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"Never Forget National Humiliation" 74th anniversary of Nanjing Massacre

First, Those comments related to revenge are not mine. I have nothing to do with that.

I have never advocated revenge against japan is the intended solution for China.

I do not think it is the right way to do so as well.

If so, fair enough. But my thoughts of it being directed to the country as a whole do not come out of nowhere. Here are some quotes in this thread:

"Revenge will be sweet"

"Revenge is essential to get the confidence back"

"I just hope that part of animal island would sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner than later with some major earthquakes"

All I can see is the population suffering here, not the actual government. It would be best to correct the posts directing at the Japanese government, otherwise it is very misleading.
First, Those comments related to revenge are not mine. I have nothing to do with that.

I have never advocated revenge against japan is the intended solution for China.

I do not think it is the right way to do so as well.

"We definitely use the term "japs" in a derogatory way. I just hope that part of animal island would sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner than later with some major earthquakes. Then they can finally face up their sins and have the courage to acknowledge their animal past."

Your own words. Selective memories or bipolar disorder? Please stop lecturing others about customs and moralities, no one likes to listen to a raving mad hypocrite.
Well, I do remember that. However, that is simply due to my disgust over those japs who knowingly deny their wartime atrocities against China.

However, those words may be extreme out of anger, just like some times people will say: "I hope you go to hell".

We all know you can not wish your wishes into reality without action.

If you read all my posts, I have never advocated revenge against those japanese. I am not sure whether that is too hard for you tell the difference???

Let me put my words again here:

First, Those comments related to revenge are not mine. I have nothing to do with that.

I have never advocated revenge against japan is the intended solution for China.

I do not think it is the right way to do so as well.

You still cannot tell the difference???

"We definitely use the term "japs" in a derogatory way. I just hope that part of animal island would sink to the bottom of pacific oceans sooner than later with some major earthquakes. Then they can finally face up their sins and have the courage to acknowledge their animal past."

Your own words. Selective memories or bipolar disorder? Please stop lecturing others about customs and moralities, no one likes to listen to a raving mad hypocrite.
First, as what I have said earlier, those japs deserved those two nukes. China does not deserve such brutal invasions by those japs.

As far as revenge against those two bombs by U.S., I do not think those japs have the ability yet, not that they have forgotten that.

As far as your generosity towards those japs, I am very surprised that so many indians still hate China so much for defeating india in 1962 border conflicts even though we have withdrawn to the line before conflicts, kindly treated all of your prisoners, promptly released them and even gave back all the materials we have captured. I do not think any international observers or India accused China committing any atrocities towards india prisoners then as well.

By your remarks, isn't that your generosity towards those japs simply hypocrisy???

Growing up in 80s most Indians of my age were exposed to electronics be it a television or a camera from Japan, which generally left a good feeling for us. If you date back History, the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) was supported by Japan during WWII for their own self-interest but have endeared Japan for Indians who were dead-set against British rule.

I still remember watching Japanese TV series dubbed in English called "Oshin" when I was in 5th grade. I have personal reasons to like Japan, and I have general feeling that among Indians, there is an appreciation of Japanese work-ethnic and rising from the ashes of WWII.

Liking Japan because China has a bone to pick... is probably last thing on most Indians mind. The fact of life is "the world does not rotate around China".
First, none has mentioned anything similar like what you said: "the world does not rotate around China". I am not sure what your logic is.

Second, liking japan or not was also not my point as well. Your on and on here is just really weird.

BTW, when you got some help from japan during WWII, do you even indicate indian may like japan a lot and did not even think it was the axis of evil then and now??? In that logic, Switzerland was spared by nazi germany and nazi has deposited a lot of money in switzerland as well, should switzerland be very thankful to germany then and now???

What you have wrote lacks the basic sense of right and wrong.

In addition, knowing those wartime atrocities done those japs and those unrepented attitudes by japan governments one by one, you still like those japs simply because they have helped you certain time and gave you better electronics and etc, and tell Chinese people that we should be more generous and forgot the past atrocities done by those japs, I do not know where your sense of justice has been.

