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Multiple gunmen storm Canadian Parliament Hill, at least one soldier shot

I am a Jat have been on Skindra Gurudwara for two week with Bullars ... when Kadkoos were on their worst and the Granthis Contessa was accompanied by many open Gypies with all black attired persons with AK and other weapons supposed to be body guards. ( btw I often frequent Gurudwara and Sikhs do the same -temples... I am an atheist and a rationalist )

You are an atheist(naastik) and yet you frequently go to Gurdwaras and temples? interesting

When Someone Attacks Canada, They Don't Respond With Irrational Fear. They Do This Instead.

Attacks on Canada are rare. But what's special is how they handle times of crisis. Instead of getting engulfed with fear and sensationalism, they remain who they are. They won't allow such an attack to shake them up or change them.

Loosing to Fear and SPECULATIONS.....is not the way...

This Is How A Tragedy Like The Ottawa Shooting Should Be Reported. I Want To Hug This Reporter.

In covering terrible tragedies such as the one that happened in Ottawa on Wednesday, the news needs to stop focusing on the shooter. That's not to say we should completely ignore the seriousness of the event, just that we need to focus on everything else surrounding it as well. Instead of delving into the "mind of the killer" right away, we need to focus on the victims, the heroes, the positivity. Canada's Rex Murphy agrees with me.

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You are an atheist(naastik) and yet you frequently go to Gurdwaras and temples? interesting
You are an atheist(naastik) and yet you frequently go to Gurdwaras and temples? interesting

@Jaggu I do attire a kada ... you took it otherwise I am parshwal and proud of myself... many of my relative are settled in Canada and US and UK... being myself an atheist is I don't believe preaching things which you do not practice yourself.
@Jaggu I do attire a kada ... you took it otherwise I am parshwal and proud of myself... many of my relative are settled in Canada and US and UK... being myself an atheist is I don't believe preaching things which you do not practice yourself.

The Sikh community is somewhat intolerant of Nastiks even though most of the younger generation is Nastik.
The Sikh community is somewhat intolerant of Nastiks even though most of the younger generation is Nastik.

I wouldn't say they are Nastik but just ignorant of Sikhi. Our parcharaks have not done a good job in passing Sikhi towards the younger generation.
The Sikh community is somewhat intolerant of Nastiks even though most of the younger generation is Nastik.

That's with all of us .... we are rationalist.... there is a SUPERPOWER.. say we are not atheist but agnostic.
I wouldn't say they are Nastik but just ignorant of Sikhi. Our parcharaks have not done a good job in passing Sikhi towards the younger generation.

The UK has many young practicing Sikhs my friend. Long may they continue.
All of these were due to the loud and powerful voice of Sikhs living in Canada who raised the issue of Sikh genocide which took place after Indira Gandhi was killed. Most of these people are not Khalistanis but they do want justice for innocent people killed. Our government should have given them justice instead of giving ministerial positions and promotions to the culprits like Sajjan Kumar and Jagdish Tytler who killed thousands of Sikhs. Instead our government wants to suppress the voices of those people by calling them "Pro Khalistanis". Try to understand the grievances of the Sikhs instead of just dismissing them by calling them Pro Khalistanis like how our government has been doing till now.

They want to use those "injustices" as excuse to further their greater cause of "Khalistan". Few Islamists tried to justify 26/11 by using "Kashmir", 9/11 attackers had their own set of "big grievances". I am sure the attacker of Canada parliament had few genuine grievances as well. Sikhs of Canada are not our citizens, if they want Khalistan they must get it in Canada/USA. They must capture the Buckingham Palace, evict the Queen and turn it into Khalistani Parliament.

Truth is that money collected in Canada has been used for terror strikes in India. Let us talk about Kanishka Bombing as well, how the Canadian Authorities dealt with the matter. Had India been the USA, Canada might have been our Afghanistan.
They want to use those "injustices" as excuse to further their greater cause of "Khalistan". Few Islamists tried to justify 26/11 by using "Kashmir", 9/11 attackers had their own set of "big grievances". I am sure the attacker of Canada parliament had few genuine grievances as well. Sikhs of Canada are not our citizens, if they want Khalistan they must get it in Canada/USA. They must capture the Buckingham Palace, evict the Queen and turn it into Khalistani Parliament.

