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Moderators, please control anti-Pakistan, anti-Islam posts on this forum

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Despite not being a Pakistani I am a Muslim and I agree fully that some users comments about Islam, Prophet Muhammad (saws) and other people and rituals that we hold in high regard as Muslims are way overboard for a Pakistani forum where the vast majority are Muslims. This is not a religious forum and it should stay like this but the moderators should not tolerate such behaviors from guests. Non-Muslims are guests on a forum where the vast majority of people are Muslims or have Muslim relatives and they should be able to respect that. I have especially seen this behavior from Indian users and those I saw escaped Scot-free.

Differences are fine and should be respected but under the rules of the forum. Getting your points across using insults, provocations etc. is not the way forward and should stop. Especially involving religion.

But at the same time then the moderators cannot be everywhere, there is a limited number of them and the traffic is very big. But it is indeed a issue that deserves to be raised.

Just my two cents.

What are your views when some user comment about anti-hindu, anti-christian and anti-Jews, are you okay with that.

No need to write 10 lines just to blame Indians, you must have written in one line itself, every problem in world are because of Indians or Hindus, if this makes you feel better.

Indians will be on this forum as long as India or India related topics continue to be discussed.

Stop that and Indian visitors will drop :)
Pakistanis don't think their country is better than this country and that country or India, at least not the ones I know. They discuss why their country is messed up, not how better it is than other countries.

Indians on the other hand just can't live without showing off all their development, even though it isn't nearly enough.

Are you kidding me ??

You don't see Pakistanis bragging about how their country is better than India while majority of the social indicators pointing otherwise ...... not a single day in PDF passes without this .
It is seriously very difficult in keeping audience happy.We know that how tough it is for a mod to deal with heaps of trolling everyday.Whether it is a suicide trolling,fights between posters,technical issues or spam attacks-handling such stuff is really scary. Furthermore, if a poor mod attempt/tries somehow to stop a poster then he/she is labelled as antipak or biased towards Indian.
People, no one is having any specific agenda in PDF nor mods are masonic or any other conspiracy theory is valid.Salutations and many thanks to our mods for volunteering-
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Anyways, its the Indian trolls who complete us, what would we do on PDF without them? They're half the fun. :cheesy:
Nope! We're ALL the fun. Without us Yindoo banya infidels, where would PDF be? At the bottom of the pile. You guys need to thank us for it! :agree:
Yes you are right.Mark my words,Indian & Pakistanis aren't that much harsh as they appear on forum. If they will interact in real life then their attitude would have been entirely different. Plus they will hear each other gently & more focused on food.:D
You my friend are 100% wrong as far as my experience goes. I have interacted with Indian, both when I was in States and now here. They hate Muslims to the core. For them a good Muslim is a dead Muslims and period. You will not learn this unless you leave Pakistan and get to interact with them. Out of several dozen with whom I have interacted, not one, I repeat, not a single one was free of immense hatred for Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular. Whenever they get a chance, they'll back stab you. They have not forgotten that they were ruled by Muslims for several millenia and now that they have got the chance, they are hell bent on even up the score.
You my friend are 100% wrong as far as my experience goes. I have interacted with Indian, both when I was in States and now here. They hate Muslims to the core. For them a good Muslim is a dead Muslims and period. You will not learn this unless you leave Pakistan and get to interact with them. Out of several dozen with whom I have interacted, not one, I repeat, not a single one was free of immense hatred for Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular. Whenever they get a chance, they'll back stab you.
It depends upon experience-yes you are right that I have interacted less with Indians except my own relatives and their Hindu friends who live in India-so I have enjoyed good relationship somehow.:)
I've read many of your posts, they are mostly worthless jehadi rants. It's obvious from your following post that you still want to post, however, by silencing everyone who has views that clash with your personal retarded world-view.

This forum isn't a mouthpiece for fucktards @ JI, LeT, LeJ, SSP (any loony gang of Jhang), ISIL/ISIS nor Wahabi Saudia.

Regarding Pakistan, NO ONE has the balls to say anything about it, we are more than enough to take care of it. We don't need mad religious zealots to protect the honor of Pakistan.

@Horus @Oscar @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz : Someone lock this up, it has more than served it's purpose.

I don't care much about this forum.

This must be controlled.

I am not posting here anymore, but I wanted to bring this to your attention.
@Horus @Oscar @Chak Bamu @Jungibaaz : Someone lock this up, it has more than served it's purpose.
Typical of this poster. Lock it up, why? Because you don't like it? What about those who want to speak out and bring this to the attention of the Mods? You are not the only member on this forum, and like you all of us have to right to post and express our concern if we deem necessary. Trying to defend Islam and Pakistan equates to being a religious extremist, since when?
Why don't you counter the Indian allegations instead of wanting to isolate this forum, just like rest of Pakistan? Education, knowledge and debate will set you free, or are you so afraid that you are running short on arguments and abuses to dissuade your opponents. Why not go the Taliban way and behead anyone who doesn't agree with your pov?

My signature defines this forum very well. :)
You and your endless quota to troll........ what's your mileage today? :D

Typical of this poster. Lock it up, why? Because you don't like it? What about those who want to speak out and bring this to the attention of the Mods? You are not the only member on this forum, and like you all of us have to right to post and express our concern if we deem necessary. Trying to defend Islam and Pakistan equates to being a religious extremist, since when?
I do appreciate your effort but at the same time also know that in order for someone(s) to make money, a certain amount of traffic in the forum is needed, which is significantly provided by those who hate Muslims/Islam in general and Pakistanis in particular. The moderation snooze cannot be adequately tight and the trolls know that and exploit that to their advantage. Secondly, invitation or not, certain members are here only to ridicule anything and everything related to Muslims/Islam and Pakistan. Certain sadist even went on saying that raping Kashmiri women is to teach them lesson. Rape as a teaching tool? I have reported that post but nothing happened. That sadist is still roaming freely and spewing poison. There are many such examples and that is why I have stopped engaging with these people. Ninety nine percent of them are like this, even the supposedly think tanks. Again, I do appreciate your effort, and thankful to your moderation as well; I am sure it happens and I perhaps do not get to see it, which is my fault and that of yours.

The main problem is that active moderators are too few and the traffic in comparison is large. Often, much to my chagrin, things slip and stuff falls through the cracks.

Please, if you can, do bring that offender to my notice. I will make sure that he gets what he deserves.

The best defense is not to offend. The worst excesses happen in a shouting match. Often such exchange is started by either a careless remark, or an offensive troll (these exist in every section at PDF). If people would just take care and not get involved in such matches, our job would be easier.

I have much less time on my hands, and because of that I am not able to post much often and hence the delay in replying to you sir.
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