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More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Anger over an oil rig deployed by Beijing in a disputed area of the South China Sea drives rare public demonstrations in Vietnam

PUBLISHED : Saturday, 10 May, 2014, 2:04pm
UPDATED : Saturday, 10 May, 2014, 4:59pm

Associated Press in Hanoi

Protesters shout as they hold an anti-China banner which reads, "down with China" at a park in front of Chinese embassy in Hanoi on Friday. Photo: Reuters

Vietnamese anger toward China is running at its highest level in years after Beijing deployed an oil rig in disputed waters. That’s posing a tricky question for Vietnam’s leaders: To what extent should they allow public protests that could morph into those against their own authoritarian rule?

At one level, the ruling Communist Party would like to harness the anger on the street to amplify its own indignation against China and garner international sympathy as naval ships from both countries engage in a tense stand-off near the rig off the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea.

But Vietnam’s government instinctively distrusts public gatherings of any sort, much less ones that risk posing a threat to public order. And they also know that members of the country’s dissident movement are firmly embedded inside the anti-China one, and have used the issue to mobilize support in the past.

The two Asian nations have a history of conflict going back 1,000 years, and the streets of Vietnam’s cities are named after heroes in those fights. In the more recent past, the navies have twice had deadly engagements in the South China Sea. There was a brief but bloody border war in 1979. All have a created a deep well of mistrust toward China among ordinary Vietnamese.

Yet the two countries share a Communist ideology and close economic ties, making the China-Vietnam relationship highly sensitive topic. The latest round of tension — the worst since 1988, when 64 Vietnamese sailors were killed in a clash with the Chinese navy — had led to fresh and awkward questions over that relationship, a normally taboo topic in the state-controlled media.

“It’s time for the Communist Party of Vietnam to reconsider all its policy toward Beijing ... Vietnam should immediately abandon Beijing as an economic and a political model,” Huy Duc, one of Vietnam’s best known bloggers wrote in a recent post. “Hopefully, the drilling rig 981 incident will awaken the Communist Party of Vietnam to be on the side of the people and drive out the Beijing expansionists.”

A Chinese ship uses water cannon on a Vietnamese Sea Guard ship on the South China Sea near the Paracels islands. Photo: Reuters

The first test for the government looks set to be this weekend. A statement widely circulated on Facebook and dissident blogs called for protests on Sunday morning in Hanoi outside the Chinese Embassy and a Chinese cultural centre in Ho Chi Minh City. In past years, authorities have only allowed anti-China demonstrators to walk around a lake in downtown Hanoi.

“Facing the danger of Chinese aggression appropriating the sacred East Sea, the source of livelihood of the Vietnamese over generations, we are determined not to compromise,” according to a statement posted alongside the protest call that used the Vietnamese term for the South China Sea.

“We cannot continue to compromise and be vile and sinful to our heroic ancestors and feel ashamed before our future generations,” it said.

The last time there was a flare-up in the South China Sea in 2011, anti-Chinese protests lasted weeks, and some protesters voiced slogans against the government. Authorities used force to break them up.

“The state is in a truly difficult position,” said Jonathon London, an expert on Vietnam at Hong Kong’s City University. “By expressing its stern objections to China, it also invites expressions of dissent from Vietnamese that can take multiple forms. Certainly there is some overlap between those who want to express their anger at China, and those who are calling for basic reforms.”

Vietnam’s first response to the rig’s deployment close to the Paracel Islands was to send ships to try and stop the rig from starting drilling, and demand Beijing withdraw. Each side accuses the other of ramming their boats. China has said it is staying put and called on Vietnam to pull back its ships.

Vietnam now finds itself pleading its case internationally but without any kind of solid alliance with a powerful country that that might make China listen more carefully. It can’t afford to do anything that would severely rupture ties with Beijing because it is the country’s largest trading partner.

That argument doesn’t wash with everyone, however.

“You can’t use the importance of the relationship as an excuse not to do anything,” said Nguyen Quang A, a respected academic who has been a frequent attendee of anti-China protests in the past. “I think what they did with sending the coast guard vessels was OK, but they have to be much stronger on the diplomatic and legal field.”

China has announced the rig will stay in the area until August, meaning tensions are likely to remain until then.

Experts say the incident might push Vietnam closer to the Philippines, which also is engaged in territorial disputes with China, or toward the United States, which wants closer ties with Vietnam as part of its efforts to counter Chinese influence in Asia.

Last year, the Philippines filed a case against the Chinese claim at a UN tribunal, to the displeasure of Beijing. Many analysts believe that Vietnam will now be seriously considering filing its own appeal or joining Manila, opening a diplomatic and legal front against Beijing.

“That’s the one arrow left in their quiver other than shooting,” said David Brown, a former US diplomat and Vietnam observer.

Looming street protests over China a test for Vietnam | South China Morning Post
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I read street protests in Vietnam and overseas are coming.
for instance, today a group of Vietnamese will stage a public protest before a Chinese consulate in Germany.