Truth is that money collected in Canada has been used for terror strikes in India. Let us talk about Kanishka Bombing as well, how the Canadian Authorities dealt with the matter. Had India been the USA, Canada might have been our Afghanistan.

all SIKHS are INDIANS first... regards... Sikh regiment is the greatest example of it.
I wouldn't say they are Nastik but just ignorant of Sikhi. Our parcharaks have not done a good job in passing Sikhi towards the younger generation.
Once you are in another country I think you should try your best to integrate into the society rather than passing your entire culture down generation upon generation. It will create segregation and conflicts.
all SIKHS are INDIANS first... regards... Sikh regiment is the greatest example of it.

Canadian Sikhs are Canadians first. US Hindus are American first, etc. Canada has been a terror hub from India's perspective. I am sure that several other nations hold similar views about Canada. Canada provided sanctuary to separatists wanted by other countries. I hope that Canada will pay for it like the US did. They thought that they will remain immune, BIG mistake.
They want to use those "injustices" as excuse to further their greater cause of "Khalistan". Few Islamists tried to justify 26/11 by using "Kashmir", 9/11 attackers had their own set of "big grievances". I am sure the attacker of Canada parliament had few genuine grievances as well. Sikhs of Canada are not our citizens, if they want Khalistan they must get it in Canada/USA. They must capture the Buckingham Palace, evict the Queen and turn it into Khalistani Parliament.

Truth is that money collected in Canada has been used for terror strikes in India. Let us talk about Kanishka Bombing as well, how the Canadian Authorities dealt with the matter. Had India been the USA, Canada might have been our Afghanistan.

You got it the other way around. After 1994 when the armed Khalistani movement was suppressed by the Punjab police, the support for Khalistan was almost finished. People had enough of bloodshed and did not want a repeat it again. Now what should have happened is our government should have punished the politicians such as Sajjan Kumar and Tytler, but what happened was that congress politicians with blood on their hands were protected and even given further promotions. For the Sikhs this is like putting salt on an open wound. That is why when Rajoana was about to be executed 2 years ago, all the youth in Punjab created unrest and these youth are not even religious and almost all have no memory of militancy years since many were born after those years. Not all Sikhs who want justice are Khalistanis. But by denying justice our government is only empowering Khalistanis.

Once you are in another country I think you should try your best to integrate into the society rather than passing your entire culture down generation upon generation. It will create segregation and conflicts.

Integration yes, assimilation no.

I don't know how Sri Lankan culture is but our Hindustani/South Asian culture is very old and good culture. Not to be discarded for westernized mcdonald culture.
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You got it the other way around. After 1994 when the armed Khalistani movement was suppressed by the Punjab police, the support for Khalistan was almost finished. People had enough of bloodshed and did not want a repeat it again. Now what should have happened is our government should have punished the politicians such as Sajjan Kumar and Tytler, but what happened was that congress politicians with blood on their hands were protected and even given further promotions. For the Sikhs this is like putting salt on an open wound. That is why when Rajoana was about to be executed 2 years ago, all the youth in Punjab created unrest and these youth are not even religious and almost all have no memory of militancy years since many were born after those years. Not all Sikhs who want justice are Khalistanis. But by denying justice our government is only empowering Khalistanis.

You misread me, I am saying that Canada has been providing sanctuary to these extremist elements, and India is not the only victim. This is not happening because of Canada's commitment to Human Rights, this support is tactical, the goal is to hurt countries which are perceived as enemies by the west. What happens in Punjab is our internal matter, Canada or Canadian Sikhs have no say. If the Sikhs of Canada want Khalistan, they must bomb Canada/UK/US, not us.

If Canada wishes to buy justifications, then there must have been a good reason why this person attacked the Canadian parliament. The person no longer remains alive to tell his side of the story. May he rest in peace.
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You misread me, I am saying that Canada has been providing sanctuary to these extremist elements, and India is not the only victim. This is not happening because of Canada's commitment to Human Rights, this support is tactical, the goal is to hurt countries which are perceived as enemies by the west. What happens in Punjab is our internal matter, Canada or Canadian Sikhs have no say. If the Sikhs of Canada want Khalistan, they must bomb Canada/UK/US, not us.

Bro, expressing one's opinion is not against the law in the west as long as violence is not used. In the west people are allowed to hold any political belief as long as it is done within the law. In Canada, the Canadians government even allows the French Canadian seperatists in Quebec called Bloc Quebeqois to express their separatist opinion. There are even Free Tibet groups in Canada, but the Canadians government cannot suppress their right to express their opinion no matter how much the Chinese dislike it. But you are showing a sadistic pleasure in the tragic events which unfolded in Canada because of Canada allowing freedom of expression.

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