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Modi: World's Most Stupid prime minister

While Gujarat people shared recently, that we want to avenge from terrorist modi butcher of Gujarat. Please Like and share or support :lol:


If the prime minister is considered stupid, then people who elected him, Bakhts, they will be considered more stupid and pariah than him...:lol:

Modi loves to lick US balls, one wonder if they learn something from them too....US leaders openly debate in front of public while Modi runs, with his tails b/w legs, whenever Kejriwaal criticizes him :lol: There is reason why Modi is called "Fenku" in his own country....:)
I think it has something to do with how China trolled Modi recently
it gave Modi an indication that it was willing to talk about Indian bid for Nuclear suppliers group and was being sympathetic to its bitching over Uri attack

Modi started jumping during BRIC summit and after eating a lot of Daal he started ranting against Pakistan.
China not only defended Pakistan but also didnt say much about Nuclear suppliers issue
leaving Modi pink, pale and saffron at the same time.

Just see the language Chinese media used yesterday....I have never seen Chinese so hostile towards Indians that much before...

Chinese said : "Let Indians bark, referring to Indian voices of boycotting against Chinese products ".......I mean, seriously, a country, India, having more than billion souls has that respect in world that foreign media is using this slang for them....

Shame for India, a country, more than billion people is getting openly abused....I think Chinese are tightening the screws and Indians are feeling that...China has started to burst the Indian balloons.... While everyone in region is loving it....

Nobody in South Asia really likes India...
Just see the language Chinese media used yesterday....I have never seen Chinese so hostile towards Indians that much before...

Chinese said : "Let Indians bark, referring to Indian voices of boycotting against Chinese products ".......I mean, seriously, a country, India, having more than billion souls has that respect in world that foreign media is using this slang for them....

Shame for India, a country, more than billion people is getting openly abused....I think Chinese are tightening the screws and Indians are feeling that...China has started to burst the Indian balloons.... While everyone in region is loving it....

Nobody in South Asia really likes India...
That reflects the Chinese Frustration......................This news is for you from Ladak in Jammu and Kashmir...........
I'm not surprised at all. I have seen how clumsily he behaves and looks totally ignorant of diplomatic norms the world especially for such a high positions. Taking selfies like a teenager with world leaders is downright ridiculous. Regardless of his background, his ministers and advisors should have taught him some norms so as to avoid national embarrassments. One or two incidents can be forgiven but he has a nick of acting immature and now he replaces Mr Bush of USA as the most stupid head of the state / govt in my list too...
However, Donald Trump will give him a tough competition if elected :lol::lol:
I'm not surprised at all. I have seen how clumsily he behaves and looks totally ignorant of diplomatic norms the world especially for such a high positions. Taking selfies like a teenager with world leaders is downright ridiculous. Regardless of his background, his ministers and advisors should have taught him some norms so as to avoid national embarrassments. One or two incidents can be forgiven but he has a nick of acting immature and now he replaces Mr Bush of USA as the most stupid head of the state / govt in my list too...
However, Donald Trump will give him a tough competition if elected :lol::lol:

:D :tup:
If the prime minister is considered stupid, then people who elected him, Bakhts, they will be considered more stupid and pariah than him...:lol:

Modi loves to lick US balls, one wonder if they learn something from them too....US leaders openly debate in front of public while Modi runs, with his tails b/w legs, whenever Kejriwaal criticizes him :lol: There is reason why Modi is called "Fenku" in his own country....:)
have you seen a picture where Modi is touching Obama's balls while meeting him?
I wonder how he will carry Trump's balls who might demand a more submissive way to show his affection
you got to see that picture then you will get what I mean
tell me what would have any TT or MODS on PDF have reacted had an indian MODS or TT or a member like me had made a simmilar thread about a pakistani leader like nawaz sharief or your current army chief ?

would you still have reacted in this thread in the same sporty way ... why these double standards and hypocracy admit it that even MODS are baised

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