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On How to DELETE Israel

I don't think its possible to delete Israel anytime soon; however, we should concentrate on deleting Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
Put simply, this strategy calls for expanding the area to be controlled by Israel, leaving its army thin on the ground and increasing expenses due to continuous insurgency; in the hills, in the deserts, in the cities. Everywhere. Over a period of time both its economy and will to fight will crumble.

What if Israel DOESN'T expand to said areas ? Didn't think this through, did you ?:rofl:
Put simply, this strategy calls for expanding the area to be controlled by Israel, leaving its army thin on the ground and increasing expenses due to continuous insurgency; in the hills, in the deserts, in the cities. Everywhere. Over a period of time both its economy and will to fight will crumble.

Yours is the most unintelligent (trying to avoid saying idiotic) plan that one can think.

You are essentially saying that Israel should conquer more territory (or be gifted territory) so that it can be killed with small cuts? Pardon me while I Roll On Floor Laughing.

Hadith is part of our faith. But we can not imagine that Allah will make Hadith predictions work for us and in our lifetime. That would be very very wrong.

Israel is a reality, and provided they come to a just understanding with Palestinians, we should accept them as part of the world now. I do not see why we must think of annihilating them. If Allah so wishes, it shall happen with the circumstances coming about by themselves, and not by our wishing.

We need to make ourselves strong rather than wish that others grow weak. Strength and Power are respected, weakness is not. The day dreams like yours keep us weak, not make us strong.
until the western politicians support israel and it has huge backing

but israel should rethink about its policies and politics if it doesn't want to be immersed in boiling water in the future

internet and social media is punching Israel right left and centre

israel is getting slowly isolated in the world

one israeliite says that israel is doing great even with 65 years of insurgency (thanks to west backing), well yeah sure, Israel will do even better if it changes its cruel policy and israel as it is powerful in the region, it has the authority to decide if it wants peace or not
Israel is a reality, and provided they come to a just understanding with Palestinians, we should accept them as part of the world now. I do not see why we must think of annihilating them. If Allah so wishes, it shall happen with the circumstances coming about by themselves, and not by our wishing.

There already is a prediction in Quran about that:

[Prophet], ask them about the town by the sea; how its people broke the Sabbath when their fish surfaced for them only on that day, never on weekdays –– We tested them in this way: because of their disobedience –– (7:163) When, in their arrogance, they persisted in doing what they had been forbidden to do, We said to them, ‘Be like apes! Be outcasts!’ (7:166) And then your Lord declared that,until the Day of Resurrection, He would send people against them to inflict terrible suffering on them. Your Lord is swift in punishment but He is most forgiving and merciful. (7:167) We dispersed them over the earth in separate communities –– some are righteous and some less so: We tested them with blessings and misfortunes, so that they might all return [to righteousness] –– (7:168) and they were succeeded by generations who, although they inherited the Scripture, took the fleeting gains of this lower world, saying, ‘We shall be forgiven,’ and indeed taking them again if other such gains came their way. Was apledge not taken from them, written in the Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about God? And they have studied its contents well. For those who are mindful of God, the Hereafter is better. ‘Why do you not use your reason?’ (7:169) But as for those who hold fast to the Scripture and keep up the prayer, We do not deny righteous people their rewards. (7:170)
There already is a prediction in Quran about that:

[Prophet], ask them about the town by the sea; how its people broke the Sabbath when their fish surfaced for them only on that day, never on weekdays –– We tested them in this way: because of their disobedience –– (7:163) When, in their arrogance, they persisted in doing what they had been forbidden to do, We said to them, ‘Be like apes! Be outcasts!’ (7:166) And then your Lord declared that,until the Day of Resurrection, He would send people against them to inflict terrible suffering on them. Your Lord is swift in punishment but He is most forgiving and merciful. (7:167) We dispersed them over the earth in separate communities –– some are righteous and some less so: We tested them with blessings and misfortunes, so that they might all return [to righteousness] –– (7:168) and they were succeeded by generations who, although they inherited the Scripture, took the fleeting gains of this lower world, saying, ‘We shall be forgiven,’ and indeed taking them again if other such gains came their way. Was apledge not taken from them, written in the Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about God? And they have studied its contents well. For those who are mindful of God, the Hereafter is better. ‘Why do you not use your reason?’ (7:169) But as for those who hold fast to the Scripture and keep up the prayer, We do not deny righteous people their rewards. (7:170)

It is a prediction, and Allah knows best when it shall be fulfilled.

