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Mardan university student killed over alleged blasphemy: police


This guy wanted to serve this country and look what we did to him :( i never got so emotional on incidents like this... before whenever i think that yes finally our country is moving forward an incident like this happens and than i realize that it's majority of jahils who actually rule this country we're too few and too weak to do anything :( it's them (religious nuts) who actually rules this country and can do anything to anyone without any fear of law whom even our politicians are afraid of... incidents like this are reminders they remind us of our auqat who wants to see a progressive Pakistan...
Brother a lot of false concepts and ideologies have been promoted in Pakistan since Jinnah died. One is that Islam and secularism are names of 2 different systems which are poles apart, entirely different. A little research into the history of muslims or ibn rushd will explain this is a popularist lie. The people want to impose religion at the point of sword without thinking if a law is discriminatory to the smaller number of their same national kin. Everything that is wrong with muslims today starts from there. Disagreement does not mean you can kill a person. Debate on religion, ijtehad was blamed by Iqbal for the fall and decline of islamic society.

People have become zombies. I have talked about this endlessly and feel very sad about where my country is going. Quaid e azam on 11 august 47 made a speech that was truly in the secular Islamic spirit. Yet that part of history is hidden, put in a corner. Pakistan studies is taught where objectiveness or critical thinking in this regard is never promoted. If the education system is not improved we may fall deeper into the hole we have dug ourselves into.
You are damn right that 11 august speech was removed from the history for making their false agendas fulfilled.
Islam is itself secular and all that bull crap we listen from mullahs about islam means establishing a islamic system on allah,s land is indeed a bull crap.
If you follow most of the blasphemy cases registered over the years in Pakistan against Muslims as well as non Muslims and also the brutal murders the history of Pakistan witnessed in the recent years, then you might come to know that it is not the influence of the ideology but misuse of the ideology for settling own scores or grabbing others' property
Why we made such a law which is prone to misinterpretation,false accusation and has no real value?
Not a single muslim country on this planet made this blasphemy law ,not even in saudi arabia where islam was born.Why we love being the thekeydaars of islam?
Zia ul haq gifted us with suicide bombings,blasphemy law and bla bla the list continues.So yes it,s his influence people are still following in this country. Not a misuse.Tell me if it,s a misuse whenever people blame some non muslim person for blasphemy for taking personal revenge have people ever questioned themselves before killing them"Wait what if the accuser is trying to take advantage of the situation or just taking personal revenge"?It,s the influence and that deeply engraved hateful extremist mindset which zia sahab gifted us.
What should we do about these blasphemy laws man. Like literally people believe that if they dont take law into their own hands, if they dont punish the blesphmer then they will go to hell too. That their faith or emaan is being challenged and they must prove their faith by killing the blesphmer. And obviously you have virtually every mosque and madressah in the country preaching this kind of vigilantism.

How do you fix that. How do you tell every imam in the country that Allah has taken that responsibility into his own hands and we need not worry about it and the most we should do is say "laanats" on the person and go about our merry way. How do we preach that to the preachers.
it looks like some one hacked mashal's account and posted some very objectionable things on his behalf....

the real sick mind is the person who did this...

it wont be very difficult to find I guess. ... hoping kpk police now lives upto its reputation
Agreed, they most be tried under military courts. Police need to identity everyone in video who's kicking dead body and also the one who shot him.
I love the written in english main banner in above picture. Thats gonna really get the message across to the jahil unparh paindus who committed this murder and cant even read urdu let alone english.
In our today’s transformed world situation the message of Holy Qur'an/Islam can be rationalized (esp. for Non Muslims) only if it can be "translated" into a modern terminology/philosophies (Liberal/Liberalism, Secular/Secularism etc.) ...... Nothing wrong in adding such suffixes/prefixes to word Islam/Muslim, or using such terminology to "elucidate" Islamic principles/teachings.
I'm understand that, and I myself often say things like 'Islam supports many Liberal views' when talking to non-Muslims, but I feel that labelling it 'Secular Islam' will add more confusion - after all, Secularism is a very specific term; it means the separation of religion from public affairs. If the Islam already promotes tolerance, why separate it from public affairs?

Surely our message should be that Islam is tolerant. 'Secularise Islam' sounds more like "Islam is intolerant, but we want to be tolerant, so we are going to separate Islam from our State"

That is counterproductive in my opinion.
Islam ke sb se bare thekadar Pakistani bane phirte hn leken jtna badnaam Islam ku Pakistaniun ne kya h shaed he kisi aur nationality ne kya hu.
I am not an authority in this but this shud be very carefully examined as crime of this person seems to be more tham blasphemy like encitement and even conspiring against the state (which would be punishable by death)...

If any thing any law in islam is uniformly applied... if this person was killed for blasphemy alone... no other blasphemer would have been spared ... which is definitely not the case (every one of quraish was forgiven)...

But even so... no one can take law in his own hand... and definitely mob justice cannot be allowed... never ever
You are right, that hadith needs to be very carefully examined, much like a Judge would examine past Judgements to derive precedents and legal rulings from. That is supposed to be the job of Qadis and Ulama - Islam has a proper judicial system, we need to start treating it with more respect.
Not enough. We always come up with such RIPs sans any practical step to avoid such brutalities. The video is out there and till now may had been on internet. It is inhuman torture.
Yes it's on internet and yesterday I saw it during Baba Ambedakar day holiday at home. I was surprised on people/onlookers why not a single soul raised a voice. Some people might had this kind of motives but seeing all those students and onlookers it was disgusting to say the least. And it's very much true that we need to learn one or two good lessens ASAP before it's too late or it might have been too late already.
Don't know how many abuses and tags of western, Jewish agents me and few of my friends have got for saying this on PDF...

Pfft when thousands in a university can stand and justify such action then PDF members can be no exception bcz the literate and educated of the society are extremist and radicals. You are lucky bcz if it was face to face they would have killed you just like mashal. Imagine a time when Islam encouraged relations with non muslims and encouraged educational debates.

'Students said police had been alerted of the incident and were present on campus at the time. When asked why they didn't intervene, police said there were "too many people" in the mob for them to take on.'

I saw the video that was taken from hardly 2 feet. That was like hell on Earth. Who needs Lucifer or Satan on Earth when we have people on this Earth.
If people like Bhensa had been apprehended and punished as per law, this wouldn't have happened. When the govt fails to implement the law and establish its writ, people are forced to take law in their hands. In case of MQ, the forcee of status quo were quick to respond because one of them got killed by from a common man but when it came to Bhensa and other blasphemous pages govt mysteriously stayed silent, not even a single statement condemning the act was issued by any minister who are busy defending NS's corruption 24x7.
The right way would have to report the police and the concerned people authorities against the blasphemers but again people have lost faith in the system due to continuous exploitation and visible bias by the govt.
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