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[Sanctuary city] Mayor Eric Adams [on his visit to the border] says New York City doesn’t have ‘room’ to host more migrants

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States
United States

New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday.

New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday. Photograph: José Luis González/Reuters

In an unprecedented visit by a New York City mayor to the Mexico border, Eric Adams said his city doesn’t have enough “room” to host more migrants in its strained care system.

He made his remarks on Sunday at a news conference during his trip to El Paso, Texas, the first visit of its kind by a New York mayor, after an ongoing crisis sparked by the controversial decision of some Republican governors in the south to send migrants to mostly Democratic-administered municipalities around the US.

“No city deserves what is happening. This is a beautiful city,” he said of El Paso, “and what happened over the last few months undermines this city”.

He echoed the same thoughts for Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and Washington.

“We don’t deserve this, migrants don’t deserve this, and the people who live in this city don’t deserve this,” he added.

Since September, thousands of migrants – about 3,100 according to Adams’s estimate – have been bused to New York City from Texas by the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, without New York’s agreement. Many of the migrants have been sent involuntarily and often with no direction on where to go after arriving.

The city has housed them in homeless shelters, which were already overcrowded, not to mention often avoided by homeless people themselves due to the shelter system’s record of abuse and violence.

He said more than 800 migrants came in a single day. “That is a record in our city,” he said.

Adams blamed a lack of coordination from the federal government and said he will be raising the issue in the United States Conference of Mayors, which starts on Tuesday.

“This crisis has mayors pitted against each other. And that can’t happen,” he said.

He also suggested that the image of New York being a welcoming city for migrants is misleadingly glamorized.

“We have to give people accurate information,” he said, adding that those with sponsors and family members are welcome.

“We welcome those the city doesn’t have to have in their care system,” he added. “But that should not come at the price tag of those New Yorkers.”

A video shared by Adams’s press secretary, Fabien Levy, shows the mayor speaking with a man in a border patrol uniform who is seen trying to explain to him how some people use ladders to cross the border wall.

In another video, Adams tells a group of asylum seekers that he will “fight” for them to work so that they can “experience the American dream”. His message, once translated, sparked cheers and applause from the group of asylum seekers.

It is unclear where he believes asylum seekers should be placed after arriving in the US. As of publication time the mayor’s office had not yet responded to a request for clarification.

I bet that Mayor somehow feels lucky all the rest of the cities/towns in the US who are not "Sanctuary cities" have plenty of room and rich budgets to handle NY's overflow.

$2 Billion in just a few months.. I wonder how much housing for New York's homeless citizen population that could have built.

New York Mayor: Cost of asylum seekers could hit $2B as shelters reach capacity​

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New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday.

New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday. Photograph: José Luis González/Reuters

In an unprecedented visit by a New York City mayor to the Mexico border, Eric Adams said his city doesn’t have enough “room” to host more migrants in its strained care system.

He made his remarks on Sunday at a news conference during his trip to El Paso, Texas, the first visit of its kind by a New York mayor, after an ongoing crisis sparked by the controversial decision of some Republican governors in the south to send migrants to mostly Democratic-administered municipalities around the US.

“No city deserves what is happening. This is a beautiful city,” he said of El Paso, “and what happened over the last few months undermines this city”.

He echoed the same thoughts for Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and Washington.

“We don’t deserve this, migrants don’t deserve this, and the people who live in this city don’t deserve this,” he added.

Since September, thousands of migrants – about 3,100 according to Adams’s estimate – have been bused to New York City from Texas by the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, without New York’s agreement. Many of the migrants have been sent involuntarily and often with no direction on where to go after arriving.

The city has housed them in homeless shelters, which were already overcrowded, not to mention often avoided by homeless people themselves due to the shelter system’s record of abuse and violence.

He said more than 800 migrants came in a single day. “That is a record in our city,” he said.

Adams blamed a lack of coordination from the federal government and said he will be raising the issue in the United States Conference of Mayors, which starts on Tuesday.