Making solid plans based on expectation that a prediction shall come about at the end of certain course of action is presumptuous. Nobody can force Allah to do anything before appointed time.
There already is a prediction in Quran about that:

[Prophet], ask them about the town by the sea; how its people broke the Sabbath when their fish surfaced for them only on that day, never on weekdays –– We tested them in this way: because of their disobedience –– (7:163) When, in their arrogance, they persisted in doing what they had been forbidden to do, We said to them, ‘Be like apes! Be outcasts!’ (7:166) And then your Lord declared that,until the Day of Resurrection, He would send people against them to inflict terrible suffering on them. Your Lord is swift in punishment but He is most forgiving and merciful. (7:167) We dispersed them over the earth in separate communities –– some are righteous and some less so: We tested them with blessings and misfortunes, so that they might all return [to righteousness] –– (7:168) and they were succeeded by generations who, although they inherited the Scripture, took the fleeting gains of this lower world, saying, ‘We shall be forgiven,’ and indeed taking them again if other such gains came their way. Was apledge not taken from them, written in the Scripture, to say nothing but the truth about God? And they have studied its contents well. For those who are mindful of God, the Hereafter is better. ‘Why do you not use your reason?’ (7:169) But as for those who hold fast to the Scripture and keep up the prayer, We do not deny righteous people their rewards. (7:170)

That's applicable to Mullahs of TTP, and it is coming true in NWA.

What if Israel DOESN'T expand to said areas ? Didn't think this through, did you ?:rofl:

r2td2's logic reminds me of a joke.

A guy in the jungle was being harassed by a bull elephant in heat.

He got himself and all his friends to bend naked in front of bull elephant with the plan that at some point the elephant will be exhausted.

Off course the plan didn't include the actual impact on his body neither his friends', as to what will happen as a result of this smart scheme.
That's applicable to Mullahs of TTP, and it is coming true in NWA.

No! these verses are definitely about Children of Israel.

TTP would be classed as 'Hypocrites' and about them Quran says:

There is [a kind of] man whose views on the life of this world may please you [Prophet],he even calls on God to witness what is in his heart, yet he is the bitterest of opponents. (2:204) When he leaves, he sets out to spread corruption in the land, destroying crops and livestock –– God does not like corruption. (2:205) When he is told, ‘Beware of God,’ his arrogance leads him to sin. Hell is enough for him: a dreadful resting place. (2:205)

When it is said to them, ‘Do not cause corruption in the land,’ they say, ‘We are only putting things right,’ (2:11) but really they are causing corruption, though they do not realize it. (2:12)

who, whenever you [Prophet] make a treaty with them, break it, for they have no fear of God. (8:56) If you meet them in battle, make a fearsome example of them to those who come after them, so that they may take heed. (8:57)
I can never dare to misquote Quran. Please See it for yourself.
My countrymen always prefer to live in dreamland. State of Israel is no doubt artificial and created unjustly by the French & English, main colonial powers of 19th & 20th century, but real culpability lies with Arabs themselves.

In order to understand the current situation, one must look at how this all could happen.

British occupation of Egypt started around 1880. Evelyn Baring (Earl of Cromer) came to Egypt as British commissioner in the Court of the Khedive (Hereditary Turkish governor, but in all but name King) in 1877. It was the time when Khedive Ismail Pasha has plunged Egypt into near bankruptcy and a committee was set up by the European Creditors to safeguard their interests. Ismael was deposed and his son Tawfiq made Khedive.

