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Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix

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Apr 4, 2012
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Pakistan is reportedly racing to acquire a threatening arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons – smaller and more readily usable nukes – which creates instability of another dimension altogether in South Asia. If deployed, these battlefield weapons will raise the stakes for India, while giving Pakistan’s ISI-linked jihadis a nearly impenetrable cover for terrorist attacks.

US experts are deeply concerned about the development because when pushed to its logical conclusion, such weapons make sense only when distributed near the borders for quick and early use. That, by definition, is destabilising because the decision to use them would theoretically rest with officers lower down the hierarchy. Political inputs – such as they are in Pakistan – could be lost or ignored by a local commander in the confusion of war.

The fear of theft might also increase as small nuclear weapons are distributed around the battlefield and so would the possibility of loss of command and control. No surprise that US officials are worried – their once most favored nation-state has added a new poison into the mix.

Given that Pakistan army’s main obsession remains India and memories of defeat in past wars are constantly alive, New Delhi will have to ponder the meaning of this new proliferation. An arsenal of readily available tactical weapons lowers the threshold for a nuclear exchange and possibly limits India’s options.

India’s policy is “no-first use” of nuclear weapons but of retaliation in case of a nuclear attack. Pakistan has no such mitigating thoughts and has an explicit “nuclear first use” policy. It bluntly refused India’s offer of a joint no-first-use pledge in May 1998 after both countries conducted nuclear tests. When President Asif Ali Zardari tried to walk back and suggested to an Indian audience that he was ready to accept a no-first-use policy, he was quickly dismissed as “uninformed” and as speaking “off the cuff” by the military establishment.

Many argue that the nuclear shield allowed Pakistan to launch the Kargil incursion in 1999, and to send ISI-trained terrorists to attack the Indian parliament in December 2001 and landmarks in Mumbai in 2008. India amassed troops on the border in 2001, but didn’t proceed any further mainly because of fear of crossing the nuclear threshold.

The development of tactical nukes complicates this picture even further. And it is not as if Pakistan is doing this secretly. Pakistan is running down the dangerous road openly, wilfully and announcing it in press releases. Its stockpile of plutonium has grown with Chinese help. The generals in Rawalpindi have been boastfully telling visitors about their new capability. This more dangerous and destabilising scenario is an indirect message to India that if you do “Cold Start,” you will meet a “hot end.”

Cold Start is a doctrine talked about in Indian defence circles; it envisages quick but limited retaliation with rapid mobilisation without crossing the nuclear threshold in case of a Pakistani provocation. Interestingly, the Indian political leadership has never embraced Cold Start – and in India these delicacies matter greatly. But that hasn’t stopped Pakistan’s military from assuming the worst. Dangling the threat of using tactical nuclear weapons, it wants to deny India the space for conventional military retaliation in case of a terrorist attack traced back to ISI-trained extremists.

The testing of Nasr (Hatf IX), a short-range missile with a range of 60 km, in April 2011 is Pakistan’s loud answer. It was officially announced as being capable of carrying nuclear warheads of “high accuracy” and having the ability to “shoot and scoot.” In plain English: Pakistan may have developed miniaturised nuclear warheads that can be mounted on Nasr.

Pakistan is also said to be “jumping generations, developing force structures and command and control” and doing everything else required to fight a nuclear war. It is already known from a 2008 WikiLeaks cable that US intelligence officials believe “Pakistan is producing nuclear weapons at a faster rate than any other country in the world.” It may soon surpass Britain and France. But how it plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons is still unclear.

The reality is that even if India didn’t ever develop Cold Start – and there is no indication it is an accepted doctrine – Pakistan would still be going down this path. When the Generals, who unfortunately continue to decide Pakistan’s destiny, see a conventional military disadvantage with India, they want to regain parity. But this time the answer they have found is highly destabilising, especially in light of the turbulent domestic situation in Pakistan.

In addition, those who control Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal have not publicly defined the red lines for their possible use and it would be safer for India to assume the Generals are not bluffing. While restraint is India’s fall-back position and civilian control over the military undisputed, in Pakistan nuclear weapons are under direct military command. As the military’s arsenal grows, so might its confidence for adventurism.

Nuclear weapons, while never desirable and always precarious, have traditionally been used for deterrence. But Pakistan is a different kettle of fish. It was born in insecurity and Pakistan’s military establishment hasn’t closed the book on Partition of the subcontinent in 1947 because it didn’t get Kashmir. The Generals have been talking of waging a “people’s war” in India since the 1950s to wrest Kashmir, according to academics who have studied the Pakistan army documents. Despite losing wars, they haven’t “felt” defeated. Instead, accepting the status quo is considered defeat.

The new fixation of Pakistan’s military for tactical nuclear weapons can open a Pandora’s box of moves and counter-moves. But none of the above would be required if the one factor that endangers stability in South Asia is isolated and removed – and that is Pakistan-supported terrorism. And you don’t need nuclear weapons for that.

Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix | Firstpost
Pakistan is reportedly racing to acquire a threatening arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons – smaller and more readily usable nukes – which creates instability of another dimension altogether in South Asia. If deployed, these battlefield weapons will raise the stakes for India, while giving Pakistan’s ISI-linked jihadis a nearly impenetrable cover for terrorist attacks.

US experts are deeply concerned about the development because when pushed to its logical conclusion, such weapons make sense only when distributed near the borders for quick and early use. That, by definition, is destabilising because the decision to use them would theoretically rest with officers lower down the hierarchy. Political inputs – such as they are in Pakistan – could be lost or ignored by a local commander in the confusion of war.

The fear of theft might also increase as small nuclear weapons are distributed around the battlefield and so would the possibility of loss of command and control. No surprise that US officials are worried – their once most favored nation-state has added a new poison into the mix.

Given that Pakistan army’s main obsession remains India and memories of defeat in past wars are constantly alive, New Delhi will have to ponder the meaning of this new proliferation. An arsenal of readily available tactical weapons lowers the threshold for a nuclear exchange and possibly limits India’s options.

India’s policy is “no-first use” of nuclear weapons but of retaliation in case of a nuclear attack. Pakistan has no such mitigating thoughts and has an explicit “nuclear first use” policy. It bluntly refused India’s offer of a joint no-first-use pledge in May 1998 after both countries conducted nuclear tests. When President Asif Ali Zardari tried to walk back and suggested to an Indian audience that he was ready to accept a no-first-use policy, he was quickly dismissed as “uninformed” and as speaking “off the cuff” by the military establishment.

Many argue that the nuclear shield allowed Pakistan to launch the Kargil incursion in 1999, and to send ISI-trained terrorists to attack the Indian parliament in December 2001 and landmarks in Mumbai in 2008. India amassed troops on the border in 2001, but didn’t proceed any further mainly because of fear of crossing the nuclear threshold.

The development of tactical nukes complicates this picture even further. And it is not as if Pakistan is doing this secretly. Pakistan is running down the dangerous road openly, wilfully and announcing it in press releases. Its stockpile of plutonium has grown with Chinese help. The generals in Rawalpindi have been boastfully telling visitors about their new capability. This more dangerous and destabilising scenario is an indirect message to India that if you do “Cold Start,” you will meet a “hot end.”

Cold Start is a doctrine talked about in Indian defence circles; it envisages quick but limited retaliation with rapid mobilisation without crossing the nuclear threshold in case of a Pakistani provocation. Interestingly, the Indian political leadership has never embraced Cold Start – and in India these delicacies matter greatly. But that hasn’t stopped Pakistan’s military from assuming the worst. Dangling the threat of using tactical nuclear weapons, it wants to deny India the space for conventional military retaliation in case of a terrorist attack traced back to ISI-trained extremists.

The testing of Nasr (Hatf IX), a short-range missile with a range of 60 km, in April 2011 is Pakistan’s loud answer. It was officially announced as being capable of carrying nuclear warheads of “high accuracy” and having the ability to “shoot and scoot.” In plain English: Pakistan may have developed miniaturised nuclear warheads that can be mounted on Nasr.

Pakistan is also said to be “jumping generations, developing force structures and command and control” and doing everything else required to fight a nuclear war. It is already known from a 2008 WikiLeaks cable that US intelligence officials believe “Pakistan is producing nuclear weapons at a faster rate than any other country in the world.” It may soon surpass Britain and France. But how it plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons is still unclear.

The reality is that even if India didn’t ever develop Cold Start – and there is no indication it is an accepted doctrine – Pakistan would still be going down this path. When the Generals, who unfortunately continue to decide Pakistan’s destiny, see a conventional military disadvantage with India, they want to regain parity. But this time the answer they have found is highly destabilising, especially in light of the turbulent domestic situation in Pakistan.

In addition, those who control Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal have not publicly defined the red lines for their possible use and it would be safer for India to assume the Generals are not bluffing. While restraint is India’s fall-back position and civilian control over the military undisputed, in Pakistan nuclear weapons are under direct military command. As the military’s arsenal grows, so might its confidence for adventurism.

Nuclear weapons, while never desirable and always precarious, have traditionally been used for deterrence. But Pakistan is a different kettle of fish. It was born in insecurity and Pakistan’s military establishment hasn’t closed the book on Partition of the subcontinent in 1947 because it didn’t get Kashmir. The Generals have been talking of waging a “people’s war” in India since the 1950s to wrest Kashmir, according to academics who have studied the Pakistan army documents. Despite losing wars, they haven’t “felt” defeated. Instead, accepting the status quo is considered defeat.

The new fixation of Pakistan’s military for tactical nuclear weapons can open a Pandora’s box of moves and counter-moves. But none of the above would be required if the one factor that endangers stability in South Asia is isolated and removed – and that is Pakistan-supported terrorism. And you don’t need nuclear weapons for that.

