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Onboard video: RLV TD!!!

All those wanting to engage in technical discussion,reply to this post.

First of all a scale model and technology demonstrator is just that, a model and not the real thing.
By reporting it as a real fully functional Indian space shuttle s false perception is being created and it is as bad as spreading lies,and a media stunt.
The minimum altitude required for launching satellite is 300 km and this scale model which wasn't even a prototype was only sent to an altitude of 70km. No satellite can be launched at that height as you are still in the atmosphere.
second thing is how long it will take to make the real space shuttle? It could be decades,or never. A real space shuttle is far complicated,bigger and heavier than just a scale model with no electronics or engine.
Third thing is India spent 14 million dollars on flying a scale model just a few feet across, which had no capabilities of doing useful work, such as launching satellite or carrying people to space. It couldn't even land on a runway and had to splash down in the sea. How much it will cost India to fly the real thing,if ever, and how feasible it will be compared to Soyuz,Virgin Gallactic,SpaceX? Isn't Indian claim of making or trying to make world's cheapest commercial satellite launching platform is wrong? Scale model cost India 14 million USD to fly,while other service providers are offering actual satellite launch in less than that. For example Virgin galactic offers 450kg Wright satellite launch in sun synchronous orbit in 10 million USD today.
Another thing is why a scale model actually had to be flown to be tested, specially when it was the first test?
Wind tunnels and computer simulation are cheaper ways of doing the same.
But then how India would have made space shuttle claims and so much press?

So as per your exper knowledge, what should have been the first stage for developing a working space shuttle?
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