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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

If this guys had turned out to be a Muslim, we would never hear the end of it , it would have gone on and on and one and Sky new would have brought indian dim wit Sajjan Goya ( <- yep thats 'Goya' .. lol ) to spread his peals of wisdom and how somehow this guys had touched the shores of Pakistan and come back to commit this act

Since he was not Muslim, it'll be out of the headlines very soon in fact sky is already talking about the death of Amy Winehouse and has removed this story from its headlines.

Sky by the way is &#8216;sister network&#8217; of Fox :D
stop trying to find an equal equal.

stop looking for crumbs.

your point of reference is all wrong, there is no way this guy was independent, just look the other killers in pakistan.

He was a sick psychopath. If you read his posts he made in various websites you would know. Im pretty sure there isn't some underground militant outfit this guy was a part of.
this typical american idiot

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One thing is clear, 10 years from now the world be more divided more hate filled then it is today all thanks to a bunch of child killing murderous land thieves and the ones who support their sick ideology.
Andres B. was writing a book and thats what he tell about his book

This mindset started apparently as an economic theory, but in recent years been used as an ideology towards multiculturalism in general and Islam in particular. While writing Breivik that it stands for the following:

- Cultural Conservatism (anti-multiculturalism)

- Against Islamization

- Anti-racist

- Anti-authoritarian (resistance to all authoritarian ideologies of hate)

- Pro-Israel/forsvarer of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim countries

- Defender of the cultural aspects of Christianity

- To reveal the Eurabia project and the Frankfurt School (ny-marxisme/kulturmarxisme/multikulturalisme)

- Is not an economic policy and can collect everything from socialists to capitalists

Do not right-wing terrorist
In 2009 wrote the following on Breivik document.no:

"I have never ever heard of a right extreme or NS terrorist attacks of importance on European soil. This sounds like kulturmarxistisk wishful thinking."

Read also: A national tragedy

In his writings Breivik says that he is strongest opponent of what he calls kulturmarxisme, which he believes permeates the Norwegian press. He would, among other things, start a right wing newspaper in Norway, although he also wrote that he would try to make the Progress Party member newspaper to a better mouthpiece for right wing ideas.

In one of the posts he states that politics today no longer revolves around socialism against capitalism, but that the fight is between nationalism and internationalism. Breivik says he is nationalist.

Labor is only mentioned once in the post which is now available, and then in connection with the provision of support to the Red Youth and SOS Racism (referred to as "Stoltenberg Jugend"). He mentions, however, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and then describe her as "land the killer."

Breivik book claims to have written would be 1100 pages, and after what he claimed was a compendium of the struggle for what he stood for. 2083 is a year that is used in many computer games and generally in some science fiction as a year where much happens and changes. It is not explained why Breivik has used this title of his book.

Support for EDL
Breivik has also expressed support for the British English Defense League, a very radical organization on the right side in England. He has also meant that one should build up a similar organization in Norway.
Norway gunman fired at teens for 90 minutes

Suspect admits to some things about blast, shootings, police say

A man suspected of killing at least 94 people, most of them teenagers, in an explosion and shooting rampage in Norway surrendered to police as soon as they arrived on the island where he'd slaughtered most of his victims, police say.

By then, he'd been firing shots at young campers for 90 minutes, investigators said during a news conference Saturday. Police arrived on the island 40 minutes after being called, they said.

A 32-year-old man, who police say dressed up as a police officer before gunning down at least 87 campers at the youth retreat near Oslo, has admitted to some things already, investigators said.

But police said it is too early to know what drove him to set off the explosion in downtown Oslo, then massacre the campers at an island retreat hosted by the country&#8217;s ruling party.

As victims' families gathered in a nearby hotel on Saturday, police continued to search the waters around the island of Utoya for campers who tried to save their lives by jumping into the water.

Four people were still missing by early Saturday evening local time, and police said the toll from both attacks could rise to 98.

Police said they will not identify the victims or reveal their ages until after they finish work on the island. They are also talking to all survivors.

A search of the man's home and his Facebook postings turned up suggestions of right-wing and anti-Muslim political leanings, said police, who didn't reveal anything that might have propelled the suspect to mass murder.

&#8220;It&#8217;s not clear what his motivation is yet and the police haven&#8217;t really talked about that,&#8221; CBC reporter Nahlah Ayed said from the scene outside Oslo on Saturday. &#8220;What we do know from police is that he has been very co-operative and is very keen to express his point of view.&#8221;


The Norwegian-born suspect comes from a well-to-do family, and his Facebook page suggests he's a Christian fundamentalist. He owns a farm, where he runs a business, and once belonged to the right-wing Progress Party, according to reports. Police said the man doesn't have a criminal record.

