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Nawaz Sharif meet Indian Military Attache

May 20, 2011
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Haroon Rasheed says in his program that in last couple of days Nawaz had meet Indian Military Attache in London.
This news was also given by Shahbaz Gil in his yesterday's press conference, even though he didn't specifically spelled out. But he said, that we (i.e. Pakistani Government) knows who you were meeting in London.

If this is true, Nawaz should be tried for treason.
It is a stated aim of India to break up Pakistan. They are actively working on it. There are plenty of evidences of Indian's involvement in Terror activities in Pakistan.
Including financing, training, and arming terrorists to act against the state and people of Pakistan.

It is beyond my comprehension that why Government of Pakistan brings all these proofs to the world!!
Indian has to deal right now, before it is too late.
Everyone know this kanjar and his whole clan is in bed with India. Yet again, the "gate keepers", allowed this vermin to go Scot free!

Shahid masood raised a very important point recently that his harami is still the blue eyed boy of the "establishment" due to his Punjab domicile. Even I had this thought in my mind why this maggot and his clan keep on getting all the favours despite his treason to the motherland.

Bleak future for Pakistan cause disease and its infection comes from high up.
Haroon Rasheed says in his program that in last couple of days Nawaz had meet Indian Military Attache in London.
This news was also given by Shahbaz Gil in his yesterday's press conference, even though he didn't specifically spelled out. But he said, that we (i.e. Pakistani Government) knows who you were meeting in London.

If this is true, Nawaz should be tried for treason.
It is a stated aim of India to break up Pakistan. They are actively working on it. There are plenty of evidences of Indian's involvement in Terror activities in Pakistan.
Including financing, training, and arming terrorists to act against the state and people of Pakistan.

It is beyond my comprehension that why Government of Pakistan brings all these proofs to the world!!
Indian has to deal right now, before it is too late.

nawaz-not-so-sharif is CLEARLY showing who he is working for. Not even hiding it anymore....... :disagree:
The judiciary and the so called Establishment will directly be responsible for any damage that may occur to Pakistan's interests due to them allowing this traitor going abroad. Its high time we get rid of these black sheeps within our institutions who are playing in the hands of traitors like Nawaz.
What a joke of a system we have whose allowing a convicted felon to go abroad. The Judge that allowed over a 50 rs stamp paper should be the first one to be tried under treason. This is the height. Back than these so called forons of modern time were taking government to cleaners for asking for surety bonds in millions. The audacity of the judges to ask government to give guarantee over Nawaz health. And now they are asking the government why are you not bringing him back, seriously! You let him leave on a plane, you let haqqani go, you let every traitor, criminal, terrorist, who after alot of scarifies are caught, you let them all go. This cycle have to stop? BA pass Cheap justice is giving instructions on how to run the country while his own judiciary is letting criminals, traitors escape making a mockery out of our justice system.
Bloody Harami!
nawaz is no threat to Pakistan as far as govt control economic crisis but current rise in inflation and mafia who supplied wheat on low price to poultry industry resulting in rise and shortage of wheat if not controlled will result in civil unrest in coming time,Price of vegetables is sky rocketing and our rupee is facing devaluation within Pakistan raising risk that we will turn in to Zimbabwe in coming years
Altaf Hussain was an Indian Agent, Hussain Haqqani was an Indian/US agent, Benazir was an Indian Agent, Fatima Bhutto was an Indian Agent and now we have Nawaz Sharif who is an Indian Agent.

It is scary how easy it is for the agencies and the media to make anyone an Indian Agent and the sheep to believe it all without a shred of evidence. NS and kin are not stupid to damage their livelihood, why would they jeopardize their family goldmine aka Pakistan?

And my dear fellow Pakistanis, merely because someone is critical of the alleged role of Army leadership, it does not make him/her an Indian agent.
Always stated these Family politics , and people were pretty much Bhagi , state with in a state mindset with their own , servant culture

Any true Pakistani
> Will see importance of 45-50 Adminstrative zones in country
> Will see need for breakdown of provinces
> Will see need for split of budget along that line
> Harsh penalties for corruption like in China

Yellow Pag walla Baghi , is one such example , 40 Lakh ki Lassi pi giya , and he is still walking around pretending to be a saint
Just slip him something that comes as a cardiac arrest in autopsy, Mian shb died of natural causes due to falling health.
Role of Politician and establishment remained inadequate. Politician remained busy in corruption and establishment supported corrupt like Altaf Hussain, Nawaz Sharif and Fazal ur Rehman
Who let NS to go abroad. Its big blunder like Musharraf gave NRO to NS.
Role of Politician and establishment remained inadequate. Politician remained busy in corruption and establishment supported corrupt like Altaf Hussain, Nawaz Sharif and Fazal ur Rehman
Who let NS to go abroad. Its big blunder like Musharraf gave NRO to NS.

If we are honestly talking about priorities and interests of Pakistan then we should be asking who let Raymond Davis go instead of asking who let Nawaz Sharif go. Is Nawaz Sharif as important as Raymond Davis was when he was let go?
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