Pak race for tactical nukes adds new poison to the mix | Firstpost

U seems scared, Why do not u give Kashmir back to Pakistan and say sorry and promise not to make any stupid mistakes again in the future. They might forgive u , Pakistani are a forgiving lot MUK muka is in their DNA.
Writer consistently denied CSD is not endorsed by political leadership. Yet Indian army in recent war exercises practiced the concept of CSD. That's the credibility of writer. It seems it was a ISI and PA bashing article he wrote instead of talking about tactical nukes.
India's cold start doctrine is about to become very very cold indeed! So can benefit from a tactical nuke to give you some heat!

A good point that when the two nations will be heavily armed they will think twice before going to war!
Writer is also so ignorant about new developments in strategic field of Pakistan Army. A new central system has been developed and being made operational from where all the monitoring of flight path, launching and aborting of missile would be done. IF a rouge low level officers get the Nuke Firing codes somehow, a rouge missile launch would be aborted instantly. But it's a theory a low level officer could get nuke firing codes without which warhead is dud.

According to Writer intellect level, he should go and write masala scripts for bollywood because he doesn't know how to do a proper search before writing a decent investigative report.
Writer consistently denied CSD is not endorsed by political leadership. Yet Indian army in recent war exercises practiced the concept of CSD. That's the credibility of writer. It seems it was a ISI and PA bashing article he wrote instead of talking about tactical nukes.

Mate, i agree that the author wants to create a fear factor, accompanied by bashing of the PA & ISI, but the author also gives some good reasoning to justify his points. It's no secret that Pakistan is developing tactical nukes while India only have stockpiles of strategic nuclear weapons, what this does is create an asymmetry of grand proportions, the limited causality & affected area as well as the control over tactical nukes by war-zone commanders will make them a tempting option to use against incoming Indian armored formations, but the Indian nuclear doctrine is as clear as it can be, India will not be the first one to use them, but will retaliate massively whenever India or Indians are attacked by the same, than it doesn't matter weather the causality was on a limited scale or the affected area was Pakistan itself, India will retaliate & retaliate hard, this is what the author is trying to say that the Nuclear Threshold has been drastically reduced in the sub-continent when the Pakistani leadership decided to develop tactical nuclear weapons.
Someone please tell Pakistan that countries far more powerful than it toyed with and discarded tac nukes as options in the 70s and 80s.

Pakistan needs to behave itself. Too irresponsible and juvenile by far.
Someone please tell Pakistan that countries far more powerful than it toyed with and discarded tac nukes as options in the 70s and 80s.

Pakistan needs to behave itself. Too irresponsible and juvenile by far.

I only see Pakistan wasting their money on nukes whereas India is putting it at better place on improving road and railway infrastructure in J&K
This article is BS and writer is hindu nationalist she is author of things like ''Sita curse" etc.
IMO such weapon system will save civilians on both side it will be used in battlefield only against large enemy formations.

P.S What i see India and Pakistan are not going to fight full scale war atleast in next 10 years but arms race will continue in this region.
I only see Pakistan wasting their money on nukes whereas India is putting it at better place on improving road and railway infrastructure in J&K

First of all, from Pakistan's perspective the investment on nuclear assets is probably the best investment Pakistan has ever made.

Also, it is not wasting money because it keeps India at bay.
I think Pakistan should assure India that its nukes are safe and those will only be used by military itself whenever they are used. Its unreasonable fear on part of India that militants could use nukes against them. We should make India believe that no matter what, it will be only military who will use them and only before, in the middle and towards the end of the battle.. not in peace times. Suchi!!

First of all, from Pakistan's perspective the investment on nuclear assets is probably the best investment Pakistan has ever made.

Also, it is not wasting money because it keeps India at bay.

If you keep 20 nukes or 200 nukes it matters same for India. :enjoy:
Someone please tell Pakistan that countries far more powerful than it toyed with and discarded tac nukes as options in the 70s and 80s.
"Far more powerful"? Example please. Pakistan is not going to give up this program at any cost, any cost. World has tried for 30 years and always failed. This included direct and indirect warnings/threats/pressure and even direct attack, twice, by India and Israel, yet they always failed. We have and we shall always stick to this program of us, without which, Pakistan would not have been present today. This program is a pain for everyone who dares look at Pakistan as enemy, and hence it's not surprising that they will try all means for Pakistan to surrender her Nuclear program. Plans of joint-direct attacks did nothing, neither would whines or propaganda.

Pakistan needs to behave itself. Too irresponsible and juvenile by far.
Pakistan is doing that very well, thank you for your concern. Irresponsible and juvenile by your terms seem development of Nuclear program, so India is no less irresponsible and juvenile by your dictionary.
U seems scared, Why do not u give Kashmir back to Pakistan and say sorry and promise not to make any stupid mistakes again in the future. They might forgive u , Pakistani are a forgiving lot MUK muka is in their DNA.

Yes ye are very scared of Mard-e-momin and Sword of Islam's Army . More than 50 thousand Regular soldiers surrendered to forgive us as they didn't want Bangladesh Anyway . Right ?
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