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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

extermination of Japanese race?
you run amok. the Japanese have the means to retaliate. don´t make mistake and gamble too high.

you start to change the status quo with Japan and Philippines. and now Vietnam.
you send warships and jets into our water.

that is your way to peace.
In an all-out war, we are willing to destroy the eastern side of China in exchange to sink Japan. So if I were Japanese, I wouldn't dare start a war with China. The history will bring Chinese fighting morale to a new height unforeseen by any power in history.

I want to remind you again that it was Japan who changed the status quo by nationalization of a dispute island that both agreed to shield sovereignty and co-operate on development together. I also want to remind you that it was the Philippines who initialize the fight as historically fishermen from Chinese/Filipino were free to fish in the area. It was the unilateral arrest of Chinese fisherman by Filipino coast guard that kick start our retaliation. For you Vietnam, let me remind again that we drill just 17 miles off Paracel that we have de facto control 100% and 150 miles from your coast and 120 miles from your closest island on facing East. Are you forgetting that we only send jets and coastguard civilian ships after you sent your navy battleships to harass our rig? It is our right to defend our property in what is our continental shelf water extend to 24 miles off Paracel.
My Vietnamese comrades! I can understand reasons your dislike of China, but I ask you to think twice before you fall in to the anti-China hysteria !
Over the past few years, the West has completely destroyed Libya and Syria . West created unrest in Yemen , Tunisia, Egypt . West tries to ustart civil war in Ukraine.
Vietnam - another link in the chain . West will use any slogans that you want to hear to unleash war between Vietnam and China , or civil war in Vietnam .
Do not give in to provocations ! Western Empire weakens. And its main enemies - Russia and China . West will do everything to prevent Russia and China developing. West seek hegemony and total subjugation of all non-Western peoples , as it was before the days when communism help freed colonies and gave them independence.
Leave elucidation of relations with China to the future times. Starting the riots, you fight not for Vietnam, but for the United States because you follow their plan!

If china brings its oil rig with fleet of armed vessels into the EEZ waters of Russia like as they are doing with Vietnam, I guess the chinese oil rig will be shot down within 24h by the Russian Navy. Right?
Why can't a single Vietnamese in here can reason with me. WHY?? Can Indian brother helps their Vietnamese counterpart to reason with me here?
Chinese coast guard savagely beaten Viet fisherman for fishing 5 nautical miles from our Phu Lam island (Woody island) yesterday. How dare they beat our fisherman for fishing in our territory?:crazy::(

Lực lượng kiểm ngư Trung Quốc đánh đập hai ngư dân Việt Nam đến ngất xỉu | Chính trị - Xã hội | Thanh Niên Online

Stop trespassing our territorial waters and stop playing the victim card.
U talk a lot of shit for a chinese. U havent face a full scale war before. We all know in reality the chinese are weak when it comes to violence. Your government made a huge mistake for illegally invading and drilling oil in the south china sea. Its not about fighting back at this moment but the vietnamese government is trying altnernatives to deal with you without killing your people. However, if the alternatives fail, vietnam will use force and if you show even the slighest weakness, we will take over the entire china. So you better prepare to die. When this happen, you might not live to comment on PDF. Smarten up junior, youre a nobody as of today. Your chinese government dont give a damn about u.
Wow, your mouth is even bigger than your poor stomach, fill it with BS and stop spraying it. I'm pretty sure that the scene you pictured below was way beyond the wildest dream in your Vietcong leaders' mind. I just can't wait to see how your "force" would be carried out besides the suicide commited to your own economy. Pay the damage first psycho...
"take over the entire China"...you really made my day.
U talk a lot of shit for a chinese. U havent face a full scale war before. We all know in reality the chinese are weak when it comes to violence. Your government made a huge mistake for illegally invading and drilling oil in the south china sea. Its not about fighting back at this moment but the vietnamese government is trying altnernatives to deal with you without killing your people. However, if the alternatives fail, vietnam will use force and if you show even the slighest weakness, we will take over the entire china. So you better prepare to die. When this happen, you might not live to comment on PDF. Smarten up junior, youre a nobody as of today. Your chinese government dont give a damn about u.
Wow, your mouth is even bigger than your poor stomach, fill it with BS and stop spraying it. I'm pretty sure that the scene you pictured below was way beyond the wildest dream in your Vietcong leaders' mind. I just can't wait to see how your "force" would be carried out besides the suicide commited to your own economy. Pay the damage first psycho...
"take over the entire China"...you really made my day.

Because his nicknam is the Vietnamese Superman.
Wow, your mouth is even bigger than your poor stomach, fill it with BS and stop spraying it. I'm pretty sure that the scene you pictured below was way beyond the wildest dream in your Vietcong leaders' mind. I just can't wait to see how your "force" would be carried out besides the suicide commited to your own economy. Pay the damage first psycho...
"take over the entire China"...you really made my day.[/quote
Wow, your mouth is even bigger than your poor stomach, fill it with BS and stop spraying it. I'm pretty sure that the scene you pictured below was way beyond the wildest dream in your Vietcong leaders' mind. I just can't wait to see how your "force" would be carried out besides the suicide commited to your own economy. Pay the damage first psycho...
"take over the entire China"...you really made my day.
U enjoy war don't you? Maybe seeing your friends and family die in vein will excite you.

Viet refugees in the USA are living the "American dream", so they will never wake up.
Better than living in the shithole called china.
Putin has not even said anything about the events in the east of former Ukraine.

Putin know that a broke up relationship between VN n CN would weaken the pro Russia. Or China request a mute of Russia for their support to Russian movement. Putin ever denied such a support offer of China in Kuril dispute.
This case just a test for both sides.
The result only decide which side Vietnam should join.
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