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New Type 57 Frigate in the works


Mar 26, 2013
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目前,我国第四代导弹护卫舰——057型导弹护卫舰设计工作已经结束,总体设计指标已经冻结。根据海军装备发展计划,该型导弹驱逐舰将在2014年年底至 2015年开工建造,届时,24艘054A型导弹驱逐舰将全部开工建造完毕,最后5至6艘舰艇也将在2017年之前交付部队。据推测,新型导弹护卫舰将最 终将建造20艘,将在2025年之前,替换20艘053型系列护卫舰。057型导弹护卫舰满载排水量约为4500吨左右,采用新型相控阵雷达系统和新型导 弹垂直发射系统,具备区域协同防空作战能力。该型导弹护卫舰增强了隐身性能,采用了一体化封闭式隐身桅杆。为了提高舰艇的航行能力,057型导弹护卫舰首 次采用了综合电力推进系统,此外,057型导弹护卫舰重点加强了反潜能力,装备有新一代拖曳反潜声呐基阵和反鱼雷诱饵,配备有两架大型反 潜直升机和若干架无人直升机,据一些分析人士称,第四代导弹护卫舰将成为我国建造的舰艇中反潜能力最强大的舰艇,也将成为世界护卫舰最新反潜战力的标杆, 未来,第四代护卫舰将作为我国国产航空母舰的护航舰艇。

  评论认为,057型导弹护卫舰首次采用综合电力推进系统是我国舰艇发展史上的一次革命。船舶综合电力推进系统是伴随现代电力电子技术的发展产生的一种 新型船舶推进系统,它将船舶动力电站和辅机电站合二为一,从而达到有效利用能源、提高船舶机动性、降低船舶噪声的目的,国外媒体认为,舰船综合电力系统是 舰船动力平台的又一次重大变革,对海军装备发展、未来海上作战等产生了深远影响,因此,电力推进取代传统机械推进,被称为21世纪舰船动力推进方式的“海 上革命”。

  目前,西方发达国家的新一代作战舰艇已经广泛采用新型舰船综合电力推进系统,并已经成为下一代新型大型水面舰艇的关键指标性技术,采用电推技术成为一 种“时髦”。美国的DDG-1000型导弹驱逐舰、福特级航母、英国的45型导弹驱逐舰、伊丽莎白女王级航母和德国的F125型导弹驱逐舰等西方下一代作 战舰艇均已经使用综合电推技术。我国自2002年以来开始探索该项技术的基础研究工作,2007年,由中国工程院院士、海军工程大学教授马伟明领衔的舰船 综合电力技术国防科技重点实验室正式成立,马伟明教授在长期研究的基础上,首次在国内提出发展舰艇综合电力系统技术,并力主国家建立舰船综合电力技术国防 科技重点实验室,该实验室研究设施达到国际先进水平,成为我国舰船综合电力技术领域研究中心。历经多年攻关,马伟明带领课题组破解了困扰世界电机界的“振 荡”难题,研制出具有完全自主知识产权的整流发电机供电系统和世界上第一台能同时发出交直流电的双绕组发电机。这些为我国最终攻克电推技术难关奠定了坚实的技术基础。目前,我国在舰船电推技术领域,已经在多个技术领域取得阶段性成果,并成功研制出我军新一代船舶综合电力推进系统,该系统即将成为我军055型导弹驱逐舰和057型导弹护卫舰的动力系统。
  2013年,我国中船重工武汉712研究所在船舶综合电力推进系统的自主创新中取得了重大进展,研制了以变频器、推进电机、推进变压器、功率管理系 统、操纵控制系统为核心的推进系统,实现了单轴推进功率20MW以下船舶电力推进系统的全部国产化。研制的低压690V(2×1000kW)和 3300V(2×3000kW)全国产化电力推进系统及设备已实现批量装船。2013年,国家能源研发中心的综合电力系统演示验证项目获得成功,20MW 级船用燃气轮机发电模块完成综合电力系统试验。目前,承担国内军用20MW级燃气轮机的QC-185正在进行大量耐受性试验,QC-185燃气轮机采用我 国自行研制的太行发动机核心机,其最大输出功率为17800KW,如果使用两套20MW级综合电推系统,其总功率将达到48000马力,这个总功率要比现 在054A使用的4台皮尔斯蒂克16PA6V280STC柴油机总功率35000马力高出了近40%,这个动力如果推动4500吨级护卫舰,可使其最高速 航速达到30节以上。

