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Organisers of terrorist attacks still exist in Pakistan: Afghan president

Just as Good / Bad Kashmiri Freedom fighters. Remember you started this way back in 90's.

Unlike the Pak situation POV with regards Taliban, in India there are no Good freedom fighters in J&K
Good / Bad / expendable/ convenient / inconvenient Taliban ?
The Afghan leadership suffers from pssychological issues (maybe a result of all the chemicals in the soil and air from decades of war). They complain when Pakistan arrests Afghan Taliban leaders, they complain when Pakistan does not arrest Taliban leaders.

They complained when Pakistan was not conducting military ops in FATA, and now they are complaining that Pakistani military ops have driven thousands of Afghan, Chechen and Pakistani fighters into Afghanistan.

They complained that Pakistan was not doing enough to facilitate peace talks, and even had their ambassador meet Pakistani religious parties to use their influence over the Afghan Taliban, and now they are complaining that Pakistan is allowing the Taliban leadership to meet.
The Afghan Taliban received that open support prior to 9/11, after 9/11 it was Karzais backing for the TTP and Baloch terrorists that led to Pakistan ignoring the activities of the AT.

So what, if all the support was before 9/11? Do you expect them to simply forget history, on 9/11? Your country propped up that murderous and immoral regime, and trained Afghan Taliban to fight and rule barbarically. Obviously when the other side came into power, they returned the favour. Now Pakistanis are beginning to realize how awful it is to have the likes of Taliban, not to mention being ruled by those maniacs.

Karzai and the NDS open support for Baloch terrorists are documented via conversations between US officials and Karzai in leaked US diplomatic cables, along with the arrest of TTP deputy in a US raid on an NDS location. The evidence establishing Afghan support for the TTP and Baloch terrorists is oberwhelming, whereas there is little other than speculation and biased claims sourced largely from the NDS and ANA to support allegations of direct Pakistani support for the Afghan Taliban.

That's untrue. If anything, it is Pakistan's support of the Afghan Taliban that is well documented history. Even after 9/11, ISI has helped the AT in many ways, that's an open secret. Your former ISI chief was called the "father of the Taliban". Everybody - Afghans, Iranians and Indians, and since 9/11 Americans and Europeans have known the intertwined relationship of Pakistan's intelligence and security forces and the Taliban. It was not an accident that the Quetta Shura was based in Quetta. It was not the scenery that compelled Bin Laden to hide in PMA, Abottabad. It was not by accident that the entire Taliban leadership and commanders retreated into Pakistan when the going got tough for them.

On the other hand, it is mostly Pakistanis who are accusing Afghanistan about backing the TTP. Contrast that with the open knowledge of everybody, where ISI's loyalties lie.

British media: Whose side is Pakistan's ISI really on? | World news | The Guardian

American commander: Admiral Mullen: Pakistani ISI sponsoring Haqqani attacks | The Long War Journal

Australian media, citing NATO report: Pakistani intelligence helping Taliban: NATO report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The then ISI chief with Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani network:


No, Pakistan's support of the Taliban maniacs is not just an accusation by Afghanistan. It is a historic reality. Can you blame them, for giving you a taste of your own medicine?
Yeah Pakistan supports afghan taliban, while ISI arrest them, put them into jail in 2010 while America hosted AT on Qatar soil.

Pakistan was supporting with one hand and facilitating with the other. You can read about it in any international media or neutral source. Ad even that half heartedness came only when the USA turned against them and went to war against them. Until then, Pakistan and Afgh Taliban were buddy-buddies. You were one of the three countries to recognize that barbaric regime.

You started arresting them when it became more dangerous for you not to do so.
Ghani should link up with Iran or keep crying. India won't put boots on the ground nor will she do anything overtly. Iran can. Especially now.
No, Pakistan's support of the Taliban maniacs is not just an accusation by Afghanistan. It is a historic reality. Can you blame them, for giving you a taste of your own medicine?

