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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
Norway massacre: Breivik manifesto attempts to woo India's Hindu nationalists

Norway massacre suspect Anders Behring Breivik’s manifesto invites Jewish groups in Israel, Buddhists in China, and Hindu nationalist groups in India to contain the spread of Islam.

By Ben Arnoldy, Staff writer
posted July 25, 2011 at 2:50 pm EDT

New Delhi

The Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik writes in a manifesto that he acquired some 8,000 e-mail addresses of “cultural conservatives” not just across Europe but North America, Australia, South Africa, Armenia, Israel, and India – ensuring scrutiny of anti-Muslim groups far beyond Europe.

Mr. Breivik’s primary goal is to remove Muslims from Europe. But his manifesto invites the possibility for cooperation with Jewish groups in Israel, Buddhists in China, and Hindu nationalist groups in India to contain Islam.

"It is essential that the European and Indian resistance movements learn from each other and cooperate as much as possible. Our goals are more or less identical," he wrote.

In the case of India, there is significant overlap between Breivik’s rhetoric and strains of Hindu nationalism – or Hindutva – on the question of coexistence with Muslims. Human rights monitors have long decried such rhetoric in India for creating a milieu for communal violence, and the Norway incidents are prompting calls here to confront the issue.

“Like Europe’s mainstream right-wing parties, [India’s] BJP has condemned the terrorism of the right – but not the thought system which drives it. Its refusal to engage in serious introspection, or even to unequivocally condemn Hindutva violence, has been nothing short of disgraceful,” writes senior journalist Praveen Swami in today’s edition of The Hindu.

“Liberal parties, including the Congress, have been equally evasive in their critique of both Hindutva and Islamist terrorism,” he adds.

Last week, Breivik detonated a bomb in downtown Oslo and opened fire at a youth camp of the ruling political party, killing at least 76 people. He reportedly said in court today that the rampage was “marketing” for his manifesto, “2083: A European Declaration of Independence.”
The manifesto

Breivik’s 1,500-page manifesto calls preserving traditional European culture by cutting it off from immigration from the Muslim world. While he is against setting up a Christian theocracy, he envisions a revival of Christendom, where the church helps unify Europeans around a shared cultural identity.

In the manifesto, Breivik references India dozens of times. He included a five-page paper written by a man named Shrinandan Vyas that argues the Muslim invaders committed a “genocide” of Hindus in the Hindu Kush region of present-day Afghanistan. Efforts to track down Mr. Vyas have failed.

Invasions by Muslims into South Asia did include bloodshed, but use of the term “genocide” is highly controversial.

But for B.P. Singhal, a retired BJP member of Parliament and noted Hindutva writer: “There was a wholesale massacre.”

He goes on to cite dramatic drops in the Hindu populations in Pakistan and Bangladesh since Partition of British India – figures that Breivik also gives in his manifesto. Mr. Singhal and Breivik share a critical belief: Muslim majorities always subjugate religious minorities.

“I was with the shooter in his objective, but not in his method,” says Singhal of Breivik. “If you want to attract the nation’s attention, surely you need to do something drastic and dramatic, but not killing people.”

But Singhal goes on to say that sometimes violence must be fought with violence. He says people upset by violent responses to Islam must "go one step more to find why [Breivik’s] violence came in. Why was that western Christian talking in bad terms about Islam?” He says it’s because of violent verses in the Koran that continue to be preached in an intolerant way.

Singhal said India and Norway should deny voting rights to foreigners or "foreign religionists," meaning Muslims. That would solve the “bane of democracy,” says Singhal, where politicians who are strict with groups like Muslims are voted out.

Breivik also proposed curbing voting rights within democracy, and both men view their ideological opponents in the media and universities as communists.

Singhal has not corresponded with Breivik, nor does he see much need for alliances to counter Islam’s spread: “Every country will have to find its own solutions,” he says.
Knights Templar

It’s unclear as of yet who Breivik reached out to in India and what the depth of the interactions was. His manifesto says he is among 12 “knights” fighting within a dozen regions in Europe and the US, but not India. It’s not known yet whether this group, which he calls the Knights Templar Europe, actually exists.