“This crisis has mayors pitted against each other. And that can’t happen,” he said.

He also suggested that the image of New York being a welcoming city for migrants is misleadingly glamorized.

“We have to give people accurate information,” he said, adding that those with sponsors and family members are welcome.

“We welcome those the city doesn’t have to have in their care system,” he added. “But that should not come at the price tag of those New Yorkers.”

A video shared by Adams’s press secretary, Fabien Levy, shows the mayor speaking with a man in a border patrol uniform who is seen trying to explain to him how some people use ladders to cross the border wall.

In another video, Adams tells a group of asylum seekers that he will “fight” for them to work so that they can “experience the American dream”. His message, once translated, sparked cheers and applause from the group of asylum seekers.

It is unclear where he believes asylum seekers should be placed after arriving in the US. As of publication time the mayor’s office had not yet responded to a request for clarification.

I bet that Mayor somehow feels lucky all the rest of the cities/towns in the US who are not "Sanctuary cities" have plenty of room and rich budgets to handle NY's overflow.

$2 Billion in just a few months.. I wonder how much housing for New York's homeless citizen population that could have built.

New York Mayor: Cost of asylum seekers could hit $2B as shelters reach capacity​

I recall him saying he wants FEMA’s help. Perhaps he’s advocating for the building of FEMA camps for the migrants; until their cases are heard and they are either allowed in or required to leave the country.

As a democrat he’s in a tough spot, Because as a mayor he has to focus on getting NYC fully back to at least pre-pandemic economic levels, while not appearing to alienate Latinos and other that may sympathize with migrants being allowed to come in the way they currently are.
I recall him saying he wants FEMA’s help. Perhaps he’s advocating for the building of FEMA camps for the migrants; until their cases are heard and they are either allowed in or required to leave the country.

As a democrat he’s in a tough spot, Because as a mayor he has to focus on getting NYC fully back to at least pre-pandemic economic levels, while not appearing to alienate Latinos and other that may sympathize with migrants being allowed to come in the way they currently are.

Now let me get this straight...New York City declared themselves a Sanctuary City where illegals can feel safe because NYC didn't agree with Federal Laws on repatriating illegal immigrants.

Now they want the Federal Government to give them money to house these people because they can't afford it.

If I was the Governor of Texas I'd tell Mayor Eric Adams to revoke the Sanctuary City status if he wants any cooperation.
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Now let me get this straight...New York City declared themselves a Sanctuary City where illegals can feel safe because NYC didn't agree with Federal Laws on repatriating illegal immigrants.

Now they want the Federal Government to give them money to house these people because they can't afford it.

If I was the Governor of Texas I'd tell Mayor Eric Adams to revoke the Sanctuary City status if he wants any cooperation.

That was the old guard democrats, Mayor Adams is a different kind of cat, he’s pragmatic. He’s slogan is literally “get stuff done”.

But I’m not naive enough to say he’s the best the city could have picked, just that he was the one that could get elected, coming off Covid, Trump and DeBalsio.

At least Adams is willing to come down to Texas. I agree, the Texas mayors and Governer should push the NYC mayor to push for a solution that’s beyond what democrats have been traditionally willing to concede. Getting ride of the sanctuary city designation is beyond what Adams political backer would be willing to concede. Which is why I think he mentioned FEMA. Sure, he would try to get more funding for New York, but even he knows the border cities and states will just keep sending people beyond the reimbursement for expenses the federal government would be willing to provide.

Recently, Biden’s defacto reaffirmation of the “Remain in Mexico” policy and the spike in Cartel activity is shaping up to mean the democrats are going to concede to the bare minimum of demands of the Republican controlled house and border mayors/governors.

Btw, what do you think of the FEMA option? I don’t see the democrats supporting any funding for a wall.
Btw, what do you think of the FEMA option? I don’t see the democrats supporting any funding for a wall.

If they did the FEMA option cities/states will say why don't they just do it all on public land near the border instead of dumping it on individual state's budgets.