Not really because it was we who gave them a taste of their own medicine. Prior the Afghan-soviet war, Pakistan sought nothing less than cordial relations with Afghanistan, which rebuffed them each time, openly supporting Pashtunistan secessionists who wanted to dismember Pakistan to create "Pashtunistan". In fact, we were invaded twice by the Afghan military (of which both times, we successfully crushed them) After 1971, we were in a sticky situation, with the loss of East Pakistan and with the Soviet Union swooping in to tear away another piece of our already amputated country. This was when we decided to give the Afghans their just desserts.

Ghani should link up with Iran or keep crying. India won't put boots on the ground nor will she do anything overtly. Iran can. Especially now.

Lol Iran is busy arming the Taliban themselves to counter the growing ISIS threat. Before their dalliance with the Taliban, they were flirting with the likes of Hekymatar who has just now declared himself a supporter of the Islamic State. I doubt he'll find much support in Iran. Everyone knows the Afghan govt is helpless against groups like the Taliban and IS, and trying to back their corrupt, spineless army would do them no good.
Lol Iran is busy arming the Taliban themselves to counter the growing ISIS threat. Before their dalliance with the Taliban, they were flirting with the likes of Hekymatar who has just now declared himself a supporter of the Islamic State. I doubt he'll find much support in Iran. Everyone knows the Afghan govt is helpless against groups like the Taliban and IS, and trying to back their corrupt, spineless army would do them no good.
Yeah, well... Ghani can try to negotiate and offer Iran a better deal. Or accept defeat and become a mayor of Kabul. :D
Not really because it was we who gave them a taste of their own medicine. Prior the Afghan-soviet war, Pakistan sought nothing less than cordial relations with Afghanistan, which rebuffed them each time, openly supporting Pashtunistan secessionists who wanted to dismember Pakistan to create "Pashtunistan". In fact, we were invaded twice by the Afghan military (of which both times, we successfully crushed them) After 1971, we were in a sticky situation, with the loss of East Pakistan and with the Soviet Union swooping in to tear away another piece of our already amputated country. This was when we decided to give the Afghans their just desserts.

The Soviet Union trying to take a chunk of your country is a hilarious piece of fiction taught to Pakistanis. It allows them to take solace after the 1971 humiliation, to pretend that they thwarted and defeated a superpower. It is a broken nation's fairytale to regain some self respect. If the Soviet Union really wanted to invade and annex Pakistan, they would have done so. Nothing short of America fighting for you with all their might, could have prevented that.

The tit-for-tat can be played all day. If the Afghan army tried and failed to take Pashtunistan from Pakistan, then the fitting reply would have been to wage an assault into their territory. Not propping up the most immoral regimes on earth, right next door. Besides, this new take on the matter is...rather new. Until 2001, Pakistanis adored and respected the Taliban, and considered them ideological soulmates. Only when the USA went to war against them, did some Pakistanis reluctantly start disassociating from them. Back in those days, Pakistan supported Taliban because Pakistanis liked the Taliban. It's that simple. It wasn't considered as a means of punishing Afghans for what happened in the 70s. Pakistan wanted strategic depth and leverage, and the best way to get that was by propping up a regime that is bound to be friendly, due to mutual affinity.

Now when the same barbaric ideology has reared its head in Pakistan, suddenly Pakistan is reframing the narrative, and pretending that helping the Taliban was only to punish Afghans and so on.
So what, if all the support was before 9/11? Do you expect them to simply forget history, on 9/11?
I expect them to remember their own history of supporting terrorists in Balochistan and FATA going back to the 1950's. Pakistani intervention in Afghanistan is a result of Afghan opposition to the creation of Pakistan as well as their support for the aforementioned terrorist movements long before Pakistan started intervening in Afghanistan.
That's untrue.
Leaked US diplomatic cables and the arrest of the TTP deputy while meeting with the NDS are facts, and a matter of public record.
If anything, it is Pakistan's support of the Afghan Taliban that is well documented history. Even after 9/11, ISI has helped the AT in many ways, that's an open secret. Your former ISI chief was called the "father of the Taliban". Everybody - Afghans, Iranians and Indians, and since 9/11 Americans and Europeans have known the intertwined relationship of Pakistan's intelligence and security forces and the Taliban. It was not an accident that the Quetta Shura was based in Quetta. It was not the scenery that compelled Bin Laden to hide in PMA, Abottabad. It was not by accident that the entire Taliban leadership and commanders retreated into Pakistan when the going got tough for them.
You are mixing timelines. The ISI DG known as the 'father of the Taliban' owes that notoriety to Pakistan's support for the Taliban prior to 9/11, during a time when even the US was indirectly supportive of the Afghan Taliban unifying the country and stabilising it.

