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On How to DELETE Israel

^^^^In the age of science and tech this guy still seems to be stuck in the middle ages, "outbreed them :lol: what an innovative solution
Don't underestimate Muslim breeding power.............and don't forget, 'children are Allah's gift'......
Correction please:
4) The Sinai peninsula was captured by Israel in 1967 not in 1956 which was the Suez war against Brits French and Usrael. And was liberated in 1973 war.

They are still improving their skills now a day.

In fact, it has happened twice, This is direct from Wikipedia: Israeli occupation of Sinai (until March 1957)

David Hirst also mentions this in his book 'Beware of Small States'; he says that whole of the peninsula was occupied in a week.
So?????? What happened to it? Did Hitler invite those people to Europe or wipe them out? Is it totally incomprehensible to you that most of the people of that region might have converted to another religion?
On top of it, there is a place called Philistia! with Gaza since that time. If the map has any truth to it.
The Map sounds fake from its name; "The UK of Israel", to have any grain of credibility they should come up with very old maps from or near that era or any other credible alternative as a matter of fact.
The Jews of Israel were driven out of their land, promised by God, by the Romans in 79 A.D. The Jews dispersed all over the world and were finally able to go back to their promised land after 2000 years.
The Jews that have converted to Islam along with their other Muslim brothers from many cultures, Should pick a big and beautiful piece of land somewhere on this planet and claim it as their promised land(since god has promised them many things), than work towards that goal, even if they have to wait a thousand years to get it as their own land. I suggest the USA or Europe.

I am talking of the general trend that is on display - muslims have a conflict with everyone - jews, christians, buddhists, hindus, Confusian, orthodox, conservative, liberal, gay, atheist, secular, democratic - and even among themselves.
They are being dynamic on themselves and their belief in their creator, they are advancing, and you can not see it., that is all.
While they let you enjoy all those relationships for yourself, and come tell them about polygamy!
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In fact, it has happened twice, This is direct from Wikipedia: Israeli occupation of Sinai (until March 1957)

David Hirst also mentions this in his book 'Beware of Small States'; he says that whole of the peninsula was occupied in a week.

In 1956, Egypt nationalised the Suez Canal, a waterway marking the boundary between Egyptian territory in Africa and the Sinai Peninsula. Thereafter, Israeli ships were prohibited from using the Canal, owing to the state of war between the two states. Egypt also prohibited ships from using Egyptian territorial waters on the eastern side of the peninsula to travel to and from Israel, effectively imposing a blockade on the Israeli port of Eilat. Subsequently, in what is known in Egypt as the Tripartite Aggression, Israeli forces, aided by Britain, and France (which sought to reverse the nationalisation and regain control over the Suez Canal), invaded Sinai and occupied much of the peninsula within a few days. Several months later Israel withdrew its forces from Sinai, following strong pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union. Thereafter, the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) was stationed in Sinai to prevent any further conflict in the Sinai.

Sinai Peninsula - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting, Pakistanis worrying about presence of Israel????? Heck...:pakistan:.
What for?????
What Israel has to do with Pakistan or vise-versa??? it seems that Israelis have stolen underwear of Pakis from cloth-lines..
Lot of Pakis planning how to delete Israel... number of action plans. lot of strategies, ideas, methods being floated around.
People taking serious note of everything..
Questions... answers...
bottom-line is how to kill or how someone will survive!
There must be something batter to ponder upon...........
Why not develop yourself more than Israel?
Just give them a few hundred billion dollars and they will do it for sure.
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Intent is everything. Capabilities can be built. If my enemy throws even a rock at me with an intent to harm me, its prudent on my part to go after him with all I have. who knows what he will do next. So the concept of disproportionate is flawed by nature.
Even if you are occupying his house?

Muslims protected Hindus in India - how? by aligning themselves with the british and joining their army and opposing independence?

I am talking about the basic tenet of Islam that is intolerent towards everything else other than Islam.

