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Oxford Imam:Young muslims taught that white girls are cheap

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may be @RazPaK will know more about whats going on..
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The most annoying part is they call these people "Asian men".As if they had some Pan Asian connection.This has nothing to do with they being Asians.In fact, its an insult to other Asian communities.Just call the spade a spade.

Since you asked so nicely about other Asians, India has one third of the world's child marriages and one of the worst cases of child trafficking and prostitution. So Indians beating their chests sanctimoniously about this issue is ironic, to say the least.

This is happening not just in uk but across Europe. In France it is Algerian, in Belgium it is Moroccan men and so on. The reform must come from inside their communities.

And in the US it is Latinos, blacks and Russians doing it. Does it now become a Christian phenomenon?

its done by gangs of people across cities. The only common thread is they are pakistanis

If you look at the broader pattern across the globe, the common thread is that these are gangs. Gangs include people from all religions, cultures and ethnicities.

I don't know how much people know about gang culture, but underage girls are a mainstay of gangs. Many of these girls -- from rather well to do families -- voluntarily go to these gangs to escape their comfortable lifestyle and to be with "bad boys". This is not to excuse the men's behavior but to explain the connection between gangs and underage girls.
If you look at the broader pattern across the globe, the common thread is that these are gangs. Gangs include people from all religions, cultures and ethnicities.

I don't know how much people know about gang culture, but underage girls are a mainstay of gangs. Many of these girls -- from rather well to do families -- voluntarily go to these gangs to escape their comfortable lifestyle and to be with "bad boys". This is not to excuse the men's behavior but to explain the connection between gangs and underage girls.

In these cases, no. All the girls are from working class families, vulnerable already. Its easy to be their 'mate' and gain trust. These gangs we are talking about are not 'gangs' in normal sense, they dont commit street crimes. They dont sell drugs as such. Those asian gangs are different lot, like african and white chav gangs.
Some of the 'gang' members are respectable old people (40, 50 year olds). One might call it 'ring' than gang.
Indeed, rather than calling it a Muslim problem, the problem lies with Pakistani's.

Why are an extra ordinary number of Pakistani's involved in such crimes and problems in UK. Seem to be an extremist bunch of people.
AFAIK, Pakistani's in US are not like this.

Any ideas @Silverblaze ?
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In these cases, no. All the girls are from working class families, vulnerable already. Its easy to be their 'mate' and gain trust. These gangs we are talking about are not 'gangs' in normal sense, they dont commit street crimes. They dont sell drugs as such. Those asian gangs are different lot, like african and white chav gangs.
Some of the 'gang' members are respectable old people (40, 50 year olds). One might call it 'ring' than gang.

It's still the same thing. I didn't mean to imply that only rich girls hang out with gangs; in fact the majority of girls are from disadvantaged or similar socioeconomic groups.

Also, the important aspect is the allure of hanging out with "bad boys" or rebelling from societal norms. These gangs, or rings, have enough social stigma to be attractive.

Heck, you hang out at 7-11 and you will have underage girls coming up to you to score some booze or smokes.
;) Indian fashion designer and his sexual abuse of white girls ahem american girls /teens/kids in US

Indian-American fashion designer Anand Jon, facing a 59 years prison sentence in California for sexually abusing aspiring models, has pleaded guilty in a federal court here to molesting a woman whom he allegedly lured with promise of modelling work.

Jon admitted to one count of criminal sexual act in Manhattan Supreme Court on Thursday and was sentenced to five years under a plea deal reached with federal prosecutors.

The Kerala-born celebrity fashion designer was arrested in 2007 in California on charges he preyed upon seven young aspiring models, some as young as 14 and sexually assaulted them. He is currently serving 59 years to life in prison in California.

In a plea deal reached with federal prosecutors here, Jon pleaded guilty to one count of criminal sexual act against one aspiring female model.

In turn, Manhattan prosecutors dropped almost their entire case against him. He had initially been charged with preying on a dozen women in a 49-count indictment in New York.

Assistant District Attorney Maxine Rosenthal told a judge that the deal was accepted “to spare the victims from having to testify at multiple proceedings” and in consideration of his lengthy sentence in California.

Ms. Rosenthal said Jon is facing similar charges in Texas. The New York prison time of five years amounts to time served in California, which means no additional years will be added to his California sentence of 59 years to life.

Jon had launched a fashion line in 1999 and was featured on ‘America’s Next Top Model’ working with celebrities such as socialite Paris Hilton. His designs have been worn by media mogul Oprah Winfrey and singer Janet Jackson.

Jon’s attorney said after the plea that he admitted to the crime so he could get evidence and materials from New York prosecutors needed to “effectively overturn his California conviction.”

“Considering the initial 49 charges included allegations of rape, drugging and mafia death threats, the settlement of one conviction involving Alexander’s giving oral sex to an adult female was acceptable,” they said in a statement.

They said some of the materials turned over by Manhattan prosecutors as part of the pre-trial process would be crucial as he continues work on his California appeal

Designer Anand Jon admits to molesting model - The Hindu

Is he being called.No,He is called an Indian American.That's what he really is.
That's what calling spade a spade.Now get over it.
Religion is a common factor in these cases. Muslim society is over represented in these crimes.

