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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

RIP Pilot...

We Need to Retire Mirages and F-7P ASAP...

Buy New Planes Like J-11D or J-10C
Wing Commander Fayyaz shaheed - October 18, 2016


May Allah Bless Him With Higher Ranks In Jannah ........
KARACHI: A pilot of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was killed on Tuesday as his Mirage jet crashed near Karachi’s Musharraf Colony.

According to Squadron leader Baqir Ali, PAF Mirage jetbearing tale number 921 took off from Masroor Base, before it crashed near Musharraf Colony. The pilot died on the spot, police officials stated.

“A Mirage plane crashed near Musharraf colony,” Senior Superintendent Police city confirmed.

Pilot killed as PAF fighter jet crashes in Khyber Agency

“The pilot ejected from the aircraft and sustained fatal injuries,” PAF spokesperson said in a statement, adding that though the pilot did not survive himself, he “succeeded in saving precious lives on ground.”

“No loss of civilian life or property has been reported. A board of inquiry has been ordered by Air Headquarters to determine the cause of the accident,” the statement read.

Last month, a PAF pilot was killed as his fighter jet crashed in Jamrud, Khyber Agency. “The pilot of the aircraft Flt Lt Omer Shazad sustained fatal injuries,” the military’s media wing ISPR said. The PAF aircraft was on a routine operational training mission.

Military helicopter crashes in Hunza

Officials claim the aircraft crashed due to a technical fault. Speaking toThe Express Tribune, a senior official of the political administration said, “A team of Swat scouts and Levis officials have been sent to the site of the incident.”


Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.
we just came here share our condolences and then forgot, we just keep in that mind that Pilot was someone's son, a brother, and husband and a father of some, their lives will be changed completely in just a moment.

how can we fill the space of a father of his child, a husband of his wife. a son of his mother and father.

May Allah grant his soul in peace.
Eventually Mirages would be retired and replaced by JF17s. PAF ac are maintained according to highest practises of maintenance. I believe last November mirage accident was mechanical problem and pilots wanted to save the aircraft at all costs against clear cut instructions to eject at 2000 AGL. It is generally the urge to save ac that leads to fatal accidents. There are many glorious examples where to avoid populated area pilot delayed ejection and got martyred. This Mirage accident it is too early to comment. It could be human factor or weather or mechanical malfunction. Best is to wait for Inquiry Report. Our senior commanders lead from the front and hence fly a lot.
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All Pakistani jet retro fitted with zero zero ejection seats but most of the times Pakistani pilots don't wants to eject over populated area and to save civilians the prefer to serve give their lives.

You're right, I should have been clearer :
I believe the pilot maneuvered to avoid civilian zones.
However ...

The Mirage 921 of the Bandits was a ROSE1 upgrade.
I know the MB Mk10 is supposed to be a Zero-Zero but
it just cannot save you except at level attitude near ground.
Forget ejecting closing fast in a spiral which is always though
in any case. It just cannot compare with an MB Mk16 or any
with electronic sequencer and so on.

That's no flaw by the engineers of PAC or anything like that,
it's just an age related problem as those have reached their
initially planned retirement date ( 2010-15 max. ).

Good day to you under the circumstances, Tay.
They are quite new and probably will serve 10 more years.

Please.... till 2020 PAF needs to replace 200+ Aircraft (Mirage and F-7PG) Currently JF-17 is replacing F-7PG and you are saying that they can serve more 10 years...

Result gonna be more crashes
No body forcing anyone, They himself proudly accept to serve Pakistan till death.
It does not means to wast the precious lives of the pilots.
PAF pilots should martyr in the war, not to kill them in the 50 60 years old air crafts. It is their aim.
I am sure that pilot, the son of Pakistan, was trying his level best to save the plane to a limit, that he forgot about ejecting and saving his own life.
Why don't we ground them all?
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