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No-Confidence Motion against PTI's KPK Chief Minister Pervez Khattak

A requisition for a No-Confidence Motion against KPK Chief Minister Pervez Khatak has been made in KPK Assembly.

Their may or may not be time to save KPK government. If it is a direct movement from PML-N, then one can say that NS is playing on front foot. If other players have been thrust forward, then PML-N can scale back.

Since this is a developing story, let us see which way this issue develops.

@SBD-3 , @Jazzbot , @Aether , @@Oscar , @Aeronaut , @AgNoStiC MuSliM , @xyxmt , @ice_man , @Spring Onion , @Manticore , @blain2, @cb4 , @JonAsad , @Fracker , @faisal6309 , @TheFlyingPretzel , @AZADPAKISTAN2009 , @balixd , @Syed.Ali.Haider , @Slav Defence , @farhan_9909 , @Mugwop , @Devil Soul , @Counter-Errorist , @WebMaster , @Secur , @chauvunist , @genmirajborgza786
the situation appears anarchic. IK seems to have entered in a political abyss & in the bargain is pushing the entire country to the wall. In the process he has weakened democracy & is establishing a norm for mobocracy . He seems to be determined to make the nation pay any price for his political ambition. He has emerged as a political opportunist and adventurist. History may consider him as another misfortune for democracy of Pakistan. People who value democratic ethos, & understands the importance of the process of gradual maturity of institution's, knows that there is no magic wand that could solve all the crisis of running a state overnight, institutions needs time to grow, & democracy needs gradual evolution to become strong that's the only way forward, it is now up to people of conscience ( the civil society) or the silent majority who should say enough is enough ,& stand up to this perilous movement through mobocracy before it becomes a norm, which if encouraged to harvest has the potential become a recipe for destabilisation years to come , & that is the last thing Pakistan needs
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two things are proven . PTI dnt care about power .. in the history of Pakistan , they are first party to resign from the luxuries of being in government . All the blame goes on PMLN , they dined justice to PTI for 14 months .. now they must suffer
two things are proven . PTI dnt care about power .. in the history of Pakistan , they are first party to resign from the luxuries of being in government . All the blame goes on PMLN , they dined justice to PTI for 14 months .. now they must suffer

In case you have noticed, nobody has resigned from any where.

democracy isn't a disease but our population is clearly not ready for it….
it would be sad to see the last 7 seven years of suffering and killings under "freedom" go to waste but our population doesn't vote based on whose good for the country but who they know… and who will make that road in their village ect…
maybe when our literacy rate is at 80-90 percent then we can test out democracy once again…
but to save our country from these mafias we need our military to step in once again and clean this up…

Will never be ready, until people like you continue to obfuscate issues. What hypocrisy! India got it, Malaysia got it, Turkey finally made it. Our defense budget eats up all the resources that could be used for improving HDI. You sit in USA and you lecture about Education and Pakistan not being ready for democracy?
In case you have noticed, nobody has resigned from any where.

Will never be ready, until people like you continue to obfuscate issues.
whats issues have people like me obfuscate??
i wanted democracy to work… i wanted pmln to have their chance but their messed mentality, behavior recently proved that they don't deserve it. unlike most countries our brightest days have been under our dictators..

What hypocrisy! India got it, Malaysia got it, Turkey finally made it.
all educated countries except india…but even india more educated then us…
turkey finally got after 80 yrs….and having literacy around 90%..
don't get me wrong… democracy is good but would you rather have a country that stays intact or democracy???

Our defense budget eats up all the resources that could be used for improving HDI.
so now shall we lower our defense budget???we have a smaller budget then afghanistan!!
we won't be able to deal with threats we face if we lower it…
when we had freedom in the 90s under bhutto/nawaz we got left behind waaaay to far.. or our HDI would be higher..
i don't need to tell about the economic wonders under musharraf now do i?
in the start of 90s our gdp per capita was higher then india…look where freedom got you.
You sit in USA and you lecture about Education and Pakistan not being ready for democracy?
yes , i do… like i told you before if we had a military dictator i would live in pakistan…i would have to worry about my family members getting kidnapped by our own politicians for money…. or my business being taken over by the chaudharies in gujrat…(happened to a family friend)
under musharraf we were safe, we got more freedom, our economy improved..
i do more good for pakistan by living in USA and sending thousands home every year no matter how badly i want to live in pakistan….. I'm afraid to open a business in my own country because our own leaders are the fucking criminals!!!
What's the current status of no-confidence motion against Khattak?
two things are proven . PTI dnt care about power .. in the history of Pakistan , they are first party to resign from the luxuries of being in government . All the blame goes on PMLN , they dined justice to PTI for 14 months .. now they must suffer

PTI doesn't care about power? IK has been having wet dreams of becoming the PM of Pakistan all week since the 14th. Also none of the MPAs have tendered their resignations yet and even if they do, this won't be the first time resignations have been tendered. By way of example Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali resigned from his office on June 26, 2004.

PML-N is certainly to blame for the rut it has put itself into, but let's not completely absolve IK and TuQ from their portion of the blame. After all it's them who are currently holding the Parliament, and therefore Pakistan, hostage to achieve lasting political infamy.
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