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Oxford Imam:Young muslims taught that white girls are cheap

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Heck...what's the big deal!? I'll post an entire newspaper about cooking and weather forecasts which is not related to this thread and which is what you have exactly done. The topic is about young muslims being taught stupid things. And you post some non sense about an Indian as if the topic at hand will get automatically justified!!?? What kind of a bigot does that?

dahhh is it the topic?

So who is teaching them that? Can you quote from the posted biased piece of write up one solid prove that these men were driven by religion and NOT Lust just like Hindus who are on raping spree?

The biased piece of write up clearly says "since the convicts were Muslims hence it has a religious connection to it"

dahhhhhh where is the religious connection? what about Christians/ hindus and so on who are raping girls in US/Uk and so on are also driven by religion?

by the way my religion doese NOT allow such immoral activities of rape and gayism.
The point is that other Asians ie Chinese, Indian or East Asians are not doing this even a fraction of the crimes that Pakistanis are.

So why label up all of us? It is no surprise that Pakistanis rank at the bottom of the socio economic table in UK while Indians and Chinese are at the top.

You missed the part where it says they were taught these ideas at their mosque.
dahhh is it the topic?

So who is teaching them that? Can you quote from the posted biased piece of write up one solid prove that these men were driven by religion and NOT Lust just like Hindus who are on raping spree?

The biased piece of write up clearly says "since the convicts were Muslims hence it has a religious connection to it"

dahhhhhh where is the religious connection? what about Christians/ hindus and so on who are raping girls in US/Uk and so on are also driven by religion?

by the way my religion doese NOT allow such immoral activities of rape and gayism.

Wrong argument. No body cares what is allowed in religion or not. Seeing is believing.

Many muslims wear the religion on their sleeves. Many propose a separate system for muslims in UK.

In that context, muslims are on one hand seen to disregard laws and on the other hand indulging in crime.

Since there was always an element of muslim hatred, these muslims have contributed to that immensely due to their crimes.

Time and again, all perpetrators have been by and large muslims, what should others conclude?
dahhh is it the topic?

Then what is it about? Cricket?

So who is teaching them that? Can you quote from the posted biased piece of write up one solid prove that these men were driven by religion and NOT Lust just like Hindus who are on raping spree?

Lol! Again venting your anger at hindus!! Anyways...read the below quote which is posted from the article.

The fact is that the vicious activities of the Oxford ring are bound up with religion and race: religion, because all the perpetrators, though they had different nationalities, were Muslim; and race, because they deliberately targeted vulnerable white girls, whom they appeared to regard as ‘easy meat’, to use one of their revealing, racist phrases.

While it is, of course, true that abuse happens in all communities, no amount of obfuscation can hide the pattern that has been exposed in a series of recent chilling scandals, from Rochdale to Oxford, and Telford to Derby.

In all these incidents, the abusers were Muslim men, and their targets were under-age white girls
The biased piece of write up clearly says "since the convicts were Muslims hence it has a religious connection to it"

dahhhhhh where is the religious connection? what about Christians/ hindus and so on who are raping girls in US/Uk and so on are also driven by religion?
Remove your green glasses and see the article, it clearly mentions the religious angle.

Moreover, reputable studies show that around 26 per cent of those involved in grooming and exploitation rings are Muslims, which is around five times higher than the proportion of Muslims in the adult male population.

by the way my religion doese NOT allow such immoral activities of rape and gayism.

Yeah..read the final para aswell..it was written just for you!
To pretend that this is not an issue for the Islamic community is to fall into a state of ideological denial.
Thank you for posting this important thread, because the issues of religion and race tied to depravity and hate filled violence are most pertinent - Real Islam has played havoc wherever it has been welcomed, wherever it has been offered refuge - the larger story is almost total depravity of entire communities of what otherwise passes as confession, a depraved rooted in hatred of the larger communities that host them, and of an almost complete lack of morality and common human empathy.