Little else is known yet about the man's background, including whether he served in Norway's armed forces, although all men in the country are liable for military service after the age of 18.

Government officials reported killed

On Friday, the blast in Oslo came first &#8212; a car bomb set off outside a government building that housed the prime minister's office. Seven people died, including some government officials, according to Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.

During the chaos that followed the explosion, word came of the shootings on Utoya.

The two attacks formed the deadliest day of terror in Western Europe since the 2004 Madrid train bombings killed 191.

Norwegians were still reeling Saturday, and the streets of Oslo were only beginning to show life after looking like a ghost town in the hours after the attacks.

"It takes a special kind of cruelty to target kids and shoot them down, and it's absolutely horrible," Sigrid Kleiva-Gramstad told CBC News from Oslo as she explained the shock and grief in the country.

Norway's King Harald, Queen Sonja and Crown Prince Haakon went to Sundvollen to meet the families of victims of the youth camp massacre.

Stoltenberg also tried to comfort the families, whose children were at the annual retreat for political training and debate as well as for sports and more conventional camp activities.

Suspect may have had help

A Norwegian newspaper says the suspect in the twin attacks bought about six tonnes of artificial fertilizer about 10 weeks ago. Artificial fertilizer can be used in homemade bombs, but the supplier in this case says the amount allegedly purchased by the suspect was normal for farm use.

Initially, police said they believed the assailant acted alone, but the CBC&#8217;s Ayed said they were more cautious on this point Saturday, since it wasn&#8217;t clear how one person could have pulled off both attacks.

&#8220;This was a very sophisticated attack, multi-pronged,&#8221; she said.

A police official told reporters the suspect did not seem to have any connections to international organizations. The violence did not seem &#8220;Islamic-terror related," said the official, who would not allow his name to be used. "This seems like a madman's work."

The toll from the shootings at the youth retreat was initially estimated at 10, but survivors reported seeing many more victims. The number soared to 84 during the night, and an additional 3 deaths were reported later Saturday.

Killer&#8217;s police uniform fooled survivor

Survivors told harrowing tales of the shootings. A 15-year-old camper named Elise said she heard the gunshots but felt safe after seeing a police officer. Then he started shooting people right before her eyes.

"I saw many dead people," said Elise, whose father, Vidar Myhre, didn't want her to disclose her last name. "He first shot people on the island. Afterward he started shooting people in the water."

Elise said she hid behind the same rock that the killer was standing on. "I could hear his breathing from the top of the rock," she said. She said it was impossible to say how many minutes passed while she was waiting for him to stop.

Other witnesses said the gunman also tried to kill people desperately trying to swim away from the island.

Though police did not release his name, Norwegian national broadcaster NRK identified him as Anders Behring Breivik and said police searched his Oslo apartment overnight. NRK and other Norwegian media posted pictures of the blond, blue-eyed Norwegian.

National police Chief Sveinung Sponheim told NRK that the suspected gunman's internet postings "suggest that he has some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views, but whether that was a motivation for the actual act remains to be seen."

Stoltenbert, who leads the Labour Party but was not in his office when the explosion happened at government headquarters, told reporters he had spent many summers on the island of Utoya.


Norwegian media have identified the suspect in custody as 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik. Reuters

Island was 'paradise' for PM

Utoya is "my childhood paradise that yesterday was transformed into hell," he said at a news conference in the capital. He called the attacks a national tragedy.

"Never since the Second World War has our country been hit by a crime on this scale," he said.

The country was clearly in mourning, one Norwegian said.

"Norwegians consider Norway a quite peaceful and safe country," he said.

The island of Utoya is about 500 metres from one shore of Tyrifjorden lake, an oddly shaped body of water that is 25 kilometres at its longest and 12 kilometres at its widest. About 700 people were on the island at the time of the attack

Norway gunman fired at teens for 90 minutes - World - CBC News
but but but ... he had a 'Pakistani friend' when he was 12-17 years old

Who is the suspect in the Norway attacks? - CNN.com

There is the evidenve!!! Pakistan is GHHHITTLYYY!! ehh ?

Why do you still pursue the victim card? Nobody is blaming the muslim-extremists(except from some right-wing media such as Fox), let alone Muslims or even Pakistani's or Pakistan ( The last seems ridiculously far-fetched, when we now it's a homegrown white non-muslim extremist/terrorist, which hated Muslims).

