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PAF J-10C News, Updates and Discussion


the j10c which is claimed to be equivalent to the f16 52 is the backbone of the Chinese airforce ? The f16 52 variant came in the 90s ?
The AESA in the j10 must be giving it a left up to the f16 ?

If you are trying to refer to JH-7 I seriously doubt it.
May be F-35 hahhhahahha
If Pakistan order KF21, it may with condition SK will not sell it to India

The reverse is more possible, given India's greater economic resources to purchase weapons in large quantities.
Why are people excited about F-16 rumors?
I say **** America, who wants to trust those fucking bastards again?
do you people have no self-respect? want the same yoke of slavery around our necks again?
If we had a strong financial position, I would rather burn those F-16 or better use them as aerial targets for Thunder Block 3
Very good
A machine which is saving your a** for 40 years , use it as a target practice
Why are people excited about F-16 rumors?
I say **** America, who wants to trust those fucking bastards again?
do you people have no self-respect? want the same yoke of slavery around our necks again?
If we had a strong financial position, I would rather burn those F-16 or better use them as aerial targets for Thunder Block 3
We won't be buying anything on Aid and these are not just rumors things are already in play. We would pay full price to what we want.
One hell of a big only.
In basketball terms, if we cross that bridge, "we'll get the mismatch every time." IMO, an industrial Pakistan could steer the economies of Central Asia, Afghanistan, the Gulf, and maybe even Northeast Africa in our direction. Just think of the massive geo-security development if that happens.
that was then, now is now. The world has changed and we only got raped in that camp, why go there again? we have been doing pretty well till now and will do even better with China in the near future. 18 jets won't do any good in a full-scale war except delaying the outcome by a few days. We should keep investing in our own homegrown jet. The amount we will pay for 18 F-16's would be enough to make three squadrons of Thunders and still leave enough to invest in R&D for the home grown next gen

There were no other machines at that time you were in the US camp in the cold war !
Yep, pay them the full price and then wait for them for 4 years and then smart *** congress cunt will present another " fucking amendment" and your fully paid jest will go to safe storage while you pay their storage charges and kiss their arses for two years to get boot up your behind, does it sound familiar to you? forgot the '90s already? what about the Zulu's? Anybody who signs an agreement with them for any more military hardware would be a total jackass idiot and enemy of the state.
We are actually buying starship form Elon Musk to use it as a space fighter !
Why are people excited about F-16 rumors?
I say **** America, who wants to trust those fucking bastards again?
do you people have no self-respect? want the same yoke of slavery around our necks again?
If we had a strong financial position, I would rather burn those F-16 or better use them as aerial targets for Thunder Block 3
Exactly my sentiments as well.
Better to work with China on basically everything.
PAF has retired A-5 Fantans a long time ago, retired during Musharraf days.

True, but some are in put in storage for that rainy day !!


The Dragons are coming home soon inshallah !!


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