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Nawaz Sharif : The man who will break up Pakistan

CIA and PNAC (Project for New American Century) states Pakistan will be a failed state by 2015 and she will break up into provincial pieces from there on.

Obviously it is clear to see all western media outlets supporting Nawaz Sharif.

He has met with Republicans, delivered his manifesto to Saudi Arabia.

This shows they are setting him up to be the next one in charge of Pakistan.

My question is, is he their man? Will he lead us to destruction?

Before he will try to think, army will take his neck into hand and i will support to burn him alive. There is no compromise on the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan.

So don't worry.
Firs of all the shameless idiots are you people who support this thing Nawaz, secondly all of us are here & when he F**KS up again which he will for sure then try coming back with this same crap attitude of yours.

Now lick this Democrazy as hard as you can & the men in uniform that you hate so much are those who have given their lives for Pakistan from day one.

Insane line of thinking i must say......Some ppl say you get only wht you deserve, Pakistan never ever deserved dictatorship but yet it was brought over n over again undemocratically...I respect those who die on the borders for pakistan but not those who wear uniform thinking one day he will be head of the state....
Don't ban me for this

I do hope pakistan fails and collapses. Like a phoenix I hope what is reborn is the land Jinnah had dreamt of. Today, pakistan is not only non-functioning it was counter functioning. This novopakistan will be a much better country, pure in her goals. That's what pakistan means, pure in the pursuit of perfection.
I sometimes do wonder if the indians here do really even care about their own country, which in its self has alot of fixing to do. But instead they sit here, and comment about Pakistan, trying to act the experts. Pity.

They love to have ********* and at the same time love to have self-inflicted injuries. so NVM .

On topic well breaking Pakistan in two years is NOT possible neither NS or any politician will break it for the reason that till the time Pakistan is existing these nooras and bhayas have chance to rule
Forgot about the army, the public, the sacrifices, Pakistan is here to stay until the end of time. Pakistan is not going anywhere these predictions have been going for 65 years.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to all these predictions and so on, Nawaz can't do much because the real decision makes are the army.
Pakistan is already broken once in last 65 years in 1971 and it was army who did that. The only way forward is accountability and Your army will never hold itself accountable.
My my... aren't we overreaching? What a load of crap. NS maybe a SoB, however, even he is not capable of breaking Pakistan up. What will he do if he does that, rule over whom? The peasants of Punjab? India would swallow him in one gulp if that were ever to become reality.

On point: No he won't break Pakistan up. He however will disenfranchise 100% of educated class, who can see through his bald head and ape-like-IQ. He is an American stooge and a Saudi lapdog, even so, he is not that bright-enough to fool the urban class. We the people won't let him to function during his tenure, handed over to him by hillbillies of Punjab. Period.
My my... aren't we overreaching? What a load of crap. NS maybe a SoB, however, even he is not capable of breaking Pakistan up. What will he do if he does that, rule over whom? The peasants of Punjab? India would swallow him in one gulp if that were ever to become reality.

On point: No he won't break Pakistan up. He however will disenfranchise 100% of educated class, who can see through his bald head and ape-like-IQ. He is an American stooge and a Saudi lapdog, even so, he is not that bright-enough to fool the urban class. We the people won't let him to function during his tenure, handed over to him by hillbillies of Punjab. Period.

My My....what a post HYPEY!!

Atleast you are lucky enough that u will have a PM who has a bald head through which u can judge what is going on in his head.

Ours is a one, who hides everything inside his SECRET DEEP BLUE TURBAN......don't know what will come out of it from nowhere!!!
Imran got less than 40 seats, so does Bhutto Clan... The Jamatis are licking the dust..

The emerge of Nawaz indicate something..
1. Ppl have voted for stability, no hung assemblies...
2. Ppl want Army and ISI out of country (city and parliament)
3. Ppl want Army and ISI in barrack or on borders
4. Ppl want to go beyong K dream and want to coexist peacefully with India and Afghanistan..

Lets see whether ISI win war over Nawaz or Nawaz wmerge as messiha of Pakistani awam...
Just thinking back

In Elections where Fatima Jinah , was out voted by Rigged elections back in 60's
that mistake cost us the clamity of 71

In some ways the seeds of Pakistan's downfall were placed in this election when most popular leader in nation (Sister of Qauid) was over looked

Similarly now Best Mind in Pakistan , Imran Khan would not be a Prime Minister of of Pakistan
, I just feel , the future looks bleek an impeeding clamity

Things look dark .. very dark

This man will destroy Pakistan now

Bangadeshis were justified in breaking up becasue our politics is based on ethnicity rather then merit , it is the truth unfortunately
For those who are giving credit of massive victory of PML-N to CIA, India and Saudia.

Ok this is pissing me off. I'm a PTI fan too but people need to calm the **** down. Stop fantasizing about the future of Pakistan. None of you can predict ****! Only God knows what will happen. Pakistan is here too stay. I'm sure no sane minded Pakistan wants our nation to be broken up into pieces. We fought too hard for our country and our ancestors sacrificed too much for the creation of Pakistan. Stop losing hope. This is pathetic attitude most people are having right now. You forgot about nukes? Who would of thought we would be the first and if not only Muslim country in the world to have nukes? Who would have thought we would fight 3 wars with India a country 3 times bigger than ours and still survive? (no offense to indians just giving an example). We've been through so much suffered so much. You must remember you can't change the corrupt system and mentality of most pakistani's overnight in one day. It takes damn time. 60% voters showed up highest in pakistans history. We defied the Taliban we took to the streets and voted. Yes theres corruption yes theres paindoos yes theres jahils, these problems dont disappear overnight. This is a slow process we lost today but InshAllah in 5 years we'll be more educated less corrupt, and well get a leader that we truly deserve. Right now we should focus on the present rather than the future. Please don't insult the majority of Pakistani's that voted for Nawaz. This is democracy they won we should acknowledge it and move on. Respect others. There is no divide. Stop having this mentality of ethnicity. You talk about how others have this mind set you people are saying the same things. Actions speak louder than words. Give Nawaz a chance, if he fucks up we will kick him out. We as Pakistani's have had enough PPPP fucked up look at them? they are no where to be seen. if N League fucks up he'll be gone too. Nawaz knows this and he has to perform. Now relax ppl have a glass of cold lassi and some parathas and enjoy you're day.
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