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Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts "Allahu Akbar " in his city will be shot by snipers

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Freedom and Securlarism counts only for Europeans. You got misled by the liberal idiots who made you believe Europe is some idiotic flower power country.

I have zero respect for non european cultures and people and i assure you in Europe many thik like that.

Dude, to be honest you do not look European. I have even seen some Pakistanis that are more
European looking than you are.

Please do not allow your frustrations in life to make you blurt out hateful comments.
Freedom and Securlarism counts only for Europeans. You got misled by the liberal idiots who made you believe Europe is some idiotic flower power country.

I have zero respect for non european cultures and people and i assure you in Europe many thik like that.

Well, I have met many Europeans in the UAE during my brief stay. I have never seen one with the same thought pattern. So, whats with the irrationality again? Surely, nonsense like that isn't legal under Italy's law nor under the European convention on Human Rights.
Why did you have to post it, this way?

The Europeans claim to fight against the same narrow-mindedness, radicalization and extremism. They further claim to uphold the values of freedom, secularism and respect for others. What I see is Europe starting to turn the same, as what it claims to fight against. This statement doesn't seem irrational to you?
Because the thing got stuck in auto moderation, and those never see the light of day.

It's not the "same" narrow mindedness, radicalization and extremism.

European "far right" nationalists =/= jihadi murderers, trying to make any sort of parallels is a clear false equivalence.

religion at work
Buddhism ?
It's not the "same" narrow mindedness, radicalization and extremism.

The basic idea behind religious extremism and subsequent terrorism is the same restriction of freedom, inability to accept or tolerate other way of life/thinking and seeking to subvert it by force. Killing or blowing yourself up, comes much later. So are the Europeans starting to embrace the basics, for now?
Dude, to be honest you do not look European. I have even seen some Pakistanis that are more
European looking than you are.

Please do not allow your frustrations in life to make you blurt out hateful comments.

I look like a god. Its totally normal that lesser beings cant grasp such a form of existance.

Well, I have met many Europeans in the UAE during my brief stay. I have never seen one with the same thought pattern. So, whats with the irrationality again? Surely, nonsense like that isn't legal under Italy's law nor under the European convention on Human Rights.

Italy pushs Sudanese into Eritera which was banned by the european convetion of human rights. And Italy gave a shit and ignores the law. Human rights count only for humans.
Italy pushs Sudanese into Eritera which was banned by the european convetion of human rights. And Italy gave a shit and ignores the law. Human rights count only for humans.


What does the European charter on human rights or just general values have to say about considering only yourself or your kind, human? :D
I find Muslims in Europe are way too radicalized than Indian Muslims.
The way muslims demand for Sharia law in the streets of london will be hard to find in india where 200 miliion muslims live .

Muslims of india understands they better remain moderate to gain the goodwill majority hindus or else there would riots and they will suffer the most.

Europe too needs these sort of natural social contract between the muslim migrants and the natives for everyone's benefit . And it'll soon happen in Europe as radicalization is always two street , you cant expect natives will remain silent spectator for ever in the face growing muslim radicalization and terror attacks .

Muslims in India had been living like animals for last 70 years.
They are killed without warning calling Allah. There young children are taken to torture cells and killed. India is a hell for Muslims.
Muslims states are guilty for accommodating Indians, who when go back home become Nazi for Muslims.

What does the European charter on human rights or just general values have to say about considering only yourself or your kind, human? :D

I dont know.

Ask this african who was so desperate in Italy that he jumped into the water in venice and died while bystanders and even police laughed and mocked him.

For me only europeans have human rights. The charter is just paper. When needed you can ignore it.
Do you have a source for this or are you just making this up?

I never make things up.



He died while people laughed and shouted racist remarks against him.
No offence,but we Europeans are civilized and respect the rule of law,we let the authorities handle the problems,the reason you don't see Europeans organized in mobs lynching people.... Like in some other countries.

since when? before or after holocast? before or after inquisition? before or after certain football match? a beggar in India Pakistan Bangla Desh and China has more civilization in them than most of you living on colonnial wealth
Well people should be ashamed of this type of behaviour. Truly uncivilised.

You just lack style and humor.

This guy was not invited to Italy. He was clearly unwanted. So at least he contributed with something. He amused people.

since when? before or after holocast? before or after inquisition? before or after certain football match? a beggar in India Pakistan Bangla Desh and China has more civilization in them than most of you living on colonnial wealth

what is colonnial? You have problems with your collon?
Totally ok with this and the right approach. Italy goes a zero tolerance way with orientals and thats exactly what is needed. Anyone who shouts this is an enemy of Italy and i rather have an oriental shot maybe out of mistake than let him kill people.
Oriental is w racist term for asiatic/chinese/jap/korean person... u goof.
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