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Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix

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For this scenario Pakistan will need a sea based missile launch capability...A large submarine.

Nah , your land and air based assets are enough ...
By lowering their nuclear threshold..they are giving nuclear cover to its terrorist assets and ensuring that life of 180 million Pakistanis rest in the hand of a few terrorists and one battlefield commander(who is been handed nuclear weapons to play with).

That is a bull$hit argument!!
They claim to be sovereign nation..hence they are responsible for terrorism emanating from their land.

If they can not punish and control the terrorist on their land ..then they should stand aside ..let some else do their job for them.
Least of all is provide a nuclear umbrella to terrorism emanating from their country!!

They are giving nuclear cover to their country, not to any groups.

Controlling terrorism is hard, India should know that. Even China is having some trouble with ETIM.

I feel that invading Pakistan as retaliation for their inability to control some terrorist groups won't help anyone. In fact it will be taking away the resources they need to fight terrorism in the first place.

India placing their army on the Pakistan border means that Pakistan has to draw away troops and resources from fighting terrorism on the other side of the country. Doctrines like Cold start make it worse, since preparing for it leaves them with even less resources to fight terrorism in their country.
They are giving nuclear cover to their country, not to any groups.

Controlling terrorism is hard, India should know that. Even China is having some trouble with ETIM.

I feel that invading Pakistan as retaliation for their inability to control some terrorist groups won't help anyone. In fact it will be taking away the resources they need to fight terrorism in the first place.

India placing their army on the Pakistan border means that Pakistan has to draw away troops and resources from fighting terrorism on the other side of the country. Doctrines like Cold start make it worse, since preparing for it leaves them with even less resources to fight terrorism in their country.

That was why 26/11 was done the militants wanted this and also to stop India-Pak getting closer
We don't care sweetheart. Aren't you forgetting something ?

Pakistanis are suicide bombers and are glad to take you guys down with them.

Besides when they die they will go to HEAVEN, but you KAF**'s are going to HELL.

is it u who decides the hell or heaven......

or is it the god who is personally biased against the idol worshippers..
Typical Dhoti shivering journalism.
Its time we called in the Pakistani nuke bluff, Pakistan need to be told if a nuke small or big fell on Indian soil then Indian retaliatory nuclear attack would be so severe that it would certainly wipe out Pakistan from face of the planet.
And along with the Pakistanis, Chinese should be also warned that we would consider Pak nuke attack on India as attack by the Chinese itself and we go after the Chinese as well.
If these two warmongering neighbours of our want nuke war then they will certainly get it.
Let life get wiped out from the face of this planet.

Straight from BRF , kid ? Are you ? :azn:

Sure , why not ? Call our bluff if we are bluffing otherwise things can get hot in a couple of hours ... Pakistan needs nothing to be told ... My country will use every weapon at its disposal when its existence is threatened or nuclear threshold are crossed ... Let me remind you , fanboy ! There are no victors in a nuclear war as many of your lot foolishly think here ... There will be no India or Pakistan at the end of it ...

First try to deal with Pakistan than talk of China , the second artillery corps has weapons that can put your obsolete technology to shame ...

And get yourself some treatment in a psychiatric centre to even think of such scenario !
In next decade India owing to its GDP should be able to buy silence of international community in event if India decide to go for further nuke test to increase the yield of its nukes.

What GDP? Do you mean this?

IMF cuts India growth forecast to 4.9% - Economic Times

Yes geography is on yr side but if India acquires nukes as powerful as you folks got then things won't be as rosy for you.
India has always talked of two front war And China's renewed interest in Su35 and its failure to come up with a power indigenous fighter plane engine is certainly a question mark on China's military capabilities and so it safe to presume that gap b\w India and China's military capability is not that as high as earlier anticipated.
Unlike China India has never been in an war mode when it has come to building its military capabilities and if would come down to this then India can certainly ramp up the things and since India has access to what best stuff west has to offer so India easily can come up to level of the Chinese.

India's own Armed Forces have officially stated that India cannot possibly match China's military force, not now or in the future either. Their own words.

And in end the results would just as catastrophic for both us, unless Chinese don't stop assisting the Pakistanis.

America gives billions of dollars of military aid to Pakistan every year. Not China.

I don't see you complaining about that?

And why are we talking about China-India in a thread about Pakistan-India?
Yes , a battlefield commander !