After a brief interlude in India Cromer returned as British Counsel general and became controller of Egyptian Finances until 1887. His conclusion was that Egyptians were in capable of managing their finances and the answer was annexation. He did this job well and by the 1907 when he left Egypt was well on its way to recovery and Cairo was turning into a modern & prosperous city. Khedive was still there but British were controlling Egypt by the time of WW1 when Egypt was used as the base for fighting the Turks. Hence it was gross incompetence by the Egyptians which allowed English to occupy Egypt without firing a single shot.

Muslims Arabs from Hejaz (Hashemites) and Wahhabis of Nejd fought for the British to liberate Bilad-ash- Sham from the Turks. State of Israel is direct result of the break-up of the Ottoman Empire. Therefore if the Arabs had not aided the British to defeat the Turks, we would have no such thing as the country of Israel. Hence it’s the Arabs who are partly responsible for the suffering of the Arabs of the region.

Anyone can google 1948 borders of Israel. It was a small innocuous state and would have remained so had Nasser of Egypt not started 1967 war. Israel more than tripled its size in the 7 day war by seizing Golan Heights, West Bank & Gaza and the Sinai as the result. Egypt managed to get back most of what she lost but Syrians & the Palestinians are still suffering.

I am anti-Zionist and believe that Israel has no right to forcibly evict Palestinians from their homeland. But as a student of history, I am a realist and know what can and cannot be done.

In my humble opinion, only way forward is for Palestinians to accept Israeli border of 1948 and then try the diplomatic means to get full independence for the West Bank and Gaza. Yasser Arafat had come to the same conclusion when he signed the Oslo Peace accord in 1993. Even this road is going to be very difficult, but by accepting Israeli right to exist as a State will go a long way towards permanent peace.

People can wish all they want and hope for Israel to disappear but it is not going to happen at least in my lifetime. However some of my country men like the fantasy world. Remember Jamaat Islami leaders boasted to plant Pakistan flag on the Red fort!
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Nothing to do with Israel's technological advancements. The fact that they have THE Bomb is an active deterrent to most States who wish to prolong their own existence.

Moreover, even in a multipolar world order, it's well nigh impossible to end Israel's existence. China, Russia, Brazil, India etc have no problems with it's continued existence while US will continue to support it for a long time to come.
yup true

Delete? hahhahaah.

Oh bhai sahib

Israel is here to stay for a long long time - InshaAllah

the sooner you come to grips with this, the better for your physical and mental health.

your post is written by someone like that village guy, who got so angry at his neighbor
that he picked up a big stick
and hit his own nose, breaking an bloodying himself in the process.

Generally he was known as a very smart "village idiot".


man u are a hell of a poster,,,i had not said this to anyone yet,,,i love neutral people who don't imagine stuff.
but i can see u fighting a loosing battle here

Brilliant post, yet again. Thank you.

1. it is correct that in 1948 Israel.a small innocuous state and would have remained so.

The first and foremost blame goes on Fiddy Fuddu Fidayeen (as my punjabi friend says) who were responsible for stupid attacks in early 60s long before 67 war. Their behavior was not too different from Hummus Hammas today.

Again I am not trying to negate what you said, just trying to fill in a bit more info.

2. Just like you, as a student of "military" history, I am realist and know that the methods adopted by Palestinians from 1948-2014 have lead to ever more losses both land and in human terms. And when I humbly suggest that Palestinians must learn from their history, people on this forum accuse me of siding with Zionists.


In my humble opinion, only way forward is for Palestinians to accept Israeli border of 1948

I beg to differ.

Time to accept borders of 1948 was in and around 1948. It no longer is valid in 2014.
Time to accept borders of 1967 was in and around 1967. It no longer is valid in 2014.
Time to accept borders of 1993 was in and around 1993. It no longer is valid in 2014.


In 2014, the time is to accept the borders of today.

But like this thread starter living with Islamic predictions, Palestinians want to do is to live in 700 Ad and not in 2014 AD.

And unfortunately that is not possible unless you got a working sample of a very large time machine.

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