It is simply just too pathetic.

Growing up in 80s most Indians of my age were exposed to electronics be it a television or a camera from Japan, which generally left a good feeling for us. If you date back History, the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) was supported by Japan during WWII for their own self-interest but have endeared Japan for Indians who were dead-set against British rule.

I still remember watching Japanese TV series dubbed in English called "Oshin" when I was in 5th grade. I have personal reasons to like Japan, and I have general feeling that among Indians, there is an appreciation of Japanese work-ethnic and rising from the ashes of WWII.

Liking Japan because China has a bone to pick... is probably last thing on most Indians mind. The fact of life is "the world does not rotate around China".
whites made china weak after the opium wars, the japs used that weakness to commit its heinous crimes.

whites are china's enemy.
japs are china's enemy.

even now the japs and whites are the best of friends.

china must build the most powerful military to always protect china and china must stop being nice and humble to these 2 races.

But China should not be Anti -India at the same time. We have being living harmoneously for 3000 Yrs, We had lot of trade between us, Silk from China and spices from southern India. Budhisim florished.
China being stronger should make visible attempts to re-assure India , that it is not hostile to India.
Other wise India will lean towards the US. It is not because of Pakistan , But because of China , India leans towards US. China needs to be smart and should checkmate Uncle SAM & the Yankee's
& as for Japs suckers - They have a brutal past, I dont like that either.
Lastly, I don't think the view of the Chinese posters here are correct. This thread is full of stereotyping, the majority of the populace in Japan are innocent who are not fully educated about the horrors of the war, but that is not their choosing, but the Japanese government's education syllabus. Should Japan receive punishment? No. Should the Japanese government change the education syllabus? Yes.

The few cases where Japanese individuals deny despite knowing the events, are ignorant fools and should not be applied to the rest of the population.

(I had to post a reasonable reply to counter the Japan bashing in this thread, which is frankly worrying)

The war of Japanese invading China was an act of state with the entire nation participating
directly and indirectly at their own willingness through the whole process.

An example:
There was a women organization called "The national defense women committee" with more
than ten million members across Japan in support of their so-called " Holy War" at the inspiration
of one female "martyr" committing suicide at the eve of her husband leaving for the looting
battlefield in China in early 1930s in order to encourage him to fight recklessly and relentlessly.
With other similar organizations, almost all Japanese women strove to serve the war wholeheartedly.

Upon occupying Nanjing and afterwards slaughtering, more than eight hundred thousand Japanese people gathered and celebrated in ecstasy in front of the Japanese Imperial Palace.

What an innocent and ignorant nation!
The overwhelmingly majority of the nation just justified their invading, looting, killing, and
called this "holy"!

Maybe You'd like to say it is a history, past is past.
But what happens nowadays?
The obdurately refusing to admit the Nanjing Massacre, describing the invading war mistakenly
on purpose, and constantly visiting the Yasukuni Shrine enshrining the A-class war criminals by
Japanese top politicians even the prime ministers.

Japan is a democratic country meaning their government representing their own people,
and the ordinary people are entitled to their say in their policies.

Now, anybody can guarantee that one day the same thing happens, the ordinary Japanese
people will act opposed to their government or just act the same as they did in the war of
Japanese invading China?
Growing up in 80s most Indians of my age were exposed to electronics be it a television or a camera from Japan, which generally left a good feeling for us. If you date back History, the Indian National Army (Azad Hind Fauj) was supported by Japan during WWII for their own self-interest but have endeared Japan for Indians who were dead-set against British rule.

I still remember watching Japanese TV series dubbed in English called "Oshin" when I was in 5th grade. I have personal reasons to like Japan, and I have general feeling that among Indians, there is an appreciation of Japanese work-ethnic and rising from the ashes of WWII.