  通常来说,声场一直是潜艇声呐探测水面舰船以及鱼雷等武器末端跟踪制导的主要途径。水面舰船的噪声源包括船壳产生的流体噪声、螺旋桨产生的噪声和机械 振动产生的噪声,舰船在巡航状态时机械噪声是主要的噪声源,由原动机、推进装置和轴系、各类旋转和往复机械装置等产生。综合电力系统与机械推进系统相比, 原动机与推进电机不存在机械连接,缩短了轴系,隔断了机械振动噪声的主要传递途径,降低了057型导弹护卫舰的水下辐射噪声,大大提高了057型导弹护卫 舰的声隐身性能,提高了其综合反潜能力。此外,舰船螺旋桨由带变频调速功能的推进电机驱动,能在全速范围内快速实现无级调速,提高了舰船机动性和操控性。 据报道,英国45型驱逐舰航速从零加速到29节仅需70秒,从30节急停仅需5.5倍舰船长度的距离,这正是海军梦寐以求的战舰机动能力。据悉,057型 导弹护卫舰采用综合电推系统之后,将为反潜作战中快速抢占有力阵位提供坚实的技术基础。

  据悉,针对054A和052D等新一代水面舰艇隐身性能存在的不足,我国相关单位在相关领域继续稳步推进,深化在舰艇综合隐身方面的研究,据悉,057型导弹护卫舰将采用封闭式隐身桅杆、首楼甲板和尾部后甲板结构,形成光滑和倾斜的表面,把舰体和舰桥有机、光滑的融为一体,尽可能消除不连续的平面,以 控制入射电波,特别是该型舰对于舰面设备的控制,首先取消了露天甲板的栏杆、把锚泊设备起锚机、导缆器、带缆桩、缆索绞车等布置在甲板下,主甲板周围采用 内倾舷墙围闭,舷墙上有作业孔,以便靠近码头时进行抛系缆作业,航线时用盖子覆盖,舰艇的鱼雷发射架、救生艇等装置也都采舰体以内,由舰体进行遮蔽,其他 设备如舰空导弹采用垂直发射系统,系统深埋于舰体内,避免了被雷达电波直接照射,其他武器如舰炮则采用了隐身外壳,这些措施的采用都大大降低了舰艇的 RCS。

深度:我军舰艇将用电推技术 057护卫舰呼之欲出|护卫舰|系统|电力_新浪军事

My rough translation, I will use point form.

- Type 57 design has been finalized, and will be put into production sometime between end of 2014 to sometime in 2015. This is a fourth generation frigate.

-All 24 Type 54A frigates have been completed, and the last 5 to 6 of them will all enter service before 2017.

-Type 57 will be a 20 ship class, and replace all type 53 before 2025.

- It will use all new designed radar, sonar, and vertical missile launch system and will be about 4,500 tons.

-This vessel will be using all new electric propulsion system, and will act as the most advanced anti sub warfare ship in the navy and will challenge to become the best anti sub ship in the world. This will include 2 anti sub helicopter and various unmanned aerial vehicles.

-This electric propulsion will eliminate the need for two source of electricity and merge it into one to reduce noise and improve efficiency, it's a revolutionary technology used in new generation of ships. (not an expert on this, if someone understand the system better, please explain.)

