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Musharrafs future



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Aug 5, 2009
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Gen (Rtd) Musharraf's future seems to take a path what other politicians past did, exile in London. Why is london always the choice of the second living for exiled politicians?
Gen (Rtd) Musharraf's future seems to take a path what other politicians past did, exile in London. Why is london always the choice of the second living for exiled politicians?

Its because of the below mentioned reasons:

-Wine is easily available and choices are unlimited.
-Can travel to USA anytime if there is an emergency,as plenty of
flights available.
-Can held meetings with Altaf hussien.
So his future is as bright as dhobi ka gadha ( Here I am refering Nawaz Sharif as Dhobi ka gadha)..:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I am very optimistic about


But Zardari will try his best to save him.
Having seen his demeanor during his interview on Indian TV on 17 July and the fact that he has been shuttling between Pakistan and India to attend seminars and workshops, I feel that he is seeking a role as a mediator for peace talks between the two countries. An extra constitutional body like Bill Clinton. What do you people feel?
Excuse my ignorance but why is Musharraf so disliked? In Turkey we got always the perception that Musharraf was a good leader for Pakistan, did the media fool us?
Excuse my ignorance but why is Musharraf so disliked? In Turkey we got always the perception that Musharraf was a good leader for Pakistan, did the media fool us?

Not brother not your media but our media fooled us big time agianst him. We are one cursed Nation :angry: who give crown to bad's and good always have to steal this crown from bad. I see rest of other countries taking advices from Musharraf, arabs, UAE, etc but we hate this guy. When he go to India and take for Pakistan, He is our only hope to speak up to india but when he is done we hate him for this too. He serve this Nation and he ruled the 6th biggest army in the world but we think he is the dumbest person on earth. We can't prove him and force him out of power for corruption like NS and PPP bhutto's. So we look for excuses and say he broke the law by ER and military coup. See when Salah ud deen took his army of two hundred thousand against crusaders and decided to give medical help to crusader's king instead of war he was hated for it but he had a vision and later on he went back after years when time was right, until that was Salah ud deen was hated. Same goes for Musharraf. He did the Sullah Hudabia of this time with Jews and Christens because we are weak and our people hate him for that. He didn't want to confront the world at a moment since we are weak and our people hate him for this. Our Pakistani people are like Bagdadiz of their time when they asked to send their 400 thousand soldiers home and later bagdad was captured by non muslims same this why our people hate our great leaders because they understand Pakistan need time to confront the world. Same as Turkish people they understand that they need to get more powerful in order to bring the glory back in their hands what they had, but we Pakistani people we can't wait like Turkish people since we are emotional. Today we hate him i bet you after some time we will love him when he won't be around. Today these people blame him for not finishing the talibans in first sawat operation but they forgot they were the one who forced him in the forms of protests against sawat operation at that time. months ago people started to realize that he was better so all the political parties decided to bring this case up agianst him of Nov3rd 07. But good days are not far since we are Pakistanis. :pakistan:
Musharaf ko phansi par charhana hey tu pehlay apnay aap ko theek karo in Our religon Farma diya gaya hey kay

What Allah Said:


SO WATZ LFT ??? Why we always point out our leaders FIRST we SHOULD C WAT WE R DOING!!!
excuse me but ist this is a land forces section stick to it please
dont ruin the forum just because you want to open a thread
as some 1 said if you dont have any thing good to say dont say it at all 1
Excuse my ignorance but why is Musharraf so disliked? In Turkey we got always the perception that Musharraf was a good leader for Pakistan, did the media fool us?

Sorry not many people hate him, Because everyone has seen the zardari's time. & found that Musharaf was far better then Zardari.

I think worst will continue since according to a hadith, when people start disobeying Allah, Allah put a ruler on him who do injustice to them. So, if we didn't give up, who knows when next comes we start thinking about zardari better then him..

I still can't imagine what would be worst then zardari :-s

Ps: Zardari is on this seat because of Musharaf, so that credit of the worst also goes indirectly to Musharaf's pocket.
Excuse my ignorance but why is Musharraf so disliked? In Turkey we got always the perception that Musharraf was a good leader for Pakistan, did the media fool us?

Ours is an emotional nation. Interestingly enough, throughout the Muslim world, Musharraf's image is that of a good leader. He essentially got embroiled in the dirt of what is Pakistan's politics. Many of his problems were self-made and others created for him by politicians. However personally, he is an upright, honest individual.

One thing that is clear is that he loves Pakistan and could have been a great leader had he retired in 2004 to make a come back in lieu of the trash that is currently the leadership and opposition in Pakistan.
One thing that is clear is that he loves Pakistan and could have been a great leader had he retired in 2004 to make a come back in lieu of the trash that is currently the leadership and opposition in Pakistan.

What if he could have let NS replace him in 99? NS assembly would have gone to voters in 2001 and people would have put them down, as they did in 2008, and next assembly would have lost power in 2006, and we would have been having the third election in 2011, only two years from now. Don't you think that it would be a better political scenario than an army coup in 99?

Musharraf would have won Pakistani peoples' sentiments for letting himself replaced in 99 and he would have had a better chance and role to play at this time of history, I suppose. But, I feel, he was in a hurry to get hold of power.

This the major difference between the mind set of an army person and a politician. A politician lets the power shared with others while a dictator, whether a military man or civil, loves to have all the power concentrated in him/herself. This very power lust is the root cause of downfall of a ruler. NS fell prey to this, Musharraf and now its Zardari's turn. History doesn't forgive any one nor forget.

The solution is, continuous elections for, at least, 20 odd years.
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All could have, would have. For that matter why can we not go back and hope that Ayub had let the civilian government be? What is done is done unfortunately and there is no going back.

Just like Musharraf did what he did, NS also screwed up badly by bullying the President, by desecrating the SC of Pakistan, by raiding the chambers of the then CJP.

Pick up any contemporary Pakistani history book that discusses the decade of the 90s. The politics were so dirty that sooner or later some political government was bound to get fired by the President (civilian ones). The problem lies with the behavior of the politicians and their inability to live and let live thus far.

There are very many other reasons in Pakistan as to why the Army has taken over. You will never find the Army intervening if the government is being run ably and transparently and the nation sees it that way. The Army and even Musharraf found courage to take over after seeing the mood of the country. This is what the politicians need to fix. Thus far they have not learned that (given the mandate to the current government, they are oblivious to the needs of the common man and also with regards to the perception that the common man has about their governance.) If situation deteriorates, their is no telling what the Army might do.

These problems cannot be fixed by a hyper Judiciary on steroids or a piece of paper known as the constitution. This will require a clear understanding in the minds of the politicians that they are there to serve the people. People who are impatient due to decades of mismanagement of their affairs and if the politicians do not fix their acts, the same people/nation will again show no resistance to a military takeover.
I would like to seek your opinion about continual elections, say for 20 years, isn't it a better way to reach the goal of good governments. We have seen its benefits in India. Why not in Pakistan. All the military regimes continue to enjoy full hold of power for 8, 10, 11 years and we don't let a politically elected government to complete its single term. Why we become impatient as soon as a political government comes into power (power?).

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