Who will enlighten the Indian invaders that the threshold has been crossed and any further continuation of the conflict may end up in both sides using strategic nukes ...

Sure , lose a billion of your people ! Remember , we are determined ... That is the reason how have we prevented three wars !

If your general are foolish enough to carry on their with their plans of "warning shot" ..I am sure India can get away destruction of Pakistan, with much fewer causalties than a billion.

Your lack of credible second strike capability..compounded by the error of crossing Indian nuclear thresh hold with a small tactical nuke(instead of an all out nuclear strike), is a compelling case for India to launch an all out nuclear retaliation ..aiming to destroy your nuclear launch capability. Thereby minimizing the retaliatory nuclear damage to India.

I mean if it is clear to us, that you are ready to use nuclear weapons and destroy us(as proved by use of your tactical nukes)..what is to prevent us from destorying you first and ensuring, our survival and your anhillation.
They are giving nuclear cover to their country, not to any groups.

Controlling terrorism is hard, India should know that. Even China is having some trouble with ETIM.

I feel that invading Pakistan as retaliation for their inability to control some terrorist groups won't help anyone. In fact it will be taking away the resources they need to fight terrorism in the first place.

India placing their army on the Pakistan border means that Pakistan has to draw away troops and resources from fighting terrorism on the other side of the country. Doctrines like Cold start make it worse, since preparing for it leaves them with even less resources to fight terrorism in their country.

They have had plenty of time put their terrorist groups on leash..why should we suffer for their incompetence or complecency.

If they can not control their terrorist ..then they should step aside..as they are already doing in their western sector and letting American bomb them.
They can longer play plausible deniability card and have own up for the acts commited by their country men from their soil.
Straight from BRF , kid ? Are you ? :azn:

Sure , why not ? Call our bluff if we are bluffing otherwise things can get hot in a couple of hours ... Pakistan needs nothing to be told ... My country will use every weapon at its disposal when its existence is threatened or nuclear threshold are crossed ... Let me remind you , fanboy ! There are no victors in a nuclear war as many of your lot foolishly think here ... There will be no India or Pakistan at the end of it ...

First try to deal with Pakistan than talk of China , the second artillery corps has weapons that can put your obsolete technology to shame ...

And get yourself some treatment in a psychiatric centre to even think of such scenario !

I think I have aptly quoted that there are no winner in nuke war but Pakistan since its birth has behaved as L'enfant terrible and country which idolizes and behaves like invader Ghori, which kept attacking India even after being vanquished 18 times. Even if India gives up its claim over Kashmir and hands it to Pakistan on silver plater, Pakistan is not gonna bend its ways and would keep attacking India unless it is completely vanquished.
Nah , your land and air based assets are enough ...

Movement of land/air based Launchers depends on Roads,and in a war roads and runways are the first target...
They have had plenty of time put their terrorist groups on leash..why should we suffer for their incompetence or complecency.

If they can not control their terrorist ..then they should step aside..as they are already doing in their western sector and letting American bomb them.
They can longer play plausible deniability card and have own up for the acts commited by their country men from their soil.

Can't you stop the non-state actors from getting into India?

China has a land border with Afghanistan, but we lock it down pretty tight.
Oh you superpower why don't u come forward and take AP for which you are crying from last few decades..flex your muscles baby (not in pdf pleaseee ask cpp to do something)

Don't you remember? :lol:

We TOOK Arunachal Pradesh in 1962, we smashed India in both sectors.

India never won Arunachal Pradesh back by fighting. You simply waited until we left on our own.

And China is not a super power, and won't ever be. That role is reserved for India.
Don't you remember? :lol:

We TOOK Arunachal Pradesh in 1962, we smashed India in both sectors.

India never won Arunachal Pradesh back by fighting. You simply waited until we left on our own.

And China is not a super power, and won't ever be. That role is reserved for India.

Are you trying to troll? The reason India did not win Arunachal Pradesh back is because India never got the opportunity. The Chinese knew their logistics was not enough to fight 2 fully geared corps running towards them. They made a PR victory out of going back which they had to in any case.

On topic though: No. The Indo-Pak border and BD border is such that it is impossible to shut it down. The terrain doesnt allow it. However Pakistan is foolish enough that it doesnt just pump money to turn up Islamic radicalism in India, their rulers even do it in Pakistan. And there have to be ways and means to make Pakistan understand this.
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