Breivik describes months of tedious work farming “high quality” e-mail addresses off the Internet by friending networks “representing all spheres of cultural conservative thought” on Facebook, then acquiring members’ e-mail addresses. The goal appeared to be to generate a list to send his manifesto to just prior to his rampage.

Officials in India’s Home Ministry would not comment on whether they are tracking down Breivik’s e-mails to India. Mr. Swami, who has sources inside India’s intelligence community, told the Monitor that India does not have the capacity to do those traces easily until Norway provides information from Breivik’s computers.

“I’ve been trying to ask around if anyone knows about a substantial correspondence of any kind and haven’t come up with anything,” says Swami.

The Internet has made it easier for extremists to follow one another internationally, he points out. But, historically, European and Indian far right groups have not worked with each other – nor do they have much practical reason to cooperate now.

“I think irrespective of the Norwegian [attacks], the government needs to keep a much closer eye on the activities of the Hindu fundamentalist groups … and crack down on hate speech whether it’s Hindu, Muslim, or otherwise,” says Swami.
Norwegian tragedy, Pakistani worries
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: July 26, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik was driven by a paranoia of Muslims, and of Pakistanis in particular. Of all the nations, he singled out Pakistan as responsible for the future problems of Europe.

Most would run down Breivik as a sick young man, nurturing hatred and bias. But rejecting Breivik’s “Manifesto 2083” – a projection of Europe in slightly over 70 years from now, hardly serves those dismissive of the Norwegian who plunged the country into a state of mourning after gunning down some 68 youngsters attending a summer camp.

Of all Muslim societies, Pakistan seized Breivik’s imagination as a country typical for “denial of justice, intrusive religiousity and denial of rights to non-Muslims.” This must be a matter of introspection. In essence, Pakistan, for him, represents an embodiment of contradictions and denials, injustice, misgovernance and disorder which, in the long run, he fears would go on to galvanise other countries across the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic.

Breivik’s knowledge of Pakistan and Pakistan-origin Norwegians is based on his personal experiences, and extensive study of writings of people like Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.

The image that Pakistani, Turk or Algerian Muslims have created for themselves is nothing new but people in Europe have started viewing them as inflexible members of the societies which are feeding them. For these Muslims, European values don’t matter.

Breivik’s childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway, comes across as someone who despite having lived several years in Europe still resented Norwegian society because it “represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways.”

Through close ties with Muslim families, Breivik must have also observed the paradoxes that most Pakistanis, Arabs and Turks live in: treating sons different from the way they treat their daughters.

The refusal of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society also seems to drive Breivik’s fears. Much of this is rooted in the conservative backgrounds that many Pakistani immigrants come from. It also results in a ghettoized style of living

Last year, I met a young Pakistani driver in Washington. His father had migrated to the USA. The young man was born in the US but still found American ingredients of a breakfast – bread, cheese, coffee, marmalade – “not for us.” He loved paratha and lassi or black tea. The family lives together in a big house – with the women busy serving the rest. Their lives hardly vary from their relatives back home.

Based on personal experience, one can say most Pakistanis and Turks start having nightmares when their daughters reach adolescence – the fear of their girls dating drives such parents crazy, and they start thinking of how to preempt that eventuality.

As far back as in the mid 1980s, when one visited Scandinavia for the first time, one could see how many people from Pakistan – all of them practicing Muslims, were milking the social security system.

They do this even today.

Very recently, a friend based in Paris was blacklisted for abuse of laws that bestow certain privileges to parents of immigrants settled in France. It was a painful story to hear. There are countless such stories across Europe.

As a whole, the picture that emerges from the lives of a majority of Pakistani immigrants is dismal. They refuse to integrate. These conditions have shaped Breivik’s thesis on Pakistan. One is neither buying this thesis nor suggesting it is the ultimate truth. Our Pakistani brothers and sisters, however, must reflect as to why he arrived at such conclusions.
So Norwegians are Islam hating and China hating. This attack shows Norway's true face.

