakistan during past 13 years.

The survey added that the conflict and instability in Afghanistan in the aftermath of 9/11 attacks on the US and their regional implications had very negative repercussions for the years following the US invasion of Afghanistan which witnessed not only a huge influx of Afghan refugees across the border into Pakistan but also witnessed a sudden spike in the frequency and scale of terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

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