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(OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

All the Generals of Pakistan army are highly competent and devoted soldiers. Please don't disregard this fact...

Not disregarding at all.

In middle of war you simply don't replace the chiefs of forces unless they are not up to mark.

This resigning of other generals nonsense needs to stop as well, especially during war time.
کی پیا کردا جاندا ایں،کی پیا کردا جاندا ایں،،جتھوں نکلیان سیں اوتھے وڑ دا جاندا ایں،،، ،،،وڑ گئے او تو سی،،،
PM offered COAS extension because he fears army: Imran
Khawar GhummanUpdated August 15, 2016
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has accused Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of offering an extension and a promotion to Chief of Army Staff Gen Raheel Sharif because “he is afraid of the army”.

In his post-midnight address to a rally in the capital on Sunday, Mr Khan said, in so many words: “The prime minister is repeatedly asking the army chief to take an extension and become a field marshal because he fears him; [PM Sharif] has all other institutions under his control.”

His claim came as the capital was rife with rumours that the army chief might be promoted to the rank of field marshal, in recognition of his success in leading Operation Zarb-i-Azb.

Information minister dismisses claim
According to some quarters, the offer was made, but Gen Sharif refused to accept it and decided to stick to his earlier decision of retiring as per schedule, on Nov 29 this year.

In January, when social media was abuzz with talk about a possible extension for the army chief, Gen Sharif had come out with an unequivocal statement, saying: “I do not believe in extension(s) and will retire on the due date.”

Information Minister Pervaiz Rashid said: “The PTI chief is known for making such irresponsible statements,” adding that until Mr Khan revealed the source of his information about the prime minister’s purported offer, “How can I respond to this assertion that is based on rumours?”

A security official told Dawn that the army chief had already announced his decision to retire on time and only the government could explain the rumours that had been doing the rounds over the past few weeks.

“As far as a decision regarding an extension or promotion for the army chief is concerned, it can only be made by the prime minister,” the official said.

In his speech, the PTI chairman predicted that the next Aug 14 would be the “real independence day”, when the country would be free from the clutches of the current ruling elite who had deprived the masses of education, health and other basic facilities over the years.

“They win elections through fraud and then make money in connivance with corrupt government officials as there is no one to check them,” he alleged.

He also came down hard on the National Accountability Bureau, saying that it only acted against minor criminals. “Those who loot the country appoint a Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) chairman and bring in people of their own choice to the Election Commission to manage elections.”

Overseas Pakistanis were willing to come back and invest in the country, but because of rampant corruption they preferred destinations like Dubai and Malaysia, he said.

In contrast, Mr Khan said, a minister had been arrested in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, while the father of a member of the KP Assembly had been sent behind bars by the provincial accountability department. “One must ask the FBR why it doesn’t act against those named in the Panama Papers.”

Imran Khan also accused two FBR officials — Dr Irshad and Amjad Tiwana — of ‘fixing’ the tax records of the Sharif family.

Challenging the democratic credentials of the Sharif brothers, the PTI chairman said those who were “spoon-fed politics by military dictators, took money from the ISI and even attacked the Supreme Court” were now giving him sermons on democracy.

He supported the military establishment’s assertion that the National Action Plan (NAP) against terrorism couldn’t achieve the desired results because the government had failed to fulfil its commitments about NAP.

Mr Khan said the federal government had failed to bring reforms to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, or streamline seminaries.

Published in Dawn, August 15th, 2016
Bilal Akbar would have been a better COAS. First they wasted Gen Tariq now him.
How was General Tariq wasted, he was way down in the seniority list. One should remember every tom dick and harry does not become a general. Most of the officers retire at the rank on Lt Col level.

LT.GEN BILAL AKBAR sahab warr gaye
He might still get promoted to 4 star general as JCOS
Warr gaye.

That's all I'd say

Bad decision. Don't agree to it

Worst decision of this govt. instituions should not rely on single personality. Kiyani era going to come back and will haunt us.

i don't like these things... I think next Gen would be as capable as Bajwa is.

All the retarded fanboys who think that the current state of affairs reflects some kind of massive "achievement" by GHQ need to wake up.

We badly needed fresh/creative/aggressive thinking and now we're stuck with the same old BS for another three years. It is against the grain of the Armed Forces and, if Gen Bajwa had any class, he would resign and allow the next capable General to be elevated.

Depressing day.
Big mistake. If recent hostilities or what India has done in Kashmir were the issues - then either all three service chiefs should have received extensions, or Bajwa should have received a 6m extension.