No they are not. There is some fringe fanatics and that's about it.

Norway as a nation has in fact been one of the most peace promoting countries in the world including cases which involved Muslims like the Israel Palestine issue or non-Muslims like the Tamils-Sri Lana issue. Muslims have no problems with Norway as such and they provide full freedom to practice any faith.

And I'm sure they don't hate China either so please grow up.
Norwegian tragedy, Pakistani worries
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: July 26, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik was driven by a paranoia of Muslims, and of Pakistanis in particular. Of all the nations, he singled out Pakistan as responsible for the future problems of Europe.

Most would run down Breivik as a sick young man, nurturing hatred and bias. But rejecting Breivik’s “Manifesto 2083” – a projection of Europe in slightly over 70 years from now, hardly serves those dismissive of the Norwegian who plunged the country into a state of mourning after gunning down some 68 youngsters attending a summer camp.

Of all Muslim societies, Pakistan seized Breivik’s imagination as a country typical for “denial of justice, intrusive religiousity and denial of rights to non-Muslims.” This must be a matter of introspection. In essence, Pakistan, for him, represents an embodiment of contradictions and denials, injustice, misgovernance and disorder which, in the long run, he fears would go on to galvanise other countries across the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic.

Breivik’s knowledge of Pakistan and Pakistan-origin Norwegians is based on his personal experiences, and extensive study of writings of people like Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.

The image that Pakistani, Turk or Algerian Muslims have created for themselves is nothing new but people in Europe have started viewing them as inflexible members of the societies which are feeding them. For these Muslims, European values don’t matter.

Breivik’s childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway, comes across as someone who despite having lived several years in Europe still resented Norwegian society because it “represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways.”

Through close ties with Muslim families, Breivik must have also observed the paradoxes that most Pakistanis, Arabs and Turks live in: treating sons different from the way they treat their daughters.

The refusal of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society also seems to drive Breivik’s fears. Much of this is rooted in the conservative backgrounds that many Pakistani immigrants come from. It also results in a ghettoized style of living

Last year, I met a young Pakistani driver in Washington. His father had migrated to the USA. The young man was born in the US but still found American ingredients of a breakfast – bread, cheese, coffee, marmalade – “not for us.” He loved paratha and lassi or black tea. The family lives together in a big house – with the women busy serving the rest. Their lives hardly vary from their relatives back home.

Based on personal experience, one can say most Pakistanis and Turks start having nightmares when their daughters reach adolescence – the fear of their girls dating drives such parents crazy, and they start thinking of how to preempt that eventuality.

As far back as in the mid 1980s, when one visited Scandinavia for the first time, one could see how many people from Pakistan – all of them practicing Muslims, were milking the social security system.

They do this even today.

Very recently, a friend based in Paris was blacklisted for abuse of laws that bestow certain privileges to parents of immigrants settled in France. It was a painful story to hear. There are countless such stories across Europe.

As a whole, the picture that emerges from the lives of a majority of Pakistani immigrants is dismal. They refuse to integrate. These conditions have shaped Breivik’s thesis on Pakistan. One is neither buying this thesis nor suggesting it is the ultimate truth. Our Pakistani brothers and sisters, however, must reflect as to why he arrived at such conclusions.

Pakistanis are already in millions in europe....1 million in UK they are our strategic assets...we reach the desired strategic depth once the Pakistani population becomes 5 million by 2015 in U.K....and would reqest turkish kardes to reach the desired strategic depth in Germany...together we build a bigger Pakistan and Turkey peacefully..and i think the christian terrorist breiik lost his mind...Pakistanis contribted so much towards norway and its development and they are peaceful and rich above all and dont believe in racism and bad habits..they are good neighbours too.wash themselves 5 times a day obligatorltiy to offer prayers are clean...where as hinduvtas dont take bath..a hinduvta is considered more pious if he takes no bath fot 30,40 years.....come on you shouldnt have feared Pakistanis..they are the best community in youtr country.
This idiot Norwegian should be hanged but what perplexes me that i need to go through memoir of this mass murderer to get to know the real history of my country. Man now i know why Hindu Kush was called Hindu Kush.
they dont even have the death penalty over there.....for 93 counts of murder, I believe the heaviest penalty he would face is 21 years in jail.