5 Examples of Supreme Muslim Tolerance

As we see the images of burning embassies and burnt flags unfolding across the Muslim world, it is easy for non-Muslims (and some Muslims too) to jump to the conclusion that there is an inherent lack of tolerance amongst “religious” Muslims.

A lot of this is down to the hypocrisy of trying to judge others by standards that are completely your own.

Generally speaking, just because the West tolerates blasphemy on a grand scale, this does not mean that people who condemn blasphemy are necessarily intolerant.

Some of it is down to pure Islamophobia, in which Muslims are seen as irrational, violent, and pathological zealots. A fair proportion of this is rooted in a deep-seated ignorance of the supremely tolerant history and nature of Islam.

Here are just a few examples of exceptional Muslim tolerance:

5. The Success of Non-Muslim People in Muslim Ruled Lands

Here's a quick game you can play…

What happened to the Muslims of any land in which Non-Muslims ruled them?

In Communist Russia they were forcibly marched into the gulags of Siberia. In Eastern Europe it was the genocide of Bosnia and Srebrenica that awaited them. In Palestine, it is 60 years and counting of occupation, humiliation and imprisonment. In Spain, it was total annihilation, such that not one man was left to call the adhan.

Now, what happened to Non-Muslims living in Muslim lands?

In Moghul India, the Hindus survived, prospered and eventually took over. In Umayyad Spain, they all lived happily in the most modern state in all of Europe. In the Ottoman Empire, the Jews found shelter and a new golden age. In Egypt and Syria, a significant minority of the country is still Christian despite living under Muslim rule for 1400 years. Contrary to modern perceived wisdom, Muslims have almost always been tolerant of Non-Muslim minorities/ majorities in lands that they ruled. Had Islam been as intolerant as other ideologies, the non-Muslim communities in the Muslim world would have disappeared just like the Moors of Spain.

4. Preserving the Wisdom of Other People

It is customary for a conquering people to see nothing of value in their vanquished foe. Indeed, to this day, the Orientalist bigotry of the Colonial West towards Islam and Muslims is evidence of this.

Islam is often described as having nothing of benefit for mankind, and Muslims as being backwards despite huge amounts of evidence to the contrary. However, during the Muslim Caliphate there was a healthy respect for the culture and legacy of other cultures. It was this tolerance of the wisdom of others and the humble acceptance that there were things that they, the conquerors, could learn from the conquered that allowed Muslims to be the guardians of world knowledge.

It is little wonder that the oldest Universities in the world are all in Muslim lands. Everything from the philosophy of the ancient Greeks, the numerical system of ancient India and the agricultural marvels of ancient Persia were all preserved for posterity and built on, rather than destroyed.

3. The Conquest of Jerusalem

The Crusader chronicles mention in vivid detail the scene that took place when they conquered Jerusalem.

“Our horses waded knee-deep in the blood of the Saracens,” wrote one Knight Templar.

They celebrated their bloody triumph by converting the beautiful Dome of the Rock and masjid Al Aqsa into palaces and stables. Under a century later, Salahuddin had finally reached the gates of Jerusalem after righting the wrongs of the 1st and 2nd Crusades. Having ground the Crusader army to dust at the horns of Hattin, Salahuddin could have stormed the city like the Crusaders before him and leveled the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.

Indeed that is exactly what some in his army wanted. Instead he negotiated the surrender of the city with every inhabitant having to pay a certain amount in ransom. When he saw that many of the poor Christians had not enough money to ransom themselves, this tolerant Muslim leader paid their ransom out of his own pocket. Seeing his example, his soldiers did the same.

2. Saving the Jews of Spain – Twice

The Jews of Europe have always been a persecuted minority. Living in ghettos, derided openly and victims of regular pogroms – their suffering seemed endless. Nowhere was this worse than in the Iberian peninsula where the Visigothic kings chose to show off their new-found Catholic faith by making life hellish for all Jews.