There is no justification for this :hitwall:
I don't know ...that's the reason given by all news junkies ... well he supervising US-Taliban talks and working on Pak-Afghan wall. May be American ask IK to let him stay until Afghanistan become stable in next few years.

As always, we sell out to American wishes VS. our national interest and the sanctity of our institutions.
All the retarded fanboys who think that the current state of affairs reflects some kind of massive "achievement" by GHQ need to wake up.

We badly needed fresh/creative/aggressive thinking and now we're stuck with the same old BS for another three years. It is against the grain of the Armed Forces and, if Gen Bajwa had any class, he would resign and allow the next capable General to be elevated.

Depressing day.

I am saying the same bhai. Don't quote me but the guys defending this decision.

I am already disappointed with IK and this decision adds to those long list of disappointments
Big mistake. If recent hostilities or what India has done in Kashmir were the issues - then either all three service chiefs should have received extensions, or Bajwa should have received a 6m extension.

There is no justification for this :hitwall:

Exactly!!! Even that should technically not be necessary as the CGS, with the Directorate of Military Operations under him (as well as the MI and other important functions) remains the same during the transition to a new Chief, as does the DG ISI, what's the issue with a new COAS?
How was General Tariq wasted, he was way down in the seniority list. One should remember every tom dick and harry does not become a general. Most of the officers retire at the rank on Lt Col level.

He might still get promoted to 4 star general as JCOS
This guy was wasted. GTA style

Not because of extension but because of the selection of Raheel Shareef who was 3rd in seniority. Tariq was way down.

Right now, however, this extension BS will only benefit Bajwa and maybe Imran; Army could be led by other generals just as well, this extension drama is BS. Bajwa should have been man enough to resist the temptation to accept the extension.
Good Decision . Extention milni chahyee the aur mili . IOK , Afghanistan Peace process , FATF , Madaris Reforms e.t.c e.t.c
As an Imran Khan fan, this is a horrible decision for Pakistan and the Pakistan army. Indian's would love the docile duo. We needed someone to shake things up, bring a slight sense of uncertainty for the Indian War planners. Given the (attempted) attack on Balakot and the current situation in Kashmir the Indians reckon they have a handle on these two. Subsequent embarrassment with downing of their two jets plus heli notwithstanding.

I am sure there are many many variables which Modi/Shah/Doval had to decide on but knowing you have someone who would never ever launch 50 nukes at you allows you to be belligerent and even threaten pre-emptive nuclear war. Again, not asking for someone who would do this, just someone for whom either that possibility is unknown or greater than 0 - even 0.1%.

I cannot imagine Imran or Bajwa even considering a nuclear strike even if Muzafarrabad falls. When the Indian defence Minister talks openly about taking Azad Kashmir there was not one peep about nuclear weapons. There basically are no red lines for these guys. For them "nuclear weapons are madness."

Precisely. They really are the docile duo. Fanboys will claim that we cannot go into open war, our economy is fragile, our stability is on the brink, FATF will sink us, etc.

But the fact remains that you have to CREATIVELY & CLEVERLY work around these challenges, not ACCEPT them as "new normals." Which separatist movement has gotten justice from the UNSC or other useless intl bodies like the OIC? Which nation has gained independence simply because of a few articles in some newspapers? The only thing that works is the language of force --- applied, in Kashmir, asymmetrically to frustrate and bog down the occupying Indian forces without any spectacular attacks that cross any red-lines that could lead to a conventional response.

But of course these two gentleman lost their marbles long ago. They want to paint us into a corner where we will still be living in a fool's paradise that some magical external force will save the day.
This guy was wasted. GTA style

Not because of extension but because of the selection of Raheel Shareef who was 3rd in seniority. Tariq was way down.

Right now, however, this extension BS will only benefit Bajwa and maybe Imran; Army could be led by other generals just as well, this extension drama is BS. Bajwa should have been man enough to resist the temptation to accept the extension.
Are you saying that Raheel Shareef was not a good general? Haroon Islam was offered CJCS but he refused.
Big mistake. If recent hostilities or what India has done in Kashmir were the issues - then either all three service chiefs should have received extensions, or Bajwa should have received a 6m extension.

There is no justification for this :hitwall:
This is a political decision. Imran knows that if the new COAS doesn't work with him like Bajwa did, he'd be fucked on the political end. New COAS might be a neutral one and he can't afford that right now.
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