correct me if i'm wrong though.....because i sure as hell hope I am wrong here!! Sunuvabitch doesn't deserve to see the light of day for the rest of his life, as far as im concerned!
they dont even have the death penalty over there.....for 93 counts of murder, I believe the heaviest penalty he would face is 21 years in jail.

correct me if i'm wrong though.....because i sure as hell hope I am wrong here!! Sunuvabitch doesn't deserve to see the light of day for the rest of his life, as far as im concerned!

Even if Norway had death penalty ,even then this would have not deterred this nut in doing what he just did. Lets see what these Nordics would do about this Breivik.
Came across these comments on some forum
I am not surprised by what happened in Norway. It can happen any time in any of European countries. Here I am giving reasons why I think so
Average young white European male
-thinks that he is superior then rest of the world
-thinks that all the problems are because of liberal policies of govt and immigrants
Secondly education level divide this group in more sub groups
-No high school, just technical schooling...............these chaps are fun loving,drink lot of beer and are most reproductive. They marry early and do not interested with politics and history.They are moderates and they mingle with immigrants. These are utility workers, gardeners, mechanics and drivers.
-High school passed but no further education. IMO these are most dangerous group. Something is wrong with high school education. Kids tend to find a violent historical figure from their country who allegedly defeated or insulted a bigger country. Example In Belgian Flemish were dominated by French most of the time. Flemish peasants defeated French Knights only once.........but that date is celebrated as most important festival by Flemish community. Most active participants are the "savior of heritage"........these half educated chaps. They hate migrants. They hate Muslims. They hate Indians,Israelis,Polish and Russians because people from these group tend to do better financially then the locals. This group has inferiority complex visa-vi English speakers and the make best police force and vigilante groups.
-University educated people are moderate and they respect foreigners. They are most traveled and speak many languages.
Then there is Social fabric. Divorce is easy and very common. The Child suffer. Kids are taken away by social workers on slightest pretext. These kids are not going to be normal adults. Europe's best hidden secret is pedophilia. It is more widespread then mosquitoes in India.
This idiot Norwegian should be hanged but what perplexes me that i need to go through memoir of this mass murderer to get to know the real history of my country. Man now i know why Hindu Kush was called Hindu Kush.

sad situation isnt it.......looking fora norweigian to teach us our history........
they dont even have the death penalty over there.....for 93 counts of murder, I believe the heaviest penalty he would face is 21 years in jail.

correct me if i'm wrong though.....because i sure as hell hope I am wrong here!! Sunuvabitch doesn't deserve to see the light of day for the rest of his life, as far as im concerned!

it is said that he can get 30 years for attack on humanity or something like that cant quite remember. but in some special cases you can get 30 years. the death penalty is abolished in norway, if i remember right. the last one that was killed by death penalty was after WW2 and was the a$$hole quisling!
Norwegian tragedy, Pakistani worries
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: July 26, 2011

As far back as in the mid 1980s, when one visited Scandinavia for the first time, one could see how many people from Pakistan – all of them practicing Muslims, were milking the social security system.

They do this even today.


alright, then what? many communities do this very thing here in the US. Many in Hispanic community's got their section 8/low income apartments, refuse to work so they can keep those apartments. Black community's got their food stamps and public housing. Then you got immigrants from north and south africa and the whole wonder of social security fraud, tax evasions.

There was an article from social services of NYC a year or two back about statistics of communities on welfare and Pakistanis and actually the entire s.asia was way down the list of immigrants on social services.