How did so many Muslims end up involved in such activities? What ever happened to conceptions of manhood and manliness that these degenerated into such thought and behavior? Perhaps there are amongst us some who are uncomfortable with such questions, perhaps they should consider how much longer they would prefer to nurture such uncomfortableness while keeping themselves blind to human suffering in their own neighborhoods, towns and cities?
Funny how idiotic of you all who are claiming that Mosques teach raping molesting girls oh i mean white girls.

nowhere it is happening. the racial and religious bias is clear in this piece of write up

Wrong argument. No body cares what is allowed in religion or not. Seeing is believing.

Many muslims wear the religion on their sleeves. Many propose a separate system for muslims in UK.

In that context, muslims are on one hand seen to disregard laws and on the other hand indulging in crime.

Since there was always an element of muslim hatred, these muslims have contributed to that immensely due to their crimes.

Time and again, all perpetrators have been by and large muslims, what should others conclude?

Why dont you reply my points? in this ONE case the culprits from different nationalities if were Muslims does it mean that they are taught by their religion to rape and secxually molest white girls??

Then what is it about? Cricket?

Lol! Again venting your anger at hindus!! Anyways...read the below quote which is posted from the article.


Remove your green glasses and see the article, it clearly mentions the religious angle.

Yeah..read the final para aswell..it was written just for you!

The only connection i can see to religion is being propogated by cheerleading girls here and the biased piece of shyt posted as thread.

the fact is that NON-Muslims raping, sexually assulting girls aborad is higher so are we going to blame Christianity, Hinduism and so on for such crimes?
its not all muslims, there are no arabs and no iranians as well, nor bangladeshi... its specific cultural issue mostly pakistani (and applies to north India as well)
Funny how idiotic of you all who are claiming that Mosques teach raping molesting girls oh i mean white girls.

nowhere it is happening. the racial and religious bias is clear in this piece of write up

Why dont you reply my points? in this ONE case the culprits from different nationalities if were Muslims does it mean that they are taught by their religion to rape and secxually molest white girls??

What points?

And yes many of them believe that these people commit these acts because they are muslims. Australia, Norway, UK, all have seen men of Pakistani origins in particular.

No body cares what religion permits or does not permit.

In one case, these men were devout muslims with beards and when they committed the crime, the attention focused on religion.

And yes when some mosques can teach people to kill, they can do anything.

If you continue to deny these things, islam would be targeted.
Its wrong to put the blame on all Muslims, when in most cases its just Pakistanis who are involved.
Thank you for posting this important thread, because the issues of religion and race tied to depravity and hate filled violence are most pertinent - Real Islam has played havoc wherever it has been welcomed, wherever it has been offered refuge - the larger story is almost total depravity of entire communities of what otherwise passes as confession, a depraved rooted in hatred of the larger communities that host them, and of an almost complete lack of morality and common human empathy.

How did so many Muslims end up involved in such activities? What ever happened to conceptions of manhood and manliness that these degenerated into such thought and behavior? Perhaps there are amongst us some who are uncomfortable with such questions, perhaps they should consider how much longer they would prefer to nurture such uncomfortableness while keeping themselves blind to human suffering in their own neighborhoods, towns and cities?

The ones to whom this paragraph is intended for, don't even understand this language. Try simpleton English...or a stick.
Its wrong to put the blame on all Muslims, when in most cases its just Pakistanis who are involved.

its not all muslims, there are no arabs and no iranians as well, nor bangladeshi... its specific cultural issue mostly pakistani (and applies to north India as well)

2011 case which has all the relevent masala (Religion, Indian , religiou figure). please apply your above statements to this if you can if you cant then avoid stereotype

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US

HOUSTON: Absconding Indian godman Prakashanand Saraswati, also known as Shree Swamiji, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined USD 10,000 on each of 20 felony counts for groping girls who grew up on the ashram he founded and led in Central Texas.

With the subject of their deliberations still missing and presumed to be on the run, a Hays County jury today sentenced the 82-year-old religious guru to 14 years in prison for each of 20 counts of molesting two girls in his Barsana Dham ashram in Driftwood during the 1990s. ( Read: Hindu guru convicted of molesting girls in US )

For Prakashanand, a religious leader who claims hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide, the lengthy prison sentence represented a dramatic reversal of fortune.