Then the Democrats in the Government would have to admit they are now responsible for maintaining refugee camps for possibly forever,
If they did the FEMA option cities/states will say why don't they just do it all on public land near the border instead of dumping it on individual state's budgets.

Then the Democrats in the Government would have to admit they are now responsible for maintaining refugee camps for possibly forever,
Immigration is a continuous process, so “Ellis Island camp” in the form of trailer parks on public land is probably what Adams was hoping for, without spelling it out fully. He’s probably taking some flak, as we speak, from fellow Dems for suggesting it. The next two years of a Republican majority in the house is going to come down to something like this, if the buses keep coming to democrat run cities in the North.
Immigration is a continuous process, so “Ellis Island camp” in the form of trailer parks on public land is probably what Adams was hoping for, without spelling it out fully. He’s probably taking some flak, as we speak, from fellow Dems for suggesting it. The next two years of a Republican majority in the house is going to come down to something like this, if the buses keep coming to democrat run cities in the North.

Well next up is "sanctuary city" Chicago asking for state money.
"...In a letter obtained by the Chicago Tribune, Lightfoot says the city will run out of funds to continue providing services to the migrants after Feb. 1 without additional funding..

It’s unclear whether lawmakers will entertain Lightfoot’s request although state Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Tuetopolis, told The Center Square Chicago needs to solve its own problems.
“I would ask Mayor Lightfoot why she has not allocated certain monies from her own budget for the city of Chicago, since she is a sanctuary city, to forecast this migrant surge or illegal immigrant surge,” Niemerg said. “I am very open to legal immigration but the way we see it now is completely unacceptable. I would say to the mayor, find your own money for your problems and do not come to the state.”

I'm sure Mayor Lightfoot thinks the border towns never run out of money.
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Well next up is "sanctuary city" Chicago asking for state money.
"...In a letter obtained by the Chicago Tribune, Lightfoot says the city will run out of funds to continue providing services to the migrants after Feb. 1 without additional funding..

It’s unclear whether lawmakers will entertain Lightfoot’s request although state Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Tuetopolis, told The Center Square Chicago needs to solve its own problems.
“I would ask Mayor Lightfoot why she has not allocated certain monies from her own budget for the city of Chicago, since she is a sanctuary city, to forecast this migrant surge or illegal immigrant surge,” Niemerg said. “I am very open to legal immigration but the way we see it now is completely unacceptable. I would say to the mayor, find your own money for your problems and do not come to the state.”

I'm sure Mayor Lightfoot thinks the border towns never run out of money.

Let’s see what happens. The next two years are going to be either gridlock, or the stage for some kind of new grand bargain. But with buses coming on a daily basis, I don’t see how this drags on as is.
Now we’re send them to Canada.

Mayor Eric Adams is unbelievable. When is he going to declare that NYC is not really a "sanctuary city" anymore because they are too full.

I love his strategy of "how do i solve the problems my city created...why I just send/throw it at other people using a loophole so it is not my problem anymore".
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New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday.

New York City mayor Eric Adams walks outside a shelter during his visit to discuss immigration with local authorities in El Paso, Texas, on Sunday. Photograph: José Luis González/Reuters

In an unprecedented visit by a New York City mayor to the Mexico border, Eric Adams said his city doesn’t have enough “room” to host more migrants in its strained care system.

He made his remarks on Sunday at a news conference during his trip to El Paso, Texas, the first visit of its kind by a New York mayor, after an ongoing crisis sparked by the controversial decision of some Republican governors in the south to send migrants to mostly Democratic-administered municipalities around the US.

“No city deserves what is happening. This is a beautiful city,” he said of El Paso, “and what happened over the last few months undermines this city”.

He echoed the same thoughts for Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and Washington.

“We don’t deserve this, migrants don’t deserve this, and the people who live in this city don’t deserve this,” he added.

Since September, thousands of migrants – about 3,100 according to Adams’s estimate – have been bused to New York City from Texas by the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, without New York’s agreement. Many of the migrants have been sent involuntarily and often with no direction on where to go after arriving.