-From the hard work of the Chinese researchers, China has been hard at work on the electric propulsion from 2002 and the technology has matured. This new technology will be used in Type 55 and Type 57 to further improve Chinese navy capabilities.

-Ths new technology has improved over the propulsion system in Type 54A and will increase power by 40% and will reach a speed of 30 knots.

-This would allow better anti sub capabilities because it would allow faster acceleration and be able to capture better position? (Not sure how to translate this part, I'm not an expert in this field.)

- This ship will fix the many efficiencies in type 52D and type 54A's stealth features.

- namely closed stealth mast? Front and back deck integration to achieve smooth and slanted surface? Anyways the point is the design will eliminate as much breaks in a continues shape as possible.

-Also a bunc of other stuff to reduce RCS.

It's hard to translate things when it's so technical and I have no expertise in ship building.
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China builds so fast,its unreal.
Why so many military equipment so fast?
For export mainly. They are now manufacturing all kinds of warships for export that too in short time and less price than western counterparts. Customers will surely gonna like these things.
For export mainly. They are now manufacturing all kinds of warships for export that too in short time and less price than western counterparts. Customers will surely gonna like these things.
I meant the ones for the Chinese Armed Forces.
China builds so fast,its unreal.
Why so many military equipment so fast?

Yinhe incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Third Taiwan Strait Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The first a shipping incident, the Americans claim we were shipping chemical weapon materials and missile tech to Iran and wanted us to stop the ship, when we didn't they stopped GPS and cornered our ship, there was a long stand off and we had to back down due to running out of food.

In the end nothing was found and we didn't even get an apology and the Americans claim that the CIA had in fact had the right information, and did in fact stop the shipment from ever going out.

The second, Taiwan strait crisis, the Americans sent carriers to China when China tested missiles around Taiwan because Taiwan was electing a separatist president to power. The Americans not only miss directed three of four tested missiles but pin pointed our missile base.

The Americans treat us like second class citizens, they want freedom of access, but we were denied that on numerous occasions, on nothing but hunches from their CIA. Our military can't function if it doesn't please them.

Worst of all, they interfered in our internal politics. What is between Taiwan and us is between us, it's different than the China seas. The Americans humiliate us time and time again, called our navy a 1950s relic and our army a joke. After a century of humiliation, no way are we going to take this lying down.

So in come the 50 Type 56, the 24 Type 54A, the 20 Type 57, the 10-20 Type 52D, the ~12 Type 55 amongst other things. These ships will make sure never again will Americans dare to stop our cargo ships, never again will Americans dare to bring their warships here for anything other than planned and approved exercises.

P.S. for those that didn't figure it out, this is the "Type 54B." Except now called Type 57, so the Type 54 series is finished unless there's export. Which I heard Pakistan wants to improve F-22p to F-23p with new tech from the 54A.
深度:我军舰艇将用电推技术 057护卫舰呼之欲出|护卫舰|系统|电力_新浪军事

My rough translation, I will use point form.

- Type 57 design has been finalized, and will be put into production sometime between end of 2014 to sometime in 2015. This is a fourth generation frigate.

-All 24 Type 54A frigates have been completed, and the last 5 to 6 of them will all enter service before 2017.

-Type 57 will be a 20 ship class, and replace all type 53 before 2025.

- It will use all new designed radar, sonar, and vertical missile launch system and will be about 4,500 tons.

-This vessel will be using all new electric propulsion system, and will act as the most advanced anti sub warfare ship in the navy and will challenge to become the best anti sub ship in the world. This will include 2 anti sub helicopter and various unmanned aerial vehicles.

-This electric propulsion will eliminate the need for two source of electricity and merge it into one to reduce noise and improve efficiency, it's a revolutionary technology used in new generation of ships. (not an expert on this, if someone understand the system better, please explain.)

-From the hard work of the Chinese researchers, China has been hard at work on the electric propulsion from 2002 and the technology has matured. This new technology will be used in Type 55 and Type 57 to further improve Chinese navy capabilities.