Really Majority of sex crimes in west are committed by Muslims? or simply islamophobes like you make a big deal out of crime committed by Muslims to make your own pathetic self feel better.
Since you asked so nicely about other Asians, India has one third of the world's child marriages and one of the worst cases of child trafficking and prostitution. So Indians beating their chests sanctimoniously about this issue is ironic, to say the least.

Its not me being sanctimonious,Its you people being insecure.We don't deny any of these and we are not being insecure unlike you.Those people were a Muslim gang dominated by Pakistanis.And there is nothing politically incorrect in calling them that.Its just the fact.Now get over your pathetic insecurity.
We don't deny any of these

Oh, but you are, which is why I quoted your post. This is what you wrote:

The most annoying part is they call these people "Asian men".As if they had some Pan Asian connection.This has nothing to do with they being Asians.In fact, its an insult to other Asian communities.Just call the spade a spade.

Note the highlighted part, as if other parts of Asia do not have this problem.
Oh, but you are, which is why I quoted your post. This is what you wrote:

Where did I denied it.The attitude and ideology of these men does not come from being Asians.Instead you people are living in denial.That's what comes from being "sanctimonious".

Note the highlighted part, as if other parts of Asia do not have this problem.

This is exactly the kind of ideological you people are doing,Look what was the motivation behind the grooming ring.According the Imam

“Their(white girls) dress code, from miniskirts to sleeveless tops, is deemed to reflect their impure and immoral outlook. According to this mentality, these white women deserve to be punished for their behaviour by being exploited and degraded.”


Now,That kind Misogynist attitude comes explicitly from Abrahamic religious doctrines.The feigning of Moral superiority over decadent white people.The very sanctimonious attitude you pointed out earlier.Does any other Asian community does that????

Just read what this Imam says,At least he is not trying to pretend this has nothing to do with religion.

Dr Taj Hargey, imam of the Oxford Islamic Congregation, said race and religion were inextricably linked to the recent spate of grooming rings in which Muslim men have targeted under-age white girls.

This is happening not just in uk but across Europe. In France it is Algerian, in Belgium it is Moroccan men and so on. The reform must come from inside their communities.

In fact Al Jazeera aired a documentary last year on a similar trend in the Netherlands, this time involving Dutch Moroccans who are the largest Muslim minority in that country.The victim profile, process of recruitment, pattern of abuse etc are disturbingly similar to those found in the UK..

Witness - Lover Boys - YouTube
2011 case which has all the relevent masala (Religion, Indian , religiou figure). please apply your above statements to this if you can if you cant then avoid stereotype

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US

Am talking about this specific type of crime. Running pedofile sex rackets, sex slavery and all that, I think at least 3-4 cases has been unearthed in this year alone in the UK.

99% of those charged with these crime are Pakistanis. So its wrong to label them as Asian gangs or Muslim gangs. Ironically this is the first time Pakistanis don't seem to have issues with all the Muslims being tainted by the same brush for the crimes committed by a certain group of Muslims (Pakistani Muslims).
Where did I denied it.

You continue to deny it with the "Abrahmic" nonsense.

Once again, India is home to one third of the world's child marriages and has one of the worst child trafficking and prostitution problems. Yet we don't hear you guys pontificating about Vedic this or Dharmic that.

The fact is that underage girls and gangs go together -- in every part of the world, with every religion and ethnicity.
You continue to deny it with the "Abrahmic" nonsense.

Once again, India is home to one third of the world's child marriages and has one of the worst child trafficking and prostitution problems. Yet we don't hear you guys pontificating about Vedic this or Dharmic that.

The fact is that underage girls and gangs go together -- in every part of the world, with every religion and ethnicity.

True indeed. No denial that child marriages in India (even South Asia for that matter) is a cause for concern. Let's discuss the topic on hand tho and not skirt the issue on discussion. One of the issues being raised here is that many mosques in Oxford preach that white women are immoral and true examples of kuffars in the way that they dress (mini skirts etc). The writer believes that this maybe a cause of Muslim men regarding young white women as lesser forms of life to be owned as animals. This is just one of the Islamic links in the article. Seeing that you are a Pakistani who lives in Oz, what is your comment on that ?
You continue to deny it with the "Abrahmic" nonsense.

Once again, India is home to one third of the world's child marriages and has one of the worst child trafficking and prostitution problems.

So does the Pakistan.Pakistan also has all these problem.So does all third world countries.Now what's your point.

Yet we don't hear you guys pontificating about Vedic this or Dharmic that.

Yes we do,Read about Devadasi practise.And it was banned by law.Just because it had connections to ancient religious practices doesn't mean I won't criticize it.

The fact is that underage girls and gangs go together -- in every part of the world, with every religion and ethnicity.

No,the problem the denial from you people such practises are motivated by religious and cultural beliefs.Or at least toning down such factors by pretending to be the victims of Islamophobia.Such victim mentality is the reason for many terrorists attacks in west.Calling them Pakistani Muslims(Or at least Pakistanis) instead of Asians has nothing wrong, and that's a fact.Instead of dragging India everywhere and changing subject try to accept that.
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