The city has housed them in homeless shelters, which were already overcrowded, not to mention often avoided by homeless people themselves due to the shelter system’s record of abuse and violence.

He said more than 800 migrants came in a single day. “That is a record in our city,” he said.

Adams blamed a lack of coordination from the federal government and said he will be raising the issue in the United States Conference of Mayors, which starts on Tuesday.

“This crisis has mayors pitted against each other. And that can’t happen,” he said.

He also suggested that the image of New York being a welcoming city for migrants is misleadingly glamorized.

“We have to give people accurate information,” he said, adding that those with sponsors and family members are welcome.

“We welcome those the city doesn’t have to have in their care system,” he added. “But that should not come at the price tag of those New Yorkers.”

A video shared by Adams’s press secretary, Fabien Levy, shows the mayor speaking with a man in a border patrol uniform who is seen trying to explain to him how some people use ladders to cross the border wall.

In another video, Adams tells a group of asylum seekers that he will “fight” for them to work so that they can “experience the American dream”. His message, once translated, sparked cheers and applause from the group of asylum seekers.

It is unclear where he believes asylum seekers should be placed after arriving in the US. As of publication time the mayor’s office had not yet responded to a request for clarification.

I bet that Mayor somehow feels lucky all the rest of the cities/towns in the US who are not "Sanctuary cities" have plenty of room and rich budgets to handle NY's overflow.

$2 Billion in just a few months.. I wonder how much housing for New York's homeless citizen population that could have built.

New York Mayor: Cost of asylum seekers could hit $2B as shelters reach capacity​

Hey aren't you the moral champion of freedom, liberty and democracy. All those fancy slogans? Just let em in man.

Karma is bich. You installed tinpot dictators all over south america and destabilized it with all sorts of shenanigans. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. People in global south in general are just sick and tired of neo-colonialism. If the disparity in the world continues to grow. Then this problem will get very very worse.

Hey aren't you the moral champion of freedom, liberty and democracy. All those fancy slogans? Just let em in man.

Karma is bich. You installed tinpot dictators all over south america and destabilized it with all sorts of shenanigans. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. People in global south in general are just sick and tired of neo-colonialism. If the disparity in the world continues to grow. Then this problem will get very very worse.

So they are so sick and tired that they have decided to go the the alleged source of it?
Jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Or are they sick and tired and just have given up on their original countries...sort of like certain others.

Any shenanigans in Central/South America doesn't accomplish much because no matter who is in power the countries are still f*cked-up. Hmm..sort of like certain others.

"Meet the new boss...same as the old boss...the parting on the left is now parting on the right".
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So they are so sick and tired that they have decided to go the the alleged source of it?
Jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Or are they sick and tired and just have given up on their original countries...sort of like certain others.

Any shenanigans in Central/South America doesn't accomplish much because no matter who is in power the countries are still f*cked-up. Hmm..sort of like certain others.

"Meet the new boss...same as the old boss...the parting on the left is now parting on the right".
I mean who props up those new and old bosses we know very well. This very flawed neo-colonialist mindset has brought this problem to your gates in the first place.
I mean who props up those new and old bosses we know very well. This very flawed neo-colonialist mindset has brought this problem to your gates in the first place.

We don't prop up those bosses anywhere near as much as we did before 1990.
But this was mostly in response to Cuban/Soviet influence.

With the fall of the Soviets Central/South America has basically been on its own...and we can see how being on their own hasn't led to anything positive with their citizens fleeing in droves.

The only mindset is you still thinking this is 1985.
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Mayor Eric Adams is unbelievable. When is he going to declare that NYC is not really a "sanctuary city" anymore because they are too full.

I love his strategy of "how do i solve the problems my city created...why I just send/throw it at other people using a loophole so it is not my problem anymore".
To be fair to mayor Adams, he inherited a city in bad shape, and his party is limited in what they will let him do. Have you seen another New York City mayor go to the border.

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