-Ths new technology has improved over the propulsion system in Type 54A and will increase power by 40% and will reach a speed of 30 knots.

-This would allow better anti sub capabilities because it would allow faster acceleration and be able to capture better position? (Not sure how to translate this part, I'm not an expert in this field.)

- This ship will fix the many efficiencies in type 52D and type 54A's stealth features.

- namely closed stealth mast? Front and back deck integration to achieve smooth and slanted surface? Anyways the point is the design will eliminate as much breaks in a continues shape as possible.

-Also a bunc of other stuff to reduce RCS.

It's hard to translate things when it's so technical and I have no expertise in ship building.

Thank you for the information.

I am assuming these new ships will have Gas Turbines as primary sources of power, which would then turn the electric generators which then drive the electric motors.

However, are these Gas Turbines (if used) going to be of Chinese origin or imported ones?
Thank you for the information.

I am assuming these new ships will have Gas Turbines as primary sources of power, which would then turn the electric generators which then drive the electric motors.

However, are these Gas Turbines (if used) going to be of Chinese origin or imported ones?

This is written by a fan boy, so do not treat some details too seriously. If it use full electric propulsion, then either two QC-185 or 1 QC-280(plus two diesel engine) can be used; if not, QC-185 is the only choice. Anyway, we will see it very soon and also the answer to your question.
深度:我军舰艇将用电推技术 057护卫舰呼之欲出|护卫舰|系统|电力_新浪军事

My rough translation, I will use point form.

- Type 57 design has been finalized, and will be put into production sometime between end of 2014 to sometime in 2015. This is a fourth generation frigate.

-All 24 Type 54A frigates have been completed, and the last 5 to 6 of them will all enter service before 2017.

-Type 57 will be a 20 ship class, and replace all type 53 before 2025.

- It will use all new designed radar, sonar, and vertical missile launch system and will be about 4,500 tons.

-This vessel will be using all new electric propulsion system, and will act as the most advanced anti sub warfare ship in the navy and will challenge to become the best anti sub ship in the world. This will include 2 anti sub helicopter and various unmanned aerial vehicles.

-This electric propulsion will eliminate the need for two source of electricity and merge it into one to reduce noise and improve efficiency, it's a revolutionary technology used in new generation of ships. (not an expert on this, if someone understand the system better, please explain.)

-From the hard work of the Chinese researchers, China has been hard at work on the electric propulsion from 2002 and the technology has matured. This new technology will be used in Type 55 and Type 57 to further improve Chinese navy capabilities.

-Ths new technology has improved over the propulsion system in Type 54A and will increase power by 40% and will reach a speed of 30 knots.

-This would allow better anti sub capabilities because it would allow faster acceleration and be able to capture better position? (Not sure how to translate this part, I'm not an expert in this field.)

- This ship will fix the many efficiencies in type 52D and type 54A's stealth features.

- namely closed stealth mast? Front and back deck integration to achieve smooth and slanted surface? Anyways the point is the design will eliminate as much breaks in a continues shape as possible.

-Also a bunc of other stuff to reduce RCS.

It's hard to translate things when it's so technical and I have no expertise in ship building.

Picture plz.

055 will use full Electrically powered propulsion system, really?
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I meant the ones for the Chinese Armed Forces.

Five reasons.

1. Massive GDP. China's economic strength is massive at $9.3 trillion GDP for 2013. The U.S. is at $16 trillion. It's pretty close.

A massive GDP implies a relatively well-developed economy. This indicates China has the technological might to conduct spacewalks and send rovers to the Moon.

A large economy means the resources are available to pursue development of advanced weapons.

2. Supercomputers. China has built the world's fastest supercomputer. Supercomputers are critical to design advanced weapons.

3. Machine tools. China is the world's largest manufacturer of CNC machine tools. Five-axis machine tools are necessary to build advanced weapons with very tight tolerances.

