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Muslims Attack Hindus in India: A Warning For the West?

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solmon are you itching for another dose of ban??
No. I posted the article here to see how Indians would evaluate it. It seemed kind of suspicious to me - for example, not only the town but the state is missing from the introductory story. Furthermore every interview should be subjected to some sort of critical response, rather than be allowed to stand unchallenged.
If Indians fight whether Muslims or Hindus or Christians or Buddhists, they are Indians first, so no one have to think about it or get alarmed about it. In India everyone has their equal rights and even high percentage reservations for the backwards.

Few days back read in a newspaper that there will be reservations for the Muslims in all govt jobs and institutes. I think that is a good move.

what makes u think it as a good move? its all vote bank crappy politics :angry: and the merit and most deserving people are let outside by these kind of reservations...

IMO deserving candidates should be preferred than SC/ST/OBC'S :hitwall:
Few days back read in a newspaper that there will be reservations for the Muslims in all govt jobs and institutes. I think that is a good move.

As the natural ruling class of South Asia for the past 1000 years, it is only correct that govt jobs be reserved for Muslims.
Then please clarify what you are trying to say after you post the article... at first view, it looked a lot like you wanted to troll.

Good day Suleymaan sahab, I'm going to sleep.
" Chesler: How long has the Muslim violence against Hindus been going on? I know it has existed for 800 years or more. I am asking about the more recent series of events in West Bengal.

Ghosh: Though Hindus in Bengal faced massive attacks and massacres during the Partition of 1947 (when India was divided into India and Pakistan and 3/4th of Bengal went to Pakistan), the violence never ceased. In West Bengal, violence against Hindus took place again in the 1950s and from 1964-65; violence continued until 1971, when it eased off for some time. That was during the time when across the border, nearly 3 million Hindus in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) were killed by the Pakistani Army, as part of their genocide to stop the creation of Bangladesh. "

These two statements are more then enough to tell the intention of this article.

Since 800 years, Muslims are doing this vandalism ?? Why didn't then the Hindus revolt and threw Muslims out as Hindus were the majority, and even now they are the 80% majority in India. Absurd.

Bangladeshis say, PA killed 3 Million, and now its just 3 Million hindus, so what's the real figure and composition.

As i remember, after BD was created, the govt asked the people to register for monetary claims, and i remember to have read that in total 37,000 claims were registered, which even included the pro-pakistan dead ones killed by the Mukti Bahni, after such low numbers being registered, the govt of that time hush hushed the monetary claim thingy as it would have exposed the 3 Million lie.

Solomon, you should have done better this time, but be assured, we can't compete with the vandalism and brutality shown by your own.
Troll bait people!


Please operate sensibly on this forum, :cheers:

Don't think so......if topics like Babri Masjid , Godhra,Samjawta Express and other cases of discrimination against muslims can be discussed to death here......why shy away from discrimination against Hindus ?

this is what is known as hypocrisy....
As the natural ruling class of South Asia for the past 1000 years, it is only correct that govt jobs be reserved for Muslims.

No! Not okay bro!

What you're saying wouldn't apply to India- they are not a Muslim nation...

Seriously, do you not understand what the verse "And let there be no compulsion in religion" means?

They can hire whoever they like, it is not a Muslim country.
Don't think so......if topics like Babri Masjid , Godhra,Samjawta Express and other cases of discrimination against muslims can be discussed to death here......why shy away from discrimination against Hindus ?

this is what is known as hypocrisy....

Dude, you can discuss it all you like, I was talking about Solomon posting the article... talk openly about how you feel, just don't expect us to agree.
You will understand the power of Khilji soon enough. We already control Assam and border districts of West Bengal.

Why do you Bhartis think your fate will be any different from the Buddhist monks at Nalanda when Khilji attacked.

Do you think your bleating like confused sheep will save you from the sword?

Your comments deserve a 'lol' sign only. :lol:

In which century are your living in??? This is 21st century. And this is INDIA. The time of such extremist views are over. Who ever posses such views (whether Hindus or Muslims or Christians) will be destroyed.

I think you live in BD. OK, religious extremists there got a taste 39 years back.
Since no Indians have corroborated any of this, I suppose the article is mostly trash. TaimiKhan, please close this thread, thanks.

UPDATE: Oh, yes, I see U. Greyhound did. Let's see if anyone else does.
Well, he Suleymaan A.S was able to get jinn to do his bidding and was a great king... respected by jews, christians and muslims.

The one who bears his name truly brings jewels to this forum

PS. You can't pull out now Suleymaan... your thread has been started!
what makes u think it as a good move? its all vote bank crappy politics :angry: and the merit and most deserving people are let outside by these kind of reservations...

IMO deserving candidates should be preferred than SC/ST/OBC'S :hitwall:

No its a good move. Vote bank may be part of this but the move is something more. It will make Muslims part of everything in India, they will get into everything in required number. I wish it will be 10% minimum. Although Muslims are already in highest posts of many many govt offices and ministries.

Thats make us different from others. That will make Muslims more Indians than being a Muslim.
SaifullahK...any more pearls of wisdom before the thread is locked?
Since no Indians have corroborated any of this, I suppose the article is mostly trash. TaimiKhan, please close this thread, thanks.

UPDATE: Oh, yes, I see U. Greyhound did. Let's see if anyone else does.

we didnt even see part 2 lol...
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