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Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque

police fired tear gas and used knives and batons to beat back ethnic Hui Muslim protesters in Taoshan village, Hexi township, the rights group said, citing villagers.

Why were knives used by the police though? I never heard police ever using knives before

It's puzzling, isn't it? The report is mostly likely either a gross exaggeration or plain falsehood. Why don't we wait for confirmation before engaging in war of words? BTW Hui muslims are ethnic Han Chinese who believe in Islam. There have never been any issues of Hui muslim seperatism or ethnic tension.
Okay I seriously doubt knife was used, is not very efficient at crow control. I also doubt anybody got killed in a protest of this size.

Also if the story were to be believed, the local police who demolished the mosque are probably composed of hue Muslims themselves.

CCP is a secular state, not an atheist state. Contracting or modifying structures need government approval like everywhere else, riot gear and tear gas is not exactly alien to Americans or Europeans.
By the reaction of Indians, old destroyed mosques, and trolling here, 180 million Muslims in India are not really safe and insecures.....

Is it possible 180 million Muslims to make Independence country called Indiastan ? :agree:
By the reaction of Indians, old destroyed mosques, and trolling here, 180 million Muslims in India are not really safe and insecures.....

Is it possible 180 million Muslims to make Independence country called Indiastan ? :agree:

Yeah that's the trajectory partition will occur again. Many Muslims there are demanding their own state. Especially in Deccan and provinces with large Muslim population.

In Karnataka the people hoisted the Pakistan flag in defiance! They are sending a signal to the world and most importantly to the 800 million Hindus.
Happened in my hometown, police who tore it down were muslim as well. It was declared illegal however the Government will likely repay them for how much they spent on it likely build it in another location.
police fired tear gas and used knives and batons to beat back ethnic Hui Muslim protesters in Taoshan village, Hexi township, the rights group said, citing villagers.

Why were knives used by the police though? I never heard police ever using knives before

It's puzzling, isn't it? The report is mostly likely either a gross exaggeration or plain falsehood. Why don't we wait for confirmation before engaging in war of words? BTW Hui muslims are ethnic Han Chinese who believe in Islam. There have never been any issues of Hui muslim seperatism or ethnic tension.

of course were loyal to china. a similar incident happened in 2005 :coffee:
in gujarat few temples were demolished coz they were creating problems on roads due to traffic.;)
i m just saying why you ppl are defensive on chinese??

they know thr place pretty well in world ... fill in the blank :::

China owns .......
Pakistan is China's .....

Everything in this news is unnamed source with no evidence

I doubt it because it makes no sense since no mosque nor temples have been demolished for political reasons in years after the culture revolution.

and Hui have had a good relation with Han Chinese so there goes the ethnic reason.

If such event happened there maybe another reason entirely

the current speculations doesn't make sense

Of course we have good relations with Han, we have over 60 mosques in my hometown. if this was illegal then Government will repay and get a new location similar incident happened in 2005.
BEIJING: Hundreds of Muslims fought with armed police who demolished a mosque in north China, local police and a human rights group said on Monday, with several people injured in the “riot”.

The violence between local Muslims and roughly 1,000 armed police began after police declared illegal a newly renovated mosque in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and moved to destroy it, the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, in Hong Kong, said.

The Hui are one of several Muslim minority groups in China.

Two people were killed and 50 injured after police fired tear gas and used knives and batons to beat back ethnic Hui Muslim protesters in Taoshan village, Hexi township, the rights group said, citing villagers.

Hexi township police denied any deaths when reached by telephone.

A policeman surnamed Ma confirmed that the mosque was torn down. He told AFP a “riot” occurred in Hexi on Saturday afternoon.

“Two police officers and two villagers got injured and several villagers were taken away by the police, but I don’t know how many,” Ma said.

One Taoshan local who was away when the violence occurred, said his relatives had told him over the telephone that on December 30 an official had shouted “(the mosque) is illegal” and ordered the armed police to tear it down.

“Clashes happened and more than 100 people went missing,” Jin Haitao told AFP. He said many villagers’ injuries were caused by police using high-pressure water cannon to disperse those trying to stop destruction of the mosque.

“Now, I can’t reach anyone there,” Jin said, speaking from north China’s Hebei province near Beijing.

The Hong Kong-based rights group said in a fax that Muslims from Ningxia and the neighbouring province of Gansu had donated money to build the mosque.

Jin said it was first built in 1987 and refurbished last year.

China’s communist government monitors religious activity closely and must approve the building of all mosques, churches and other places of worship as a way to prevent their becoming centres for anti-government organising.

China in recent years has seen several outbreaks of ethnic violence involving Muslims, mostly as the mainly Muslim Uighurs of the northwest Xinjiang region bridle under what they regard as government oppression and the unwanted immigration of majority ethnic Han Chinese.
Muslims clash with China police who destroyed mosque | World | DAWN.COM
Congrats Ure Indian lie media is doing excellent job of spreading propaganda against our Chinese brothers....These kind of false news are spread by either CIA or RAW sources across the world.....:smokin:
That is the minority and religious oriented politics that is spreading like a plague in our country. The India the constitution say we all are equal but the politicians make it that "some are more equal than the others"
That is the minority and religious oriented politics that is spreading like a plague in our country. The India the constitution say we all are equal but the politicians make it that "some are more equal than the others"

Hahah we hui's keep to ourself, we don't convert anyone if anyone wants to convert to islam we let them and welcome them. My Uncle is a Local Imam for the government :smokin:
Dear Indians,

Before throwing the stone at China, stfu and remember demolition of BABRI MOSQUE...

Also we Muslims don't need Mosque. If 5 of us get together for prayer, it's like mosque.

Exactly!! remember what happened in Pakistan after that? Hooligans went on a rampage and demolished tens of Hindu temples in Pakistan. And the Babri mosque issue is still used to fan hatred in Pakistan.
Now all of a sudden you guys are trying to find rationality behind actions against muslims. One is just trying to comprehend the psyche of Pakistanis.
Congrats Ure Indian lie media is doing excellent job of spreading propaganda against our Chinese brothers....These kind of false news are spread by either CIA or RAW sources across the world.....:smokin:

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