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Pak engineer makes car that runs on water

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you are saying
heat absorbed during the process of breaking water molecule = heat released when a molecule of hydrogen is burnt
are you sure ?

let me put it this way.

water = 2x Hydrogen atoms and 1x Oxygen atom

hydrogen molecule = 2x hydrogen atom
oxygen molecule = 2x oxygen atom

when we burn hydrogen to create water

2x hydrogen molecule + 1x oxygen molecule --> 2x water molecule + energy1

when we conduct electrolysis of water

2x water molecule + energy2 ---> 2x hydrogen molecule + 1x oxygen molecule

energy1 = energy2
whats your thought about nuclear fission ?
There are two closed systems here
one which requires energy to produce hydrogen through water
another one which releases energy by burning the hydrogen
thermodynamics comes in second part ..
But the argument that because of law of thermodynamics the process is impossible does not hold water .. It is as good as telling one cannot run the car using hydrogen as fuel because law says so ..
I might have agreed if someone said facts of chemistry does not allow this or its not economical but howcome thermodynamics related to the topic ?

all heat engines run on the basis of thermodynamics, that includes everything from the steam used to turn the turbines in a power plant to the jet engines on F22
also it is the law of thermodynamics that says that the entropy of a closed system can not change that ensures that chemical reactions proceed in a particular direction. for example a candle burns to produce carbon dioxide. but the carbon dioxide in the air never condenses to form a candle.

i know it sounds rude but you have no idea what thermodynamics is. i suggest you read up on it if you are ever want to be involved with engineering
all heat engines run on the basis of thermodynamics, that includes everything from the steam used to turn the turbines in a power plant to the jet engines on F22
also it is the law of thermodynamics that says that the entropy of a closed system can not change that ensures that chemical reactions proceed in a particular direction. for example a candle burns to produce carbon dioxide. but the carbon dioxide in the air never condenses to form a candle.

i know it sounds rude but you have no idea what thermodynamics is. i suggest you read up on it if you are ever want to be involved with engineering
I will second it.
thermal energy can be directly converted to electrical energy ..some alloy material has the property to become magnetic when you heat it ..now place the material in a magnetic field and transfer heat to that material you gonna get electricity .. Burn hydrogen to get the heat ..now tell me where does your thermodynamics comes to the picture ?

you do realise that the existence of two magnetised objects not enough to create electricity. you need to move a conductor through a magnetic field to get electricity. or you need to keep a conductor in a changing magnetic field.

so lets say your magnetic on heating material is used to create the changing magnetic field. it can not be heated indefinitely to keep changing the magnetic field. so we would need to heat and cool it regularly. so a lot of the energy will be dumped into your heat sink when you cool the material. so clearly a very small part of the energy required to heat the material is actually converted to electricity

if you have to ask how thermodynamics is involved, you have no idea what thermodynamics is.
I agree that my field is altogether different from topic of discussion ..funny thing is i misunderstood the term thermodynamics itself ...but in this thread people who knew the topic are playing to the gallery so i tried to play devils advocate ..now i got sufficient answers and happy about my learning
The reality is you gonna get energy when you split water in to hydrogen and oxygen ..and as all know hydrogen is a clean form of energy ..so theoritically speaking both are energy surplus equations and a lot of energy can be derived from water
our process of splitting water is not efficient ..there are efficient ways in nature for ex in photosynthesis the process of splitting water molecule gives energy .. So stating that car cannot be run through water because law of thermodynamics say so is absurd ..the thing is we yet not discovered efficient ways to split the water molecule


converting water to hydrogen and oxygen is an endothermic reaction. a lot of energy is absorbed.

It has nothing to do with efficiency of our mechanisms
place a coil of conductor , variation in magnetic field will induct voltage in stationary coil..as far as heating and cooling is concerned the practical use is limited to exhaust pipes where you can tap a small portion of waste heat energy

For the love of all that is holy, please consider moving this thread to the "Stupid and Funny" section and make it a sticky there till this hoax dies. It is stupid, and will be funny for sure! :D


For the love of all that is holy, please consider moving this thread to the "Stupid and Funny" section and make it a sticky there till this hoax dies. It will be funny for sure! :D


I second that motion
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