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New Administrator on PDF

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Who's taking your place then? As it is, I too feel the number of mods need to be increased.

We are working on it.

Finding mod material is not an easy task. They need to be made of a certain metal. Must be able to take heat, rust, fire and still stay calm and do their work. You need to be thick skinned and need to be able to maintain your personal views seperately from your moderation duties.
We are working on it.

Finding mod material is not an easy task. They need to be made of a certain metal. Must be able to take heat, rust, fire and still stay calm and do their work. You need to be thick skinned and need to be able to maintain your personal views seperately from your moderation duties.

Good Luck, and hoping for some good additions to the Mod team.
We are working on it.

Finding mod material is not an easy task. They need to be made of a certain metal. Must be able to take heat, rust, fire and still stay calm and do their work. You need to be thick skinned and need to be able to maintain your personal views seperately from your moderation duties.

Self praise !!! :)
More like, been there, done that kinda thing. Moderation is a stressful duty, it takes more than just a good member. We need someone who is able to channel debates but also knows when to drop the hammer.

Again self praise !!! :cheers:
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@Aeronaut yo ma man .. congratismo.. :tup:

Make @BATMAN mod of Indian section, @batmannow National Politics and @Al-zakir of Bangladesh Section.
download (1).jpg

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