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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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now American policies will further be tightened on Pakistan and we would have no mean to protect our boundaries. No idea what their (Americans) next demand would be. Any accusation from now on will be believable and who knows what benefit India would be seeking get out of this....
That SOB can finally see hell. Hopefully he can enjoy the burning there. Good for him.
My friend lives in Abbotabad and he heard the helicopter gun fire at 1 am
Abottabad is deep within Pakistani territory, can't send in gunships without consent. Anyway, are we really going to be silly enough to quarrel over the credit? Enjoy, big day for both the countries and the victims of the thousands of families.
agree, a nice move and hope this brings stability in the region, atleast the drones attack will stop now.......somewhere in my head, it says Raymond Davis had something on this, thats why US wanted him so badly?????
My only concern was the fact that if Osama was living in a mansion in Pakistan.. what the hell was the Pakistani government doing.. protecting him?
This involved a US ground team on the ground, man to man, gun to gun.

President Obama in his just concluded live press statement on TV gave credit to the Government and Military of Pakistan, so let's cut out the immature trash when such a positive, major achievment, the removal of bin Laden, has been accomplished by two major allies, Pakistan and the USA. You should understand that the GOP would show courteusy to allow the US team to take bin Laden out, as the entire war, 911, began with Osama's organized attack on the USA inside the USA.
Today i actually feel like waving an American flag.


Go America! :usflag:
This is great and all but unfortunately us Pakistanis are going to pay for the backlash of this. Terrorist groups aren't going to take this news kindly.

President Obama did give a succinct and to-the-point speech at approximately 23:45 HRS

in the speech, he expressed appreciation and credit to Pakistan (presumably civilian and military entities) that cooperated during the time leading up to and during the operation to target him.

It appears that OBL must have been with some armed men and they did put up a resistance which was successfully dealt with. It's obvious that intelligence agencies of Pakistan, USA, and others were closely onto him for past few days. And in fact it comes at a very interesting time where relations between US and Pakistan were strained.

this will go to prove that ISI is very much serious and on-board in the fight against terrorism --and in fact it would be a slap in the face to those who have interest to smear Pakistan, her image, her services, and her sacrifices in the war.

regardless of the fact that this is more symbolic than anything itself --it is a welcome development.

I am in Washington DC at the moment and I think I'll go for a late night drive to check out near White House. Apparently huge crowd of people are cheering now and mood is very jovial (as it ought to be, despite being late on a Sunday)
US. President Obama admints in live speech "Our cooperation with Pakistan helped lead..." us in this operation. Clearly, Pakistani IA led this operation.

Pres. Obama, Thanks President Zardari and Pakistan for their help in this operation, in live speech.

Without Pak cooperation this would not have been possible. Period.

Good news if this leads to the end of all this violence. I am still not going to rejoice over the death of anyone--not even a misguided killer like Bin Laden.
My only concern was the fact that if Osama was living in a mansion in Pakistan.. what the hell was the Pakistani government doing.. protecting him?

A lot of questions are going to be raised about that.

The world's most wanted terrorist living in a mansion right in the heart of Pakistan.

Wonder what other treasures might be hidden inside Pakistan.
My only concern was the fact that if Osama was living in a mansion in Pakistan.. what the hell was the Pakistani government doing.. protecting him?

Don't think he was living in a mansion. Reports were also saying he was near Islamabad when he was not. He was in Abbotabad. Why would Pakistan be protecting him when he was an open enemy of this nation, & responsible for almost every attack on this state, against the authorities as well as the people?
This war isn't over. Zawahiri, Ilyas Kashmiri and many others remain out there dangerous and committed to their twisted, perverse ambitions. So many Americans, Kenyans, Afghans, Brits, Spaniards and Pakistanis have died as a direct result of Bin Laden's sick vision. I don't care who's responsible. I'd be amazed if Pakistanis weren't involved at some level but these sort of petty claims for credit are truly irrelevant.
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