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Most Israelis 'support Iran strike'


Jun 1, 2012
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Most Israelis 'support Iran strike'

Jerusalem — A majority of Israelis would support unilateral military action against Iran, according to a poll published Friday after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his government was ready to act alone.

Some 65.6 percent of 500 Jewish Israelis surveyed by the pro-government Israel HaYom newspaper said they would support military strikes to halt Iran's nuclear programme, and 84 percent believed the Islamic republic had no intention of reining in its alleged drive to build a bomb.

Israel and many Western countries accuse Tehran of trying to develop a nuclear warhead, a charge Iran denies.

Netanyahu in a speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday said Israel was ready to act alone to stop Iran making a bomb, in a warning against rushing into deals with Tehran's new leaders.
"Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone," Netanyahu told a UN summit, in an attack on overtures made by Iran's President Hassan Rouhani.

Israel has repeatedly advocated military force and has threatened unilateral strikes against the Islamic republic.

A nuclear-armed Iran would be a bigger threat than North Korea, Netanyahu added, in an alarmist speech designed to counter Rouhani's recent diplomatic offensive, which has included a direct phone call with US President Barack Obama.

"As dangerous as a nuclear-armed North Korea is, it pales in comparison to the danger of a nuclear-armed Iran," he said.

"A nuclear-armed Iran in the Middle East wouldn't be another North Korea -- it would be another 50 North Koreas."

North Korea, which like Iran faces wide-ranging UN sanctions over its nuclear program, is believed to have several nuclear bombs and to have shared technology with Iran.

Some 51.4 percent of respondents in HaYom survey said Netanyahu had given a "good speech" at the UN, with only 10.9 percent disagreeing.

HaYom conducted the opinion poll on Wednesday. The margin of error was 4.4 percent.
So, when is it going to happen? :pop:

Yeah, it won't. As in most countries, in Israel the government - particularly the military - is more aware of the armed forces' limitations than ordinary citizens are.
Most Israelis 'seem to be braindead' would be a more fitting title
They support an attack that achieve nothing but a nuclear Iran .

How typically retarded of some people
Yeah, it won't. As in most countries, in Israel the government - particularly the military - is more aware of the armed forces' limitations than ordinary citizens are.

I never expected such childish behavior from a relatively advanced nation like Israel. Like....seriously....

It is technically not feasible for Israel to finish the job even if they do. That's why they aren't flying over there.

A wise man once said:
Never test the depth of river with both feet.
How many of those 500 people were from the right-wing community( 300?)?
Hayom newspaper says it all(Nethanyahu supporter).
Im sure this poll doesnt show the view of the Israeli People.
They should ask people in Tel-Aviv and see what comes out.
And how many Israelis would support when Iran will counter strike..........and they will counter strike.
How many of those 500 people were from the right-wing community( 300?)?
Hayom newspaper says it all(Nethanyahu supporter).
Im sure this poll doesnt show the vieuw of the Israeli People.
They should ask people in Tel-Aviv and see what comes out.

I'm surprised too, even though they usually support war. They won't if it is Israel alone. And for some reason they actually believe if they don't attack they won't survive.

There's really something wrong with that. The weapons are supposed to be a deterrent for Iran. They aren't desperately waiting to get it and press the button.
I thought Israel wants a friendly Iran. Instead it's going crazy. Even after negotiations related to nuclear issue, what does it still want?
So, when is it going to happen? :pop:

Will not happen unless it's Israel, US, France and Britain against Iran. The Western cowards. The only major 20th century war the US fought without help was the Vietnam war.
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