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New Administrator on PDF

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More like behind the scene stuff.

Wait, does this mean you're not going to be banning trolls anymore?

Trolls are springing up all over the place, without a regular ban-hammer they will start to breed out of control.
Hey Aeronaut, are the servers for PDF still based in America, or are they more spread out nowadays?

Not that I'm worried about spying or anything, since all the information here is public-domain to begin with. And not that America would be opposed to hacking overseas targets anyway.
One of the best decisions taken by @WebMaster
Congratulations @Aeronaut ,we expect a lot from you as Administrator,as you have always worked in a fantastic manner.:P
My political affiliation has nothing to do with administration of PDF, Awesome too voted for PTI. Consider yourself informed.
May Allah help you with your new responsibilities.

How much do you get paid now?
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We are working on it.

Finding mod material is not an easy task. They need to be made of a certain metal. Must be able to take heat, rust, fire and still stay calm and do their work. You need to be thick skinned and need to be able to maintain your personal views seperately from your moderation duties.
what abt @LoveIcon ?
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