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Pak nuclear program is worlds fastest growing

All this Nuclear Sabre Rattling is very immature and counter productive. Pakistan should continue to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Let us hope that it never comes to lobbing nukes on each other. Pakistanis should not be bragging about their Nuclear Expertise but instead concentrate on developing their Economy, which is the need of the hour.
the less nukes the better the developed economies know this now. so don't be that happy
The problem with this line of argument is that the threat of use of this weapon is essentially one of posture. If India were to attack inspite of the existence of this threat, then the bluff has been called & military planners of Pakistan must take into consideration that India is prepared to take this to the next level effectively rendering this weapon useless. No Pakistani General is foolish enough to order a tactical nuke strike on Indian forces when he is confronted with the possibility that India may retaliate with a massive strike in response which has the possibility of seriously eroding Pakistani capabilities. Whether or not enough weapons remain after a massive strike from India to mount a successful second strike, Pakistan would have essentially been finished and the possibility remains that damage from second strikes to India may be largely ineffective. That reason alone would prohibit the use of a tactical nuke as a first strike & in keeping with the stated Pakistani position to maintain a first strike option which would only be feasible if it were a large, substantial one.

Agreed, however Pakistan's "Leap first, look later" image has made made Indian analysts weary of us. They may see it as bluff but they will try their utmost not to try and tempt Pakistan. Secondly, the weapon's effectiveness from a tactical point of view is not limited to nukes, if the need arises, the Nasr system can be launched at corp level concentrations of enemy troops with disastrous effect without warranting a nuclear response, however according to protocol, enemy troops may have to move in as they would expect similar strikes. They may also be moved to make way for the boys with the Geiger counters to ensure there was no radioactive material in the warheads, prolonged exposure to minute levels of radiation can also affect a solider's fighting ability.
Thousand, sir please go with a billion or trillion, and while at it make a billion and trillion missile delivery system, and make sure to gift the missile to every house in Pakistan, people shouldn't be left out. And hopefully after all of this other countries will dare to bomb Pakistan, because right now they don't seem too worried about the 200 so nukes you have. So start working fast. It will take some resources and money, but since the land is flowing with milk and honey you can sell it to buy Uranium from friendly country(not countries).
Yes! Exactly what is our aim.....everybody within our country shold have a Nukes under his bed just like everybody got AK's in every house... After that nobody gonna dare to mess with us....even a small Child would be able to defend his country due to his Nuke.He just gonna put the Nuke on his AK and will fire at our enemies....:D
How does this even matter ? What is the big deal if Pakistan has 200 nukes and India has measly 100 + nukes ?

All it would take is about 10-15 nukes to render the countries of size pakistan/india non functional. Assuming 300% buffer to make sure delivery systems reaches the destination - all you need is 50 nukes...

This is purely a dick measuring contest between establishments..Both countries (in fact all) countries should reduce the nukes and maintain only that is required for deterence !!

So India's massive induction of aircrafts purchased from all over the world is not a d**k contest? :lol:
So India's massive induction of aircrafts purchased from all over the world is not a d**k contest? :lol:

Not by any measure , we have in our mind both you and our eastern neighbour when we are talking about airplanes, but I believe that you know ,even 1 nuclear bomb(explosion) is enough to bring doom upon yourself..
Pakistan made atom bomb in early 80's, we kept it secret for almost two decades, we did not had any intention to show off only indian intentions and stupidity which got us nuke status so therefore any misadventure in the future from them can be responded as we cant not trust indian, israel and usa therefore smart bombs are very good choice, it will be easy to deliver, hide, transport, store and more importantly in worse case can avoide some civilian casualties
We should not believe on our enemies, they will do everything to harm us so its better to be prepared rather than sorry
So India's massive induction of aircrafts purchased from all over the world is not a d**k contest? :lol:
Not by Indian standards...:azn:
We are just trying to fulfill the falling strength of IAF....these 126 fighters are not even close to what India requires to fulfill it's squadron strength
Agreed, however Pakistan's "Leap first, look later" image has made made Indian analysts weary of us.
Beware of leaping first and thinking later, for you might fall into a well;)
Actually this is the very reason why the world doesn't consider Pakistan a very serious threat...
The Indian and American strategists are counting on the internal strife and political mess going on within Pakistan to keep them from seriously focusing on it's nuclear detterent.......
Pakistan made atom bomb in early 80's, we kept it secret for almost two decades, we did not had any intention to show off only indian intentions and stupidity which got us nuke status so therefore any misadventure in the future from them can be responded as we cant not trust indian, israel and usa therefore smart bombs are very good choice, it will be easy to deliver, hide, transport, store and more importantly in worse case can avoide some civilian casualties
We should not believe on our enemies, they will do everything to harm us so its better to be prepared rather than sorry

U made a bomb and kept it secret for nearly 2 decades and blasted it later, If India wouldn't have tested it then you still wouldn't have It seems and instead would have simulated its yield without a super computer in your possession but with a team of core Pakistani mathematicians. We have heard enough of these fairy tales. In 1980's you received a pre-tested, atomic bomb design along with bomb-grade enriched uranium from China.
I know its hard for you to accept superioerity of our weapons secondly our genius scientist did great job, we dont have fund like indian whatever u like buy it from russian so please dont be so jealous
Pakistan will keep it up and no force has stopped them yet...

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