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Over A Billion Hearts, Several Wishes


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
It's been reported that in the last few days leading up to the semi final, the Pakistani Nation was absorbed by cricket fever, and for a few days, the common man on the street wasn't complaining about food and fuel prices or the fluctuation in Electric or Gas supply, neither was the WOT a major issue.
However after the short lived excitement, it's back to the daily struggles and trials of life. Had Pakistan went on to win semis and even final, it would have indeed lifted the spirits and cheered up young and old alike. But for how long. ??
India went on to win the title, good for them, the Indian Nation has been gripped by this achievement, rightly so since the sub continent is not exactly known for sporting dynamics. In due course, this euphoria will wear off and it will be back to the reality.
As the visiting Pakistani PM commented in his press conference that to a certain extent, both India and Pakistan faced similar problems with poverty being a major hurdle, and as an Australian put it, "Winning the World Cup may bring joy to their nations, but it's not going to fill the poor man's rice bowl.
In our Nationalism and hate for each other, and also being victims of our own media, which specially in India's case only seems to portray Glory Hallelujah, we tend to either ignore or remain oblivious to the fact that, the world can see our under belly, and doesn't buy our brand no matter how good the intentions may be. For example, Pakistan has lost more Soldiers in the WOT than the rest combined, yet still more demands are put forward by Western powers. During the CWG, British Media was full of criticism, even on the tall bill boards displaying the logo "Come out and play", claiming they have only been erected to hide India's shame, the slums and shanty towns.
Any ways, coming back to the present scenario, after winning the final, albeit it wasn't against Pakistan, yet some Indian members were not mean in directing all their hate against Pakistan and it's Nationals.
Some Indian are convinced that all Pakistanis now live in bunkers as there seems to be bombs exploding in every corner. For those who seem to take comfort by abusing Pakistan on a Pakistani Forum, I would like to ask them how do they feel when others point fingers at them and expose some of their harsh realities. ?
Should we assume that all Indians live and practice in such environments. As stated earlier, both countrys suffer from man made problems and natural calamities and although, we may want the world to just smell our Roses but sadly the stench in our back yards can not be concealed. Here is a link (Not Pakistani) which I found both sad and disturbing, hence viewer's discretion is advised, and again the question, should one conclude this is the daily life in India just as Indian members seem to bring Pakistan into every negative equation. !!!!

Click and press on image 694
this link is already posted by soccom, and plz clear ur agenda also:lol:

As I said, always negativity about one's good intentions, or shall we call it a false FLAG exercise. :what:
It's been reported that in the last few days leading up to the semi final, the Pakistani Nation was absorbed by cricket fever, and for a few days, the common man on the street wasn't complaining about food and fuel prices or the fluctuation in Electric or Gas supply, neither was the WOT a major issue.
However after the short lived excitement, it's back to the daily struggles and trials of life. Had Pakistan went on to win semis and even final, it would have indeed lifted the spirits and cheered up young and old alike. But for how long. ??
India went on to win the title, good for them, the Indian Nation has been gripped by this achievement, rightly so since the sub continent is not exactly known for sporting dynamics. In due course, this euphoria will wear off and it will be back to the reality.
As the visiting Pakistani PM commented in his press conference that to a certain extent, both India and Pakistan faced similar problems with poverty being a major hurdle, and as an Australian put it, "Winning the World Cup may bring joy to their nations, but it's not going to fill the poor man's rice bowl.
In our Nationalism and hate for each other, and also being victims of our own media, which specially in India's case only seems to portray Glory Hallelujah, we tend to either ignore or remain oblivious to the fact that, the world can see our under belly, and doesn't buy our brand no matter how good the intentions may be. For example, Pakistan has lost more Soldiers in the WOT than the rest combined, yet still more demands are put forward by Western powers. During the CWG, British Media was full of criticism, even on the tall bill boards displaying the logo "Come out and play", claiming they have only been erected to hide India's shame, the slums and shanty towns.
Any ways, coming back to the present scenario, after winning the final, albeit it wasn't against Pakistan, yet some Indian members were not mean in directing all their hate against Pakistan and it's Nationals.
Some Indian are convinced that all Pakistanis now live in bunkers as there seems to be bombs exploding in every corner. For those who seem to take comfort by abusing Pakistan on a Pakistani Forum, I would like to ask them how do they feel when others point fingers at them and expose some of their harsh realities. ?
Should we assume that all Indians live and practice in such environments. As stated earlier, both countrys suffer from man made problems and natural calamities and although, we may want the world to just smell our Roses but sadly the stench in our back yards can not be concealed. Here is a link (Not Pakistani) which I found both sad and disturbing, hence viewer's discretion is advised, and again the question, should one conclude this is the daily life in India just as Indian members seem to bring Pakistan into every negative equation. !!!!

Click and press on image 694

Good comments,
reality but some in justification from start.
1. We south Asian people fell into phobia or charm of something very quickly.
2. We ever justifying our incompetency by criticizing opposition's success, to avoid from this quality there need to organize qualities and abilities.
3. If India wins, it is their victory so nobody forced Pakistan playing unpressurized & well organized. When Pakistan will win then Indian will criticize visa versa.

"Winning the World Cup may bring joy to their nations, but it's not going to fill the poor man's rice bowl.

fit on both nations, no difference. Lets be some realistic. but i will add in quote;

"Loosing the World Cup may bring sorrow/sadness to their nations, but it's not going to fill the poor man's rice bowl any way.

4. Our hate to each other was, is & will be, we can't get ride from it but what important is to ready both mentally & morally for solution of key problems from both nations suffered and are suffering.
5. Every body want getting out from this WOT and wash out from the mud of Jihadism & terrorism from its body but it is not decided by people of both nations but somewhere else Lords of our politicians, military. Ordinary people only for crying & politicions only for condemning.
6. Root of booth nations are same but next sub roots gained different colour & shape of flowers, this is common psychology that nobody want to read or see disgrace to motherland and don't want to accept minuses while they aware from it. What my point is knowing plus minus but output in front of each other will ever plus. Yes bring up negatives/weakness in high lights are common part of expressing patriotism.

May be you aware from an Urdu story "GHAR SE GHAR TAK"!

That is all.
well written dv... whole india was happy rich poor hindu muslim, people in the slums beggars... ..everyone...and thats the power of sports.. leave us alone and let us enjoy this... if pakistan had won u guys would have celebrated and felt happy exactly the same way as we have.. there is so many bad things going on this world and when a moment like this comes everyone is elated...but for some people success of cwg is still burning and now this has made the burning worse
As stated earlier, both countrys suffer from man made problems and natural calamities and although, we may want the world to just smell our Roses but sadly the stench in our back yards can not be concealed.

:rofl: Nice try but India doesn't have problem with that. We can handle and exploit it.

Enough of this, the India-Pakistan semifinal is over more than 5 million years ago and some people are still in shock!!! Come on... that is past.
:rofl: Nice try but India doesn't have problem with that. We can handle and exploit it.

Is that a fact, your PM certainly wouldn't agree to that as he was more in acknowledgement with our PM. ;)
Enough of this, the India-Pakistan semifinal is over more than 5 million years ago and some people are still in shock!!! Come on... that is past.
Is that the best you can come up with from the entire article. Did i read somewhere relative grading is a common amongst you people. :azn:
Why we are collecting Cricket & Poverty, soon it will go to Kashmir too...
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