4. Experience. Chinese designers had built earlier models of today's advanced weapons. I have included a history of China's fighter development to illustrate the point (see below). Having decades of experience, Chinese weapon designers are at world-class level today.

5. Advanced material science. China spent the last 20 years researching advanced DD3 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys. China has published countless research papers, which forms the basis for the production of the most critical part of the Chinese WS-10A turbofan engine.

Also, China has spent the last 15 years researching and developing second-generation advanced DD6 nickel-based single-crystal superalloys. DD6 forms the bedrock of China's next-generation WS-15 turbofan engine for the Chengdu J-20 stealth superfighter.
China has been building delta-wing jet fighters for 50 years

J-7 (first flight 1966) delta wing design -->
J-8 (first flight 1969) enlarged delta wing design -->
J-9 (first flight 1975) tailless canard-delta wing design (project canceled in 1980 due to inability to mass produce WS-6 turbofan engine) -->
J-10 (first flight 1998) tailless canard-delta wing design -->
J-20 (first flight 2011) stealthy tailless canard-delta wing design -->
J-31 (first flight 2012) stealthy clipped-delta wing design

Fifty years ago, China started with its first delta-wing design. All subsequent aircraft have been an evolution of the basic delta-wing design by adding a canard and then making it stealthy. It is clear that all of the Chinese fighters (e.g. J-7, J-8, J-9, J-10, J-20, and J-31) belong to the same delta-wing family.

The J-31 is a modified design of China's basic delta-wing fighter. The J-31 uses a clipped-delta wing.

In conclusion, China has been building delta-wing designs and their offshoots for fifty years.


On the left is a Chinese J-7E with an unique double-delta wing design. On the right is the Chinese J-9 canard-delta wing prototype.

Chengdu J-7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shenyang J-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chengdu J-9 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chengdu J-20 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shenyang J-31 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Additional citation:

"Chengdu J-10 - Fighter Planes

The J-10 project was started in the mid-80s based on the experience (tailless delta wing and canard foreplanes) with J-9 which was cancelled earlier in favor of ..."

China has been publishing the results of its research into advanced materials like titanium alloys and nickel-based superalloys for 20 years. Notice the Chinese names of the authors of the research paper from BIAM (Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials).

Without advanced materials like the DD3 nickel-based superalloy, the Chinese WS-10A turbofan engine could not exist. The WS-10A engine (with gearbox at the bottom) is designed to power the J-10B Vigorous Dragon fighter. This version of the WS-10A turbofan engine is said to have 13.2 ton maximum thrust. There are several wrapped engines near the floor.

[Note: Thank you to Pinko for the post.]
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China builds so fast,its unreal.
Why so many military equipment so fast?

On the contrary, China's naval buildup is actually excruciatingly slow relative to the size of the nation's shipbuilding industry. It's somewhat frustrating from the perspective of military buffs like myself because I know China can do so much better. Did you guys know the US built over 100 carriers during WWII if we include all the smaller escort carriers like the Casablanca class? I'm quite certain China is the only country in the world today that could repeat a performance like that if only we had a reason to do it. That's why a certain part of me secretly wants Vietnam, the Philippines, or Japan to fire the first shot and give us that reason.


List of countries by steel production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


List of countries by aluminium production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the contrary, China's naval buildup is actually excruciatingly slow relative to the size of the nation's shipbuilding industry. It's somewhat frustrating from the perspective of military buffs like myself because I know China can do so much better. Did you guys know the US built over 100 carriers during WWII if we include all the smaller escort carriers like the Casablanca class? I'm quite certain China is the only country in the world today that could repeat a performance like that if only we had a reason to do it. That's why a certain part of me secretly wants Vietnam, the Philippines, or Japan to fire the first shot and give us that reason.


List of countries by steel production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


List of countries by aluminium production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know i was only talking about military ships,the list is about overall shipbuilding.
Well i hope none of those countries fires a shot,we dont need another war.

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