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No more ‘Present sir’, MP school students to answer roll call with ‘Jai Hind’

Like All*h H* Ak*#r, not going to happen?
Well, if you don't want to say that, you don't need to say that. Simple as that. No one dictates which religion/ God you revere -- including none. Nation, yes, you need to revere. Otherwise leave the nation like our venerable @ashok321 has done.
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Not to forget ,even boys are not safe during Pakistan UN mission.well marde -momin ....period...
@The Eagle isn't this comment also Off topic/trolling/flaming?
That's a nice idea. Jai Hind is not a controversial terms for peacefulls. Its a nice idea to install patriotism in school kids. Welcome the idea. Jai Hind.
the Mods ignored his post and deleted my replies to him

I repeat, hit the report in-case of such posting. No one ignores, therefore, reporting such posts/members is always advised and insisted so wouldn't miss at all. Hope you understand.
Another sign of growing fascism and uber nationalism. If the only objective was to replace the English reply; Hindi has plenty of words including Hazir or if more Sanskrit was needed Upasthit
Another sign of growing fascism and uber nationalism. If the only objective was to replace the English reply; Hindi has plenty of words including Hazir or if more Sanskrit was needed Upasthit

Almost all school students say Jai Hind on one or the other occasion every day and it is happening for decades.

In my school when teacher arrives in class we greeted him with Jai Hind and school was under Punjab School Education Board.

Don't react to the things that are published as click baits.

Now do tell us what Pakistani schools do in the morning Assembly?

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