The parent organisation to which his Barsana Dham ashram belongs owns and operates temples and hospitals in India and other countries.

For the women who said the guru kissed and fondled them in the mid-1990s while they were in their teens, the prison sentence represented a satisfying end to a bitter battle against a man they were once told was a living saint and a religious group to which their parents still belong.

Now 27 and 30 years old, the women brought charges against the guru three years ago.

The jury of eight men and four women deliberated only a half-hour. Prakashanand didn't show up for the punishment phase of his trial and is still at large.

District Judge Charles Ramsay will decide later whether the guru's prison sentences are to be served concurrently.

Last week the jury found Prakashanand guilty of indecency with a child by sexual contact, based on his repeated groping of two teenagers whose families lived at the ashram he founded southwest of Austin.

Earlier, prosecutors asked the jury to sentence Prakashanand to 20 years in prison -- 400 years total -- for "each and every" one of the 20 criminal counts on which the guru was convicted of molesting the girls.

"This defendant is not a good candidate for probation because he can't even make it to the rest of the trial," said Hays County assistant district attorney Kathy Compton.

The guru's defence attorneys told the court that their elderly client's various ailments -- coronary disease, back pain and hypertension -- make him too infirm to be in prison.

"To put him in a penitentiary setting at his age with these type of physical disabilities would be a death sentence for Swamiji," said Jeff Kearney, his lead attorney.

Spokesmen for the ashram say they don't know where guru is. Peter Spiegel, a wealthy devotee who posted a USD 1 million cash bond for guru's release, testified that he doesn't know his whereabouts, either.

The guru was released on a USD 1 million cash bond but failed to show up Monday in San Marcos for sentencing. The judge then ordered the bond revoked and issued the arrest warrant against guru.

He had already revoked Prakashanand's US passport.

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US - The Times of India

The ones to whom this paragraph is intended for, don't even understand this language. Try simpleton English...or a stick.

He doesnt need to as he is catering to needs of specific mindset and i am sure all of you agreed to him without even reading ;)
2011 case which has all the relevent masala (Religion, Indian , religiou figure). please apply your above statements to this if you can if you cant then avoid stereotype

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US

HOUSTON: Absconding Indian godman Prakashanand Saraswati, also known as Shree Swamiji, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined USD 10,000 on each of 20 felony counts for groping girls who grew up on the ashram he founded and led in Central Texas.

With the subject of their deliberations still missing and presumed to be on the run, a Hays County jury today sentenced the 82-year-old religious guru to 14 years in prison for each of 20 counts of molesting two girls in his Barsana Dham ashram in Driftwood during the 1990s. ( Read: Hindu guru convicted of molesting girls in US )

For Prakashanand, a religious leader who claims hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide, the lengthy prison sentence represented a dramatic reversal of fortune.

The parent organisation to which his Barsana Dham ashram belongs owns and operates temples and hospitals in India and other countries.

For the women who said the guru kissed and fondled them in the mid-1990s while they were in their teens, the prison sentence represented a satisfying end to a bitter battle against a man they were once told was a living saint and a religious group to which their parents still belong.

Now 27 and 30 years old, the women brought charges against the guru three years ago.

The jury of eight men and four women deliberated only a half-hour. Prakashanand didn't show up for the punishment phase of his trial and is still at large.

District Judge Charles Ramsay will decide later whether the guru's prison sentences are to be served concurrently.

Last week the jury found Prakashanand guilty of indecency with a child by sexual contact, based on his repeated groping of two teenagers whose families lived at the ashram he founded southwest of Austin.

Earlier, prosecutors asked the jury to sentence Prakashanand to 20 years in prison -- 400 years total -- for "each and every" one of the 20 criminal counts on which the guru was convicted of molesting the girls.

"This defendant is not a good candidate for probation because he can't even make it to the rest of the trial," said Hays County assistant district attorney Kathy Compton.

The guru's defence attorneys told the court that their elderly client's various ailments -- coronary disease, back pain and hypertension -- make him too infirm to be in prison.

"To put him in a penitentiary setting at his age with these type of physical disabilities would be a death sentence for Swamiji," said Jeff Kearney, his lead attorney.

