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Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts "Allahu Akbar " in his city will be shot by snipers

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Mar 6, 2013
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Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' in his city will be shot by snipers
Luigi Brugnaro claims the Italian tourist hotspot is safer than Barcelona - where 14 people died being run down by a terrorist - saying that 'in contrast, we keep our guard up'

  • 09:20, 24 AUG 2017UPDATED11:22, 24 AUG 2017

Cops in Venice have been ordered to take no risks - and fire on suspected terrorists(Image: The Image Bank)
Venice's right-wing mayor has ordered copsto shoot ANYONE who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' - rather than risk a terror attack .

The phrase in Arabic for 'God is greatest' has been shouted in multiple terrorist incidents across the continent.

The Times reports that Italian mayor Luigi Brugnaro claimed that his city Venice was safer than Barcelona - where 14 people died being run down by a van last week.

Speaking at a conference in Rimini, north east Italy, he further revealed the extraordinary order he has given to armed police at one of the most popular tourist attractions in Europe.

Brugnaro was applauded by delegates when he said: “In contrast with Barcelona, where they had not set up protection, we keep our guard up.


Luigi Brugnaro claimed Venice was safer than Barcelona(Image: Getty Images Europe)

Venice arrested terror suspects in March over an alleged plan to slaughter holidaymakers(Image: Birmingham Mail)

“If anyone runs into St Mark’s Square shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar’, we will take him down.

"A year ago I said within four paces, now within three. I will say it in Venetian: ‘Ghe Sparemo’ (We will shoot him)."

He went on to recall the arrest in March of four suspected jihadists who allegedly planned to kill hundreds of tourist by blowing up the world famous Rialto bridge.

He added: "They wanted to go to Allah. But we'll send them straight to Allah before they can do any damage."


His comments were ridiculed by a fellow mayor who ran up to him shouting: "Allahu Akbar!"(Image: Getty Images Europe)

Venice is a tourist hotspot - and the mayor is taking a firm line(Image: Moment RF)

Video has subsequently emerged of the left-wing mayor of Florence, Dario Nardella, rushing up to Brugnaro after the speach shouting "Allahu Akbar!" and laughing.

He has since taken to Facebook to apologise for his actions.

Mr Nardella said: "I apologise for some comments in an online video. It was not my intention to offend anyone, not least the Muslim community, nor to joke about their religion or neither to reference the tragic events of our times.

"In fact, during that video, I distance myself from the statement (made) by my colleague Brugnaro about Muslims during his speech at the Rimini meeting."

Last night Luigi Brugnaro added: "I have never been politically correct, in fact I am politically correct and that’s why we also need a naval blockade against people coming into Italy from north Africa."

Mourners stand near flowers, candles and tributes to the victims of the Barcelona attack(Image: AFP or licensors)

The phrase is first believed to have been used by the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century before going into battle.

It first resurfaced in connection with modern atrocities in notes made by the 9/11 ringleader Mohamed Atta found after the attack on the World Trade Center.

He wrote: “Shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

The phrase was used as inspiration by the killers of Lee Rigby in London and witnesses reported hearing the attackers at the Bataclan in Paris shouting out the phrase.

Nobody from the Venice police department has commented.

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I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
The way muslims demand for Sharia law in the streets of london will be hard to find in india where 200 miliion muslims live .

Muslims of india understands they better remain moderate to gain the goodwill majority hindus or else there would riots and they will suffer the most.

Europe too needs these sort of natural social contract between the muslim migrants and the natives for everyone's benefit . And it'll soon happen in Europe as radicalization is always two street , you cant expect natives will remain silent spectator for ever in the face growing muslim radicalization and terror attacks .
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I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
This is something I have encountered too. Muslims in Europe are imo more radicalized than Muslims in Bangladesh where Muslims are like 90% of the population. That's probably because Muslims in Europe are quite closed knit and not completely integrated in the society...and they are not completely accepted by the society either. That's why probably they feel alienated from rest of the population and deeply religious. I have found many second gen European Muslim more religious than their parents...they have a hard time to mix with others and only feel Muslims are the only one that understands them. Most of the Muslims I know have only Muslims as his/her close friends. And the first house I stayed in Sweden was owned by a Yemeni Muslim and he wouldn't rent it to non-Muslims. Kinda strange and sad state of affairs I'd say.

Anyway that's only my personal observation. Nothing more.
I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
The way muslims demand for Sharia law in the streets of london will be hard to find in india where 200 miliion muslims live .

Muslims of india understands they better remain moderate to gain the goodwill majority hindus or else there would riots and they will suffer the most.

Europe too needs these sort of natural social contract between the muslim migrants and the natives for everyone's benefit . And it'll soon happen in Europe as radicalization is always two street , you cant expect natives will remain silent spectator for ever in the face growing muslim radicalization and terror attacks .

No offence,but we Europeans are civilized and respect the rule of law,we let the authorities handle the problems,the reason you don't see Europeans organized in mobs lynching people.... Like in some other countries.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it, that in the process, he doesn't become a monster. For when one looks too closely into the abyss, the abyss also looks into him - Nietzsche

Isn't that exactly what these people, claimed to fight against?
Just shift to "Deus Vult", but then that would be ironic.
I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
The way muslims demand for Sharia law in the streets of london will be hard to find in india where 200 miliion muslims live .

Muslims of india understands they better remain moderate to gain the goodwill majority hindus or else there would riots and they will suffer the most.

Europe too needs these sort of natural social contract between the muslim migrants and the natives for everyone's benefit . And it'll soon happen in Europe as radicalization is always two street , you cant expect natives will remain silent spectator for ever in the face growing muslim radicalization and terror attacks .

Can you guys then stop killing the kashmiris and calling them radicals?
No offence,but we Europeans are civilized and respect the rule of law,we let the authorities handle the problems,the reason you don't see Europeans organized in mobs lynching people.... Like in some other countries.
like neo Nazi protest in US?
just kidding.... you can't compare yourself when you are rich and have learnt lesson from previous wars...
so don't compare EU to developing countries or where anarchy has engulfed

Once gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization .

Gandhi said it would be great idea .;)

I'm very to see you Europeans have civilized and respect the rule of law and though it took two world wars to achieve this but it's totally worth it .

Talking up lynching in india , well , India so diverse socially , religiously , economically that too after survived centuries of colonialism which left us in ruins and still we manages as one country where 1.3 Billion people live , poser and thrive , few cases of lynching is a mere drop in as ocean of harmony .


Muslim teacher leads Independence Day celebrations in flooded Assam school

Coming back to Europe , i'm absolutely sure if ISIS attacks continues , at some point of time you guys will go total ape on the Muslims living in Europe and do the same what Hitler had done with Jews . I hope we never see a situation of that nature as Indians living in Europe who never part of any terrorist ring would suffer amidst.
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