First they took their children and when that wasn't enough to stamp out the Jewish presence in Spain, they decided to kick them out. But before they could complete their ethnic cleansing, the Muslims had arrived and put an end to such barbarity. The Jews were now not only free to live their lives, but also immediately promoted and allowed to take up high positions in government.

This situation lasted for nearly 800 years until eventually the Catholics regrouped and, showing that old habits die-hard, expelled both the Jews and the Muslims out of Spain. The Muslims were absorbed as refugees into the Muslim world, but where did the Jews go?

They were welcomed into Muslims lands as well with the Sultan of Turkey sending boats to bring them to Istanbul and entire districts in Morocco being allocated to them. Muslims saved the Jews for a second time.

1. The Prophet

Of course, no example of tolerance can be greater than that of the Prophet
himself. When he
was struggling in Mecca with a few followers, he would not raise his voice against those who heaped rubbish on him.

When he went to Ta'if he would not curse those who stoned him. When he saw his beloved wife and uncle die during the years of expulsion and starvation, he would not raise his hands against those who decimated his beloved family members. When he entered his hometown as a conqueror, he would not seek vengeance against anyone – even the killer of his dear uncle. Of course, the Prophet did stand up against oppression, unprovoked aggression and injustice. There was a balance in his behavior that is missing from the discourse of both, those whose first instinct is to burn stuff and those who say that all provocation should be ignored.

The Prophet
taught us tolerance and taught us its limits.

As the Western world grapples with the cancerous spread of dangerous Islamophobia in their lands and the Muslim world grapples with tendency to reflexive actions in theirs – we would all do well to remember his example. Muslims have a choice – we can either use our limitless love for the Prophet
to burn the world to avenge him or to reunite, refocus and re-build the world in honor of him. It is not hard to guess what he would have wanted.

No wonder he is known as “Rahmat lil-'Alimeen” – a mercy to ALL the worlds.

5 Examples of Supreme Muslim Tolerance » MuslimMatters.org
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@The SC,

The muslims who ruled parts of India ruled by guile by collaborating with certain local kings against others. They tried extending their rule by collaboratin with the brits.

The muslim rulers had plenty of enemies among themselves and needed locals to extend their lives.

Lets not go back into history.

@The SC,

The muslims who ruled parts of India ruled by guile by collaborating with certain local kings against others. They tried extending their rule by collaboratin with the brits.

The muslim rulers had plenty of enemies among themselves and needed locals to extend their lives.

Lets not go back into history.

If you do your search you'll find in the majority of them that no minority is targeted, and that in most of them most minorities are represented in their Parliaments including Iran.
It is not my Job to educate you on this, there is plenty of evidence, be it in books, on the net or in scholarly articles all over the world.
There is no deleting Israel. They have a right to that land just as the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) do.
What is needed is for the zionists amongst the Israelis to get off their high horse and start treating Palestinians as equals and give them their space.

Something of the sorts:
VIDEO: Jerusalem In 1896 | Gadling

Who apart from Palestinians (surprise surprise :) ) and their muslim supporters says that? Its a disputed land, and till the dispute is settled, assumed ownership can not be used as an argument
Look up UN resolutions to understand the ownership issue. There is clearly a precedence of Palestinian ownership in place. Last I checked, UN did not refer to Torah, Quran or the Bible for the title of the land so what you state is clearly a minority opinion backed up by naked force.
There is no deleting Israel. They have a right to that land just as the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) do.
What is needed is for the zionists amongst the Israelis to get off their high horse and start treating Palestinians as equals and give them their space.

The demographic changes will make Israel realize, sooner or later, that a two state solution is the only way to secure its future as a Jewish state by giving the Palestinians a state of their own.
Look up UN resolutions to understand the ownership issue. There is clearly a precedence of Palestinian ownership in place. Last I checked, UN did not refer to Torah, Quran or the Bible for the title of the land so what you state is clearly a minority opinion backed up by naked force.

I have always believed that a complicated answer generally obfuscates the facts so lets keep it simple shall we. Is the area in question still considered to be disputed by UN , or not ? Its a simple Yes/No answer
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