Spokesmen for the ashram say they don't know where guru is. Peter Spiegel, a wealthy devotee who posted a USD 1 million cash bond for guru's release, testified that he doesn't know his whereabouts, either.

The guru was released on a USD 1 million cash bond but failed to show up Monday in San Marcos for sentencing. The judge then ordered the bond revoked and issued the arrest warrant against guru.

He had already revoked Prakashanand's US passport.

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US - The Times of India

He doesnt need to as he is catering to needs of specific mindset and i am sure all of you agreed to him without even reading ;)

Another justification of the crime. Not once did you see the problem with the muslim community. Muslims are over represented in these crime why?

People are asking these questions.

No one would be convinced that islam is not tied to this.

People are now blaming islam as the root of the problem. Why? What has the muslim community done about that?

Case after case, Pakistani muslims are caught in these acts? Why?

Absolute horrendous treatment was meted out to these girls as young as 13.

The problem is staring you in the face and you turn your back towards it.
2011 case which has all the relevent masala (Religion, Indian , religiou figure). please apply your above statements to this if you can if you cant then avoid stereotype

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US

HOUSTON: Absconding Indian godman Prakashanand Saraswati, also known as Shree Swamiji, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined USD 10,000 on each of 20 felony counts for groping girls who grew up on the ashram he founded and led in Central Texas.

With the subject of their deliberations still missing and presumed to be on the run, a Hays County jury today sentenced the 82-year-old religious guru to 14 years in prison for each of 20 counts of molesting two girls in his Barsana Dham ashram in Driftwood during the 1990s. ( Read: Hindu guru convicted of molesting girls in US )

For Prakashanand, a religious leader who claims hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide, the lengthy prison sentence represented a dramatic reversal of fortune.

The parent organisation to which his Barsana Dham ashram belongs owns and operates temples and hospitals in India and other countries.

For the women who said the guru kissed and fondled them in the mid-1990s while they were in their teens, the prison sentence represented a satisfying end to a bitter battle against a man they were once told was a living saint and a religious group to which their parents still belong.

Now 27 and 30 years old, the women brought charges against the guru three years ago.

The jury of eight men and four women deliberated only a half-hour. Prakashanand didn't show up for the punishment phase of his trial and is still at large.

District Judge Charles Ramsay will decide later whether the guru's prison sentences are to be served concurrently.

Last week the jury found Prakashanand guilty of indecency with a child by sexual contact, based on his repeated groping of two teenagers whose families lived at the ashram he founded southwest of Austin.

Earlier, prosecutors asked the jury to sentence Prakashanand to 20 years in prison -- 400 years total -- for "each and every" one of the 20 criminal counts on which the guru was convicted of molesting the girls.

"This defendant is not a good candidate for probation because he can't even make it to the rest of the trial," said Hays County assistant district attorney Kathy Compton.

The guru's defence attorneys told the court that their elderly client's various ailments -- coronary disease, back pain and hypertension -- make him too infirm to be in prison.

"To put him in a penitentiary setting at his age with these type of physical disabilities would be a death sentence for Swamiji," said Jeff Kearney, his lead attorney.

Spokesmen for the ashram say they don't know where guru is. Peter Spiegel, a wealthy devotee who posted a USD 1 million cash bond for guru's release, testified that he doesn't know his whereabouts, either.

The guru was released on a USD 1 million cash bond but failed to show up Monday in San Marcos for sentencing. The judge then ordered the bond revoked and issued the arrest warrant against guru.

He had already revoked Prakashanand's US passport.

Hindu guru gets 14 years prison for sexual molestation in US - The Times of India

He doesnt need to as he is catering to needs of specific mindset and i am sure all of you agreed to him without even reading ;)

if you read OP you will understand this is not a random incident of one Individual, its done by gangs of people across cities. The only common thread is they are pakistanis (as of now).
I should specify that its only in UK and people of pakistan origin, pakistanis in USA could be completely different.

And it will be unfair to tar rest of muslims (bangladeshis are huge community here, and we got arabs and iranians too) in same brush.
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