Let unmask the real face of the Chinese :angry:
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In Ho Chi Minh city.





Vietnam/China: Chinese Oil Rig Operations Near the Paracel Islands

Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
May 7, 2014

China’s decision to introduce an oil rig accompanied by numerous government vessels for the first time in waters disputed with Vietnam is provocative and raises tensions. This unilateral action appears to be part of a broader pattern of Chinese behavior to advance its claims over disputed territory in a manner that undermines peace and stability in the region.

We are also very concerned about dangerous conduct and intimidation by vessels operating in this area. We call on all parties to conduct themselves in a safe and professional manner, preserve freedom of navigation, exercise restraint, and address competing sovereignty claims peacefully and in accordance with international law.

Sovereignty over the Paracel Islands is disputed; this incident is occurring in waters claimed by Vietnam and China near those islands. These events highlight the need for claimants to clarify their claims in accordance with international law, and to reach agreement on appropriate behavior and activities in disputed areas.
Vietnam has already been drilling oil in or partnering with foreign oil companies to drill oil in areas claimed by China for decades despite repeated China protests. It's just that such news is under-reported in the Western media despite protests by China. Unlike what Vietnam is doing now, China did not send in ships to ram Vietnamese ships.

Now when China begins to do what Vietnam has been doing all along, the US calls it "provocative" and the Western media cries murder!

British Gas, ARCO Drill for Gas in Disputed Area Off Vietnam (June 4, 1994)
British Gas, ARCO Drill for Gas in Disputed Area Off Vietnam

Exxon-Mobil has been drilling oil in areas disputed by China despite Chinese protests
ExxonMobil to Drill Oil Off Vietnam... China in Dispute - Energy Digital

India to partner with Vietnam in disputed areas
India-Vietnam ink pact to expand oil exploration in South China Sea | Niti Central

Vietnam urged to halt oil exploration in South China Sea|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn

Vietnam: ExxonMobil to drill in South China Sea Block 119
Some protestors wear glasses, because they are afraid of being recognized.
Your delusion, what's about other people did not wear glasses !?
Just few people, should more, like more than ten thousand, or million, that's will better, but can scare China, Vietnam Government or VCP will be scared, hehe, you know why?!
It's protests. Do you know what's mean protests !?
We're not damn uncivilized protesters made riot in China to show off to Japanese.

Vietnam Government or VCP will be scared !?
Did you know what's write on bandroll !? LOL, you should shut off your mouth.
Vietnam has already been drilling oil in or partnering with foreign oil companies to drill oil in areas claimed by China for decades despite repeated China protests. It's just that such news is under-reported in the Western media despite protests by China. Unlike what Vietnam is doing now, China did not send in ships to ram Vietnamese ships.

Now when China begins to do what Vietnam has been doing all along, the US calls it "provocative" and the Western media cries murder!

British Gas, ARCO Drill for Gas in Disputed Area Off Vietnam (June 4, 1994)
British Gas, ARCO Drill for Gas in Disputed Area Off Vietnam

Exxon-Mobil has been drilling oil in areas disputed by China despite Chinese protests
ExxonMobil to Drill Oil Off Vietnam... China in Dispute - Energy Digital

India to partner with Vietnam in disputed areas
India-Vietnam ink pact to expand oil exploration in South China Sea | Niti Central

Vietnam urged to halt oil exploration in South China Sea|Politics|chinadaily.com.cn

Vietnam: ExxonMobil to drill in South China Sea Block 119
Nobody recognize your 9-dash-lines, that why they go with us, understand !?
Nobody recognize your 9-dash-lines, that why they go with us, understand !?

Same as we do not recognize you claim of parcel island... We are drilling well within our EEZ. What we are doing is legal. Who the hell is vietnam to dictate what she deemed? :lol:

You are just crying cos Vietnam can't do anything to removed 981. 981 until now is still happily drilling oil and extracting it.
Same as we do not recognize you claim of parcel island... We are drilling well within our EEZ. What we are doing is legal. Who the hell is vietnam to dictate what she deemed? :lol:

You are just crying cos Vietnam can't do anything to removed 981. 981 until now is still happily drilling oil and extracting it.
LOL, nobody crying but your madness Government and some mental boys.
We speak the truth, and many countries support us, they condemned PRC actions.
LOL, nobody crying but your madness Government and some mental boys.
We speak the truth, and many countries support us, they condemned PRC actions.

They are jealous of China of cos, they will cry foul. Main thing is we learn all the tricks from you dirty vietnamese who have been drilling our oil for so long. So now don't cry foul. Taste your own medicine. As I say oil rig is still there and we are still drilling. Cry baby Cry! :lol:
LOL, nobody crying but your madness Government and some mental boys.
We speak the truth, and many countries support us, they condemned PRC actions.

UN and USA are out of service, please redial later.

LOL, nobody crying but your madness Government and some mental boys.
We speak the truth, and many countries support us, they condemned PRC actions.
which country? For example......
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