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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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I say we create a dog park/run in Central Park and bury bin Laden's body there for all the people and dogs in NYC to enjoy.

Not a good idea, his body does not deserve a burial in any known place.
Now the Victims of 9/11 can rest in peace.

Can anyone tell me was Pakistani administration was invoved or not???
My only concern was the fact that if Osama was living in a mansion in Pakistan.. what the hell was the Pakistani government doing.. protecting him?

That's illogical, first protect and then have him killed?

Define Mansion? A 1 Kanal house can also be called mansion, which would be a pretty normal thing in Pakistan and can be a perfect cover for someone to blend in.
President Obama did give a succinct and to-the-point speech at approximately 23:45 HRS

in the speech, he expressed appreciation and credit to Pakistan (presumably civilian and military entities) that cooperated during the time leading up to and during the operation to target him.

It appears that OBL must have been with some armed men and they did put up a resistance which was successfully dealt with. It's obvious that intelligence agencies of Pakistan, USA, and others were closely onto him for past few days. And in fact it comes at a very interesting time where relations between US and Pakistan were strained.

this will go to prove that ISI is very much serious and on-board in the fight against terrorism --and in fact it would be a slap in the face to those who have interest to smear Pakistan, her image, her services, and her sacrifices in the war.

regardless of the fact that this is more symbolic than anything itself --it is a welcome development.

I am in Washington DC at the moment and I think I'll go for a late night drive to check out near White House. Apparently huge crowd of people are cheering now and mood is very jovial (as it ought to be, despite being late on a Sunday)

So for years and before this operation the world class intelligence agance didnt know about the gem hiding 120 kms from Islamabad in a mansion.
Was a mansion with a 'man-cave' filled with big-titted blond hookers and a lot of booze.

i guess being in rocky caves and surrounded only by armed men who don't wear deodorant gets a bit old....even cavemen require their fun

of course being at the receiving end of small arms fire, a hellfire or a javelin or two would be quite the buzzkill and a mood breaker! :D
If i got to come in contact with his body i would pull out a sharpy and a camera.

It would have been great If he would have been arrested and made to sing.

The killing looks to be a compromise between US and Pakistan.
People should realize that OBL was a huge enemy of Pakistan & its people. He promised to kill everyone in the country mercilessly. Al-Qaeda (& its affiliates) were responsible for almost all the attacks that took place all over Pakistan, everyone in Pakistan hated the guy for killing innocent civilians in the country, so I hope no one starts thinking he was a Pakistan asset in anyway, because he was not.

Not to mention the fact he gave dozens of Videos in which he asked Pakistani people to not trust Pakistani Army and attack it!
Not a good idea, his body does not deserve a burial in any known place.
I say we name it "The Osama bin Laden Dog Run". A plaque would describe who is buried there for NYC's dogs to enjoy.

Okay just made this and image is updated and finished...
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