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Pakistan and North Korea live on the edge


Jun 28, 2010
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According to respected U.S. intelligence analyst Bruce Riedel, Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal as well as the most terrorists per square mile. The latest tranche of classified cables published by WikiLeaks includes the revelation that since 2007, the United States has been engaged in unsuccessful efforts to remove from a Pakistani research reactor highly enriched uranium that could be diverted for use by terrorists in an illicit nuclear device.

There are interesting structural parallels between the world’s two potential nuclear flashpoints.

North Korea cannot make war, for it knows it would lose against the combined military might of South Korea and its U.S. ally. It cannot make peace, for then, too, it would lose to its more dynamic and prosperous twin. So it is compelled to maintain tension short of provoking a full-fledged war. The same equation of neither war nor peace because either would guarantee defeat applies to Pakistan vis-à-vis India.

Given the geography, North Korea could certainly inflict heavy damage on Seoul, but its ability to sustain protracted combat is highly suspect. Meanwhile, South Korea remains a close security ally of the United States; their integrated military command structure would ensure a prompt, unified response to any aggressive North Korean military move.

Pakistan cannot match India’s military might. This is why it seeks and India resists international mediation. India’s military forces, defence expenditure, economy and population are all several-fold bigger than Pakistan’s. Moreover, Pakistan’s arms production base is very narrow, and mostly within range of Indian combat aircraft and missiles. Pakistan is ill-placed to fight a war of attrition with India.

India should solve its Kashmir problem based on self-interest. New Delhi shows a curious mixture of hubris, arrogance and disingenuousness – “too clever by half” – in denying there is a problem. The issue has gravely corroded India’s democratic, secular and humanist values and institutions and hobbled its global aspirations.

That said, the core issue bedevilling India-Pakistan relations is not Kashmir but the nature of the Pakistani state and its obsession with military, diplomatic and emotional parity with India. Pakistan exploits anti-India sentiment in Kashmir. It is the conduit for arms, money and training for Kashmiri insurgents.

An opening up to the South is the last thing North Korea’s leaders can afford. Without a clear and present enemy, they would find it more difficult to justify keeping their malnourished country closed to the realities of the outside world. They must engage in periodic bouts of provocation to justify the hardships that failed policies have inflicted upon the people. Similarly, Kashmir as the battleground of the India-Pakistan cold war represents a clear and present danger that allows an unusually large role for the military and intelligence services in Pakistan’s affairs of state.

And so the conflicts go on. Pakistan lacks the power to wrest Kashmir from Indian control, but its active support enables the insurgency to continue indefinitely. India lacks the healing touch to solve the Kashmir conflict, but can withstand a low-intensity insurgency almost indefinitely. Similarly, Washington and Seoul lack the ability or will to force Korean reunification on their terms, but can withstand Pyongyang’s provocation indefinitely.

The final parallel between the two separate theatres is the moral hazard of periodically rewarding bad behaviour by North Korea and Pakistan with financial inducements. Little wonder that the lucrative cross-border provocations have become a habit-forming state of mind among the closed and powerful elites in Islamabad (the world’s only capital named after a religion) and Pyongyang.

Pakistan and North Korea live on the edge - The Globe and Mail
Interesting, especially the part about rewarding bad behavior comes to mind very prevalently in the current DRC crisis. It is the completely wrong message to send now to engage in talks or worse trying to "bribe" DRC out of its continues aggression and thereby asking for more. Similarly the dishonesty of Pakistans elites in the cooperation with the US should give them pause and lead to reconsideration sooner rather than later.
The difference between North Korea and Pakistan is, the world has a lot of sympathy for North Korean public. People sympathies even the Afghans. But for a reason justified or otherwise, people have little sympathy for Pakistan and its people. The feeling is more of fear.
The difference between North Korea and Pakistan is, the world has a lot of sympathy for North Korean public. People sympathies even the Afghans. But for a reason justified or otherwise, people have little sympathy for Pakistan and its people. The feeling is more of fear.

If the world consists of only the Western nations then I'll agree with you. Otherwise we have decent and fair relations with many other countries.
Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal Didn't feel like reading anything after that..
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
If the world consists of only the Western nations then I'll agree with you. Otherwise we have decent and fair relations with many other countries.

That's the problem with many Indians. They seem to think (at least from their posts it looks so) that the whole world only comprises of India and the west. "The whole world believes this about Pakistan..", "The whole world thinks this way about Pakistan..", "The whole world treats Pakistanis like this..", etc, etc. I have to tell them every time that India and the West is not the whole world! Even as far as the west is concerned, only parts of the west look at it that way, not a vast majority or a 100%. Nothing changes though.
why is everyone hating on pakistan and north korea? if you haven't been to a US client state like nicaragua or phillipines, you don't know what bad is like. imagine a country where some foreigner can go and rape, kill and steal at will, and when he is arrested by the police, he can just say, give me a phone call to the embassy, and he's free.
Can we swap north korea with india in the map? Abd then world will have no issue...lol
The difference between North Korea and Pakistan is, the world has a lot of sympathy for North Korean public. People sympathies even the Afghans. But for a reason justified or otherwise, people have little sympathy for Pakistan and its people. The feeling is more of fear.

Stop your baised comments and please contribute something positive to the forum.
Pakistan has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal Didn't feel like reading anything after that..
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

well i really pity that thought. i think u guys already have enough material for around 100 bombs. if u create material for 1000 bombs it wont make the difference, it will only alienate u from the rest of the world.

wat we both india and pakistan should be looking at is minimum credible nuclear deterrence. because after one point the number of nuclear weapons jus dont make any sense.

US has thousands of nuclear weapons (say 6500). would russia dare to attack if it had say only 2500. no never.

i think u guys are getting it all wrong. dont know the thought process behind it. more number of fissile material means one should have more resources for storage, safety and transportation.
Yea we do live on the edge we have been since the birth of our nation yet we are still in this world and will be for a very long time GOD bless Pakistan.

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