Liking Japan because China has a bone to pick... is probably last thing on most Indians mind. The fact of life is "the world does not rotate around China".

I do really respect Bose and his legacy. He had his contributions. And he is in fact well known and revered in Japan even today.

Azad Hind was far to limited to go against the Allied forces. I frankly doubt if the Nazis took them seriously. In fact, Bose wasn't a great fan of the Nazi ideology either. But appeared to get along well with the Japanese.

Bose has his contributions, but a controversial and a mysterious figure at the same time. A true nationalist and patriot.
You and other indian members should understand that it is not China but India who has been hostile towards China. You still occupies our south Tibet.

Saying China is the initiator is really disregarding the historical truth.

But China should not be Anti -India at the same time. We have being living harmoneously for 3000 Yrs, We had lot of trade between us, Silk from China and spices from southern India. Budhisim florished.
China being stronger should make visible attempts to re-assure India , that it is not hostile to India.
Other wise India will lean towards the US. It is not because of Pakistan , But because of China , India leans towards US. China needs to be smart and should checkmate Uncle SAM & the Yankee's
& as for Japs suckers - They have a brutal past, I dont like that either.
You and other indian members should understand that it is not China but India who has been hostile towards China. You still occupies our south Tibet.

Saying China is the initiator is really disregarding the historical truth.

China's claim over Tibet itself is dubious .... leave alone "south" tibet. A fancy term coined by imaginations in China.

Anyway, what about Aksai Chin (Ladakh). Why is China still occupying Aksai China .... which it encroached upon during 1950s.

China self-marked it's boundaries with the "Great Wall of China" .. to protect itself since ancient times. So, why is China in occupation of Xinjiang / East Turkestan? Why is it in occupation of Tibet ... and part of Mongolia (Inner Mongolia) ????
China's claim over Tibet itself is dubious .... leave alone "south" tibet. A fancy term coined by imaginations in China.

Anyway, what about Aksai Chin (Ladakh). Why is China still occupying Aksai China .... which it encroached upon during 1950s.

China self-marked it's boundaries with the "Great Wall of China" .. to protect itself since ancient times. So, why is China in occupation of Xinjiang / East Turkestan? Why is it in occupation of Tibet ... and part of Mongolia (Inner Mongolia) ????

Heck there was no country called India in the ancient times, so why not divide yourselves up into 28 tiny little countries? :azn:
Those japs even today do not acknowledge publicly what they have done to China and other south east asian countries. Those animals call that brutal invasion as "entering".

Not only China does not forgive those fxxking japs, but also a lot of former allied force soldiers (from U.S., U.K., Holland and etc), captured and tortured by those japs, do not forgive them.

How many countries would forgive Germany if Germany today still does not acknowledge its past criminal acts and set up laws against any people trying to beautifying that part of history???
I agree.. but india is one of the countries that has been continuosly mauled by foreign powers in the last 1000 years. Should we expect for an apology from the descendents of the barbaric islamic invaders, or the sly ruthless British? We wont get any response. Best way is to do what you are doing now. build again and be strong. when you build up resentment its not good fgor the heart and mind, thats medically proven
Interesting thing, just look at our history, our long legendary history with ups and downs, whenever we slipped to the deep valley, whatever we suffered, later we had always been able to climber to the peak top, return to our climax of glory.

We contemplated our defeat, we licked our wound, while building up our new strength, all was for our getting it back.

We just couldn't get used to it, the humiliation, the sufferings, we were not and will never be numb to our wounds, and ultimately we always got it back.

No strong hate, no profound love.
forgetting atrocity means harming conscience.

Lately, in Japan, unaccounted-for enriched uranium and plutonium in large quantities of nuclear waste disposed of by Japanese facilities including 2.8 kilograms of highly enriched uranium, 4 tons of low-enriched uranium were discovered.

In association with Japanese consistent attitude towards the war of invading China, enshrining their A-class war criminals,
well, whether it is a bad thing to China or not, Who knows.

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