A home grown terrorist kills close to a hundred people in europe and Pakistani lefty media and newspapers quickly jump at the self criticism bandwagon. hey, the terrorist says he hates immigrants, Pakistanis and muslims so it must be our community that is up to no good to give this terrorist the reason. From lack of cultural assimilation to eating parathas and drinking lassi are highlighted as the problem. wow.
Norwegian tragedy, Pakistani worries
By Imtiaz Gul
Published: July 26, 2011

Anders Behring Breivik was driven by a paranoia of Muslims, and of Pakistanis in particular. Of all the nations, he singled out Pakistan as responsible for the future problems of Europe.

Most would run down Breivik as a sick young man, nurturing hatred and bias. But rejecting Breivik’s “Manifesto 2083” – a projection of Europe in slightly over 70 years from now, hardly serves those dismissive of the Norwegian who plunged the country into a state of mourning after gunning down some 68 youngsters attending a summer camp.

Of all Muslim societies, Pakistan seized Breivik’s imagination as a country typical for “denial of justice, intrusive religiousity and denial of rights to non-Muslims.” This must be a matter of introspection. In essence, Pakistan, for him, represents an embodiment of contradictions and denials, injustice, misgovernance and disorder which, in the long run, he fears would go on to galvanise other countries across the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic.

Breivik’s knowledge of Pakistan and Pakistan-origin Norwegians is based on his personal experiences, and extensive study of writings of people like Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Abul Ala Maududi, as well as prominent human rights activist Hina Jilani and Dawn columnist Irfan Hussain.

The image that Pakistani, Turk or Algerian Muslims have created for themselves is nothing new but people in Europe have started viewing them as inflexible members of the societies which are feeding them. For these Muslims, European values don’t matter.

Breivik’s childhood best friend, a Pakistani Muslim immigrant to Norway, comes across as someone who despite having lived several years in Europe still resented Norwegian society because it “represented the exact opposite of Islamic ways.”

Through close ties with Muslim families, Breivik must have also observed the paradoxes that most Pakistanis, Arabs and Turks live in: treating sons different from the way they treat their daughters.

The refusal of Muslim immigrants to assimilate into European society also seems to drive Breivik’s fears. Much of this is rooted in the conservative backgrounds that many Pakistani immigrants come from. It also results in a ghettoized style of living

Last year, I met a young Pakistani driver in Washington. His father had migrated to the USA. The young man was born in the US but still found American ingredients of a breakfast – bread, cheese, coffee, marmalade – “not for us.” He loved paratha and lassi or black tea. The family lives together in a big house – with the women busy serving the rest. Their lives hardly vary from their relatives back home.

Based on personal experience, one can say most Pakistanis and Turks start having nightmares when their daughters reach adolescence – the fear of their girls dating drives such parents crazy, and they start thinking of how to preempt that eventuality.

As far back as in the mid 1980s, when one visited Scandinavia for the first time, one could see how many people from Pakistan – all of them practicing Muslims, were milking the social security system.

They do this even today.

Very recently, a friend based in Paris was blacklisted for abuse of laws that bestow certain privileges to parents of immigrants settled in France. It was a painful story to hear. There are countless such stories across Europe.

As a whole, the picture that emerges from the lives of a majority of Pakistani immigrants is dismal. They refuse to integrate. These conditions have shaped Breivik’s thesis on Pakistan. One is neither buying this thesis nor suggesting it is the ultimate truth. Our Pakistani brothers and sisters, however, must reflect as to why he arrived at such conclusions.

Although the author imagines a lot of things with regards to the supposed obsession of Anders towards Pakistani, and gives bad examples, he is right about one thing. Nordic people are still gullible when it comes to immigration and immigration related topics such as the social security system.
Pakistanis are already in millions in europe....1 million in UK they are our strategic assets...we reach the desired strategic depth once the Pakistani population becomes 5 million by 2015 in U.K....and would reqest turkish kardes to reach the desired strategic depth in Germany...together we build a bigger Pakistan and Turkey peacefully.

You mean plunge Europe into chaos and anarchy that Pakistan is facing today, convert Britain and Germany into the hell, which Pakistans seems today with the lawlessness and all the sectarian, political and religious violence?
i dont get one thing that whenever any non-muslim terrorist kills official always declare them as psycho.

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