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Next round of water talks with India in jeopardy

Gentlemen of India

A small reminder. You are not China and Pakistan can knock your teeth out.

Now after a reality check its better for both sides to share the water else there will be war. Does the subcontinent really need a war because of RSS policies.

Gentleman from Pakistan -

For all practical purposes IWT is already in the dustbin.
We are already building loads of dams and are in process of diverting water. Ball now is in your court.

We are ready to discuss at any time, just like you are rdy to discus about "terrorism" ;)
Until Pakistan supports terrorism in India and around the world , continues nuclear proliferation , India should not honour any water treaty with them.

Don't worry, we don't plan to.

All we are going to do is have "water talk" to keep the "brain dead" treaty on life support.
Gentlemen of India

A small reminder. You are not China and Pakistan can knock your teeth out.

Now after a reality check its better for both sides to share the water else there will be war. Does the subcontinent really need a war because of RSS policies.
Dear Pakistani

India under Modi has already challenged Pakistan by publically claiming surgical strikes ( Ser-G-Kal, as per PDFians)

Now under Modi India has started building dams on Indus rivers without giving a $hit about your threats

Present Indian policy is to keep you so busy that you will forget about Kashmir and will remain entangle in other issues

We know that Pakistan can do nothing neither your iron brother would side with you in case of any misadventure as stated by you.

So instead of threatening India, it is better for you to elect an RSS kind of pro-Nationalist leader to deal with the grim situation your country is facing. :azn:
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Gentlemen of India

A small reminder. You are not China and Pakistan can knock your teeth out.

Now after a reality check its better for both sides to share the water else there will be war. Does the subcontinent really need a war because of RSS policies.

LOL, and after that ?? You can very well knock India's entire teeth, have another war, but will that ensure your water ?? :-)

Moreover you are just thinking and stating what Pakistan can do in the event of war not the other way around. :p:
Gentlemen of India

A small reminder. You are not China and Pakistan can knock your teeth out.

Now after a reality check its better for both sides to share the water else there will be war. Does the subcontinent really need a war because of RSS policies.
I dont wish any project effecting Pakistan with water shortage,infact i want both the countries living as good neighbours helping each other when needed.
Times have changed countries have moved on.Pakistan has to deside and stop suppprting terrorists in kashmir otherwise i am sure India will do it to if not already in Pakistan and use water as a tool. We can all blame each other as much as we want,but the ground reality wont change unless Pakistan changes its policy on supporting terrorists in Kashmir,its the truth.
You are not China

We are both aware & thankful for not being China

Pakistan can knock your teeth out.
Indeed ? You are scaring us now.
its better for both sides to share the water else there will be war. Does the subcontinent really need a war because of RSS policies.

Its not RSS policies but the national policy to utilise our fair share of water, something that did not happen till now.

Whats the concern here ?

WASHINGTON: The next round of India-Pakistan water talks — that the World Bank offered to hold in Washington next month — may be delayed or cancelled because of India’s refusal to accept arbitration.

Pakistan not only wants the talks to be held as scheduled but is also seeking the World Bank’s arbitration as the guarantor of the Indus Waters Treaty.

But Indian officials told reporters in New Delhi on Wednesday that India was against such arbitration and preferred negotiations within the framework of the treaty.

Pakistan too recognises the treaty’s pivotal role but disagrees with the Indian interpretation, which seeks to minimise arbitration.

The proposed talks will focus on two controversial hydropower projects — Kishanganga and Ratle — over which Pakistan is seeking International Court of Arbitration through the World Bank.

Indian and Pakistani officials met in Islamabad and Lahore this week to discuss three Indian projects on the Chenab River that Pakistan fears would decrease the flow of water into its territory.

After the meetings, Water and Power Minister Khawaja Asif told reporters that talks on the Kishanganga and Ratle hydroelectric schemes would be held in Washington next month, with the World Bank as the mediator.

But officials in New Delhi told the Indian media that they had not received any formal communication about the Washington meeting. They also said that India opposed Pakistan’s proposal for the bank’s mediation or arbitration and would prefer a neutral expert to review the two projects and give his or her opinion.

Pakistan says it wants a decision that is legally binding on both India and Pakistan and such a decision can only come from a court of arbitration and not from a neutral expert.

Late last year, New Delhi suspended talks on the treaty, which distributes the eastern tributaries of the Indus — Sutlej, Beas and Ravi to India and the western tributaries — Jhelum, Indus and Chenab — to Pakistan.

In September 2016, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi threatened to scrap the treaty after a terrorist attack killed 19 Indian soldiers. Pakistan warned that any such move would be a “declaration of war”.

Pakistan has repeatedly accused India of violating the treaty by building dams on the western rivers. India says that the treaty unduly favours Pakistan by giving it a greater share of water.

“Pakistan wants the World Bank to continue to play its role as the guarantor of the treaty,” an official source told Dawn in Washington. “The Pakistanis fear that India is trying to undermine the bank’s role as the repository of this treaty.”

The World Bank first seemed interested in Pakistan’s proposal for arbitration over Kishanganga and Ratle projects “but may opt out under India’s pressure”, the source added.

Pakistan has also said that it wants a resolution “through the provisions of the treaty, in their letter and spirit”, and “not through India’s interpretation of the agreement”.

A similar meeting, held in November 2016, made little progress as India rejected the World Bank’s terms of reference because, it claimed, the terms favoured Pakistan’s demand for arbitration.

Published in Dawn, March 23rd, 2017
This is getting funnier every day... till about 3 months back .. every Pakistani news channel was full of jokers jumping up and down saying "We should get out of Indus water treaty"... and now they are the ones running from pillar to post trying to tell the world that if India walks out of treaty.. there will be war...

Decide guys ..decide...
We are both aware & thankful for not being China

Indeed ? You are scaring us now.

Its not RSS policies but the national policy to utilise our fair share of water, something that did not happen till now.

Whats the concern here ?

Focus on your word fair.....Not all.
RSS is your government. How come you are so deluded
Focus on your word fair.....Not all.
RSS is your government. How come you are so deluded
So what...Communists are China's government... but unlike Chines, Indians elected the leaders they want their country to lead...You can take your RSS rant and jump into the sea and see if the world cares.
do you have any idea how many projects have been sanctioned since december 2008 on those rivers? 129 big and small ranging from barges to hydro electric projects. 69 have been completed. India has been silently screwing you guys since 26/11 and you people didnt realise in untill modi told you guys.
guess its time for china to divert water from indus to pakistan and also while they are at it,divert water from brahmaputra to western china

LOL...Yeah, please do it China.
Once Bangladesh has no water, wonder what they will do to China which is desperately trying to get on their good side ;)
guess its time for china to divert water from indus to pakistan and also while they are at it,divert water from brahmaputra to western china
Why to divert.. China can air delivered Indus, it is just a stream in China and you can be happy with the stream we will divert rest of it southwards to our plains... And China can well divert Brahmaputra.. let Bangladesh deal with it.. India get enough water in bhramputra from its tributaries for her own use and requirement.
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Why to divert.. China can air delivered Indus, it is just a stream in China and you can be happy with the stream we will divert rest of it southwards to our plains... And China can well divert Brahmaputra.. let Bangladesh deal with it.. India get enough water in bhramputra from its tributaries in her own use and requirement.
oh really?
then i suppose you would ave no problem if they divert the river indus,right?
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