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(OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

The Agencies and the Government have much, much more strategic information related to National Security Issues. There must a very good reason or reasons why this decision was taken. I know a few members do not like this, but something really critical is taking place in the region and to change Military Leadership at this juncture would be suicidal.
I can assure you, more matter how intelligent you are, and no matter how experienced you are, BUT when you Start a "New Position" even in the same organisation, it takes months for the Person to settle down and take the helm of the new position. I suspect this was also a major consideration. Something big is Brewing, and I am afraid this is preparation for it.

Exactly. We might be running into a limited war with India any time now. Change in command, would had hampered our planning and operational command since new General would had his own doctrine. Bajwa has also restored relationship with American Generals at Pentagon so we need him to deal them as well.
Bilal Akbar would have been a better COAS. First they wasted Gen Tariq now him.
Yeah but he is controversial due to DG Rangers period and personally I think the man can't deliver dialogue properly (no charisma). Otherwise brilliant mind, I think he devised the NCWF as a Major General.
This is not about IK or PTI's youthias. This is about Pakistan and it's security.

Here's a masoomana question to all PDF keyboard warriors. Just forget Pakistan for a moment and consider you are the head of a family having a large estate and lands in your possession which you have to defend. Your sworn enemy is on your lands' boundaries, armed to the teeth, sabre-rattling and opening announcing that he's coming to take over your lands and kill you and your family. Will you, at this point of time, change the Head of your Security Team, who has been productively and efficiently serving you since last three years, just because his employment contract period is ending ?

No ?

I thought so.

Exactly. We might be running for a limited war with India any time now. Change in command, would had hampered our planning and operational command since new General would had his own doctrine. Bajwa has also restored relationship with American General at Pentagon so we need him to deal them as well.
Change in command didnt affected PAF war fighting capability when NOOR khan was appointed as AC, cant see why it will affect now?
Well he certainly dont know his friend .... :-)
Well, sometime some foreign super power asked for extensions too. You may see some more good stuff comes from US in near future. You scratch my back and i scratch yours .... Afghan exit.
#KhooniLiberals #MarasiMedia #Lifafaz and the enemies of Pakistan would like the video below... Finally, a wise decision from this governmint...

The Indian ambassador acted sheepishly, his gestures were very telling. He acted more like a marasi then a professional diplomat.
Bilal Akbar would have been a better COAS. First they wasted Gen Tariq now him.

My father having served some time in infantry school with Gen Tariq said that he would be a good candidate for chief (at the time when Gen Tariq was a brigadier). Too bad he did not get the chance.

While one year extension is OK considering the situation but three years is too much. Plenty of hopeful three stars would go home.
Well, sometime some foreign super power asked for extensions too. You may see some more good stuff comes from US in near future. You scratch my back and i scratch yours .... Afghan exit.
not only foreign, local also.... :-)
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