Why portray yourself as victims, when in this case you're clearly not?

How are the Irish people treating Muslim immigrants btw? I heard islamophobia was on the rise in Ireland.
Norway to recognize Palestine if peace talk fails

Norway&#8217;s foreign minister has announced that the country will be among the first to recognise a Palestinian state if negotiations with Israel fail to make headway by September. A nine-month deadline has been set by the Palestinians for proclaiming independence, which would also coincide with the completion of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad&#8217;s two-year effort to set up the basic institutions of a state.

Speaking in Ramallah, Norwegian foreign minister Jonas Gahr Stoere said Oslo is striving to help with the development of the Palestinian economy but still believes that the political process towards peace could be a success.

We are working to develop the economy of Palestine to reach that goal,&#8221; Stoere told reporters. &#8220;If, by August or September, there is no progress on the political track, I think the climate will change,&#8221; he added.

When asked if Norway would recognise a Palestinian state after that point, Stoere said, &#8220;Norway will be among the first states [in Europe] who will recognise a Palestinian state when there is an act as an international team&#8221; to that end. Until then, he went on to say, Norway will continue to back negotiations between the two warring nations while supporting Fayyad&#8217;s plan.

Norway&#8217;s foreign minister, who heads a committee in charge of raising international aid for Palestine, also told reporters in Jordan last week that Norway is committed to rallying donors to help build Palestinian institutions.

Read more: Norway to recognise Palestine if peace talks fail | IceNews - Daily News
Read more: Norway to recognise Palestine if peace talks fail | IceNews - Daily News

more news

Norway backs Palestine bid at UN; gets bombed 5 days later


After supporting Palestine&#8217;s bid for sovereignty at the United Nations in an announcement on Monday, Norway today suffered numerous terrorist attacks.

Three days ago, July 19, Reuters reported:

Norway, host of the 1993 Palestinian-Israeli peace accords, said on Monday it was &#8220;perfectly legitimate&#8221; for Palestinians to take their case for statehood to the United Nations for voting in September.

&#8220;We will consider very carefully the proposed text that&#8217;s to be put forward by the Palestinians in the coming weeks,&#8221; said Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere, with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas beside him at a press conference.

Then, in what appears to be Israeli retaliation, Norway endured terrorist attacks. Today a children&#8217;s camp was gunned down and a bomb exploded in Oslo:

At least 30 people are feared dead in Norway after a gunman mowed down students at a summer camp hours after a bomb had devastated the centre of Oslo.

Seven people had earlier been killed in central Oslo when a car bomb went off outside the country&#8217;s main government building. Members of the country&#8217;s ruling Labour Party were the targets in both cases. Police have confirmed a total of 17 deaths.

Norway backs Palestine bid at UN; gets bombed 5 days later | COTO Report

The Media has been insulting and demonizing a billion Muslims all day yesterday, wheres our apology ? ?? I might even been thinking of Suing Fox News for slander and lies.
i just read one of the comment in some forum, i'll quote it for u guyz...

"There was a pro Palestinian solidarity event held on the island the day before the shooting. Norway was going to acknowledge Palestinian statehood if Israel and Palestine could not come to an agreement. In fact Norway either has or was preparing an embassy for Palestine. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm questions abound.............."

decide for ur self now!
Norway to recognize Palestine if peace talk fails


Looks like the Jewish conspirators are using a new kind of brainwave technology, which allowed them to use Mr Anders Breivik to act upon their Zionist agenda in order to sabotage the Norwegian government, which was ready to recognize Palestina, like so many other countries are willing to do.

Am I close?
I think the inferrence is a deranged Christian fundamentalist would be portrayed as a deranged, psychologically ill person (rightfully so), acting alone and contrary to Christian doctrine - the Lone Wolf scenario.


also keep in mind the "Crypto-Jews" who act as Christians (or other religion) on the face-of-it but are like under-cover...

Kind of extreme-zionism some of apparent-christians show, make me feel they might be crypto-jews...
While this has been going on another Iranian scientist has been assassinated by Mossad scum.
RAW VIDEO: Norway blast aftermath


lol.. just heard Sky news comparing this to mumbai style attack! so.. there you go!!

RIP to the dead. i hopr now norway wakes up to wat india has been suffering for so many years.

Definitely a work of Islamic terrorists, look at this:Bomb blast hits Norwegian PM's office - Europe - Al Jazeera English

look at some of these indian comments

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