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No Doubt! Caliphate will be back again :)

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There there be a good boy and be quiet - learn instead, you offering advice especially since you and mullah are on intimate terms, is unseemly

Very nicely argued muse, let us admit we aren't experts either and stop barging into these threads with an SMG in hand. That will be the honorable thing to do. Be a good boy and leave.
I think I'm following the line of your argument - however; I think the way to look at this is religiosity and not the old ways of gthe letter and the spirit

^^^ Fair enough..Dont beleive in Quran and Hadith..Your choice..But don't try to impose this non beleif on us..Its annoying.
let us admit we aren't experts either

That a climb down for you isn't it? after all the whole born again thing and now you claim you are no expert - you've just wasted my time - I though you really had somethung to say other than I'm Islamist and yeah Khalifa
There there be a good boy and be quiet - learn instead, you offering advice especially since you and mullah are on intimate terms, is unseemly

Arrogance diminishes wisdom and you have that in abundance. Also don't persume that you know me...because it makes you look like a creep. There is nothing wrong if you love and respect a mullah after all they are your teachers that guide you. But you wouldn't understand such a concept as you are inept and retarded....so stop embarrasing yourself it makes you look petulant. Before you give anyone advice....please brush up your English, its atrocious.
Mouse is a non-muslim..

I dont really care muslim or not..But his persistence on derogatory comments about islam and its basics is now very annoying..
There is nothing wrong if you love and respect a mullah after all they are your teachers that guide you. But you wouldn't understand such a concept

Therfe is so much wrong with that it it does not even deserve a civil response - anyway you hold on to your mullah or let him hold on to you in which ever rocks your boat - and yes, i would rather not understand such a thing.

I don't know you? Yes, I don't think after your particular bent, that I care to.
He thinks he alone is right and on the righteous path rest all are deviated people .

I can pick "Alims" from all the fiq (school of thought) and can prove you here that believing on whatever Holy Prophet (PBUH) said is a part of our iman ,and not only that i can show you that every "Alim" from any school of thought whether he be from Aihal-e-sunat, Aihal-e-Hadith or Aihal-eTasheeh quotes and have 100% belief in what Holy Prophet (PBUH) said and they know that its part of their iman, without it they are nothing but people without imaan

Whom you want to hear?

1) Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri?
2) Maulana Tariq Jameel?
3) Dr Zakir Naik?
4) Allama Talib Johari?

These belong to different school of thoughts, now whom you want to hear?
MUSE always screws up a thread with his anti arab and western views on islam.
just ignore him when he makes such posts and the thread wont go OFF TOPIC
He thinks he alone is right and on the righteous path rest all are deviated people .

I can pick "Alims" from all the fiq (school of thought) and can prove you here that believing on whatever Holy Prophet (PBUH) said is a part of our iman ,and not only that i can show you that every "Alim" from any school of thought whether he be from Aihal-e-sunat, Aihal-e-Hadith or Aihal-eTasheeh quotes and have 100% belief in what Holy Prophet (PBUH) said and they know that its part of their iman, without it they are nothing but people without imaan

Whom you want to hear?

1) Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri?
2) Maulana Tariq Jameel?
3) Dr Zakir Naik?
4) Allama Talib Johari?

These belong to different school of thoughts, now whom you want to hear?

he is one of those when u corner him will run to a different topic and besides he think he is allama and no one is there to follow accept him

A person who spent his life in UK and has never studied even a basic Islamic studies book in primary is going to teach us Islam . whatever your believes are keep them with yourself and for heaven sake don't deviate people ,
brothers, who made this mouse a think tank??
these kind of think tank made pakistan hell.
Allama I am not, but I do know BS when I read it and from you guys, it's clear why Pakistan is the hell hole that it is - most of you live outside Pakistan and most of you have such distorted even blasphemous views of what Islam is that I can say with a clear conscience, that you do not know nor understand Islam at all - if you are not idol worshiping, you are usuing hadith like it was fortune telling, if it's not that then the most inhumane, the most cruel interpretations of Quran and Shariah appeal to you -- it's really because of what you people are used to, what you think Islam is.
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