There is no concrete evidence (along the lines of that establishing Afghan guilt, that I mentioned) establishing Pakistani State support for the Afghan Taliban post 9/11. The OBL canard is nothing more than a conspiracy theory, with the US officially stating that they have absolutely no evidence of Pakistani State knowledge of OBLS location or of Pakistani State support for him.
On the other hand, it is mostly Pakistanis who are accusing Afghanistan about backing the TTP. Contrast that with the open knowledge of everybody, where ISI's loyalties lie.

British media: Whose side is Pakistan's ISI really on? | World news | The Guardian

American commander: Admiral Mullen: Pakistani ISI sponsoring Haqqani attacks | The Long War Journal

Australian media, citing NATO report: Pakistani intelligence helping Taliban: NATO report - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The then ISI chief with Haqqani, the leader of the Haqqani network:

No, Pakistan's support of the Taliban maniacs is not just an accusation by Afghanistan. It is a historic reality. Can you blame them, for giving you a taste of your own medicine?
None of those articles go beyond unsubstantiated speculation and sources with poor credibility, unlike leaked US diplomatic cables quoting conversations with Karzai and Afghan officials and the public arrest of a TTP deputy in the company of NDS officials.

And again, Hamid Gul's relationships as DG ISI with the Afghan Taliban were prior to 9/11.

Ghani should link up with Iran or keep crying. India won't put boots on the ground nor will she do anything overtly. Iran can. Especially now.
The Iranians are linking up with the Taliban to fight ISIS, that's not going to happen eithe.
Uncle u must be blind or pretending to be... lolz

Nope kid. I believe in stuff that is more practical and doesn't get happy on meaningless statements like bharati bacha party.
The Soviet Union trying to take a chunk of your country is a hilarious piece of fiction taught to Pakistanis. It allows them to take solace after the 1971 humiliation, to pretend that they thwarted and defeated a superpower. It is a broken nation's fairytale to regain some self respect. If the Soviet Union really wanted to invade and annex Pakistan, they would have done so. Nothing short of America fighting for you with all their might, could have prevented that.

The tit-for-tat can be played all day. If the Afghan army tried and failed to take Pashtunistan from Pakistan, then the fitting reply would have been to wage an assault into their territory. Not propping up the most immoral regimes on earth, right next door. Besides, this new take on the matter is...rather new. Until 2001, Pakistanis adored and respected the Taliban, and considered them ideological soulmates. Only when the USA went to war against them, did some Pakistanis reluctantly start disassociating from them. Back in those days, Pakistan supported Taliban because Pakistanis liked the Taliban. It's that simple. It wasn't considered as a means of punishing Afghans for what happened in the 70s. Pakistan wanted strategic depth and leverage, and the best way to get that was by propping up a regime that is bound to be friendly, due to mutual affinity.

Now when the same barbaric ideology has reared its head in Pakistan, suddenly Pakistan is reframing the narrative, and pretending that helping the Taliban was only to punish Afghans and so on.

Hilarious how much you know about the proxy wars of 1970's that Afghanistan waged in Pakistan and communist history of Balochistan who were getting help from then soviet union as well as marxist and pashtoonistan elements who were being helped by afghanis and later on by the puppet regime of Soviet union in Afghanistan.

Instead of calling us the broken nation and the hard facts as fairy tale, if you have some self respect remaining, then do an indepth reading on 1970's history b/w PAkistan and Afghanistan
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