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Mardan university student killed over alleged blasphemy: police

In my opinion this is ANP stirring shit up just like they did in punjab university...
Nonsense, questioning the actions of irrational animals who take laws in to their hands does not mean propagating the narrative of the enemy.

Why bring Western societies or TTP or the rest of the world in to this? We are not discussing the actions of others, we can do that on the thousands of other threads running on this forum.

We are speaking about the actions of so called students in an educational institution. These are supposedly the students of a university where the pursuit of knowledge, unbiased knowledge, is supposed to be encouraged and students are supposed to critically evaluate and discuss ideas. But what we have seen today is a mockery of decency and education.

What has this go to do with Jihad? You are all over the place with that post, come back when you have a coherent answer.
Mery bhai look at ur previous post, u said sarkari momins will go back to blowing up in markets, that is why i brought ttp into this to enlighten u to the fact that it was not momins sarkari or others blowing themsselves up but zombies brainwashed and driven by opium by foriegn agents blowing themselves up, im saying this mob mentality is wrong, im dead against this, im a hardline supporter of rule of law and deliverance of justice only by the state, i absolutely despise this mob mentality cause that is something animals do but as i said the state is in the wrong here by not implementing proper rule of law, u seem to say things and than forget about them, i suggest u keep track of ur previous posts to understand replies by other members...
Oh yes let's kill all non Muslims. Let's forget the tenants of Islam and our claims about Islam being such a tolerant religion. Let's forget how tolerant were the caliphs and the prophet. Let's forget the tolerance of previous prophets as well and kill all non Muslims. How dare they disagree with us? They are kaffirs and must be killed and when the world looks at our blood filled clothes and hands of the non muslims blood we can cry Muslims are being victimized.

Oh yes let's forget the tenants of Islam. Who cares if our God ordained in the Qur'an that there is no compulsion in religion? The mullahs say there is so there must be it. Oh look that guy that had a fued with the other guy just blamed him of burning the Qur'an. Dont ask for witnesses or out him on trial. Kill him now mob style and if the state punishes us then mindless mob barbarians will make a shrine out of us. Yep. After all of this if the rest of world says we are bad then look how intolerant they are and how they are attacking Islam.

Last but not least time to go to computer to make some computerized fake shoes with ayat on it and say they are making it in Taiwan and spread it and help grow the seige mentality of Muslims. Yep this us no doubt the time of jahalat. ( a normal day of a jahil)

Man we go any lower and we will become the most jahil of qoums of any prophet.

'Students said police had been alerted of the incident and were present on campus at the time. When asked why they didn't intervene, police said there were "too many people" in the mob for them to take on.'

dont know when we will get rid of this mullah brigade and liberal retards
if current mindset prevails then we will have to keep fighting terrorism for this century
more shocking is the number of students involved in the murder shows almost all over society is infected with this menace and more frightening thing is its expanding
meanwhile mullahs are using this post to legalize the murder posted in 2016

this is ghalib poetry i wonder why wasnt he crucified for this at that time
in mullahon sy apna app sambhala nhn jata aur ajatay hain mazhab ky thaeekdar bn kr
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peace of you here, peace of you there :D
there's no way in hell pakistan can even dream of becoming the mighty praise worthy nation it thinks itself to be as long as we dont have a secular revolution and complete overhaul of societal mindset.
religion needs to go. it has no place in the 21st century. the video of this incident is more than enough proof of that.
i hope the establishment realizes the demon it's created after watching this video. someone please forward it to gen bajwa and ask him to have every single madrassa shut. im sure he'll understand.

dont know when we will get rid of this mullah brigade and liberal retards
no of ppl liberals have killed for not being liberal = 0
no of ppl mullah brigade have killed for same reason = 80000+
how can you equate our humanitarian struggle to stop the killing with that of terrorists who only want to kill more?
no of ppl liberals have killed for not being liberal = 0
no of ppl mullah brigade have killed for same reason = 80000+
how can you equate our humanitarian struggle to stop the killing with that of terrorists who only want to kill more?

groups whether leftists or rightist have always defied the idea of Pakistan and Islam is some way can say both have different way of thinking but same mission one using the name of religion e.g todays murder in mardan and other using the idea of free speech for hate speech e.g bhensa
groups whether leftists or rightist have always defied the idea of Pakistan and Islam is some way can say both have different way of thinking but same mission one using the name of religion e.g todays murder in mardan and other using the idea of free speech for hate speech e.g bhensa
leftist groups against pakistan? lmao, it was Jamat e Islami that was opposed to the idea of Pakistan. leftist groups have always struggled for human rights and democracy in Pakistan since it's inception.
and again, the example you gave, the brain dead pathan mullahs at awkum lynched and killed an innocent soul simply because he said something that hurt their feelings. did bhensa kill anyone?
the value of a human life can't possibly be understood by religious extremists who are willing to blow themselves up for some fake promise of heaven.
did bhensa kill anyone?
if you cannot follow law of land then simply leave the country and go somewhere else

leftist groups against pakistan?
ofcourse who else can be ,even today I've some people from your beradri speeking against KJ's execution

lmao, it was Jamat e Islami that was opposed to the idea of Pakistan.
so was Secular Bacha khan and most of the liberals call creation of Pakistan a blunder
leftist groups have always struggled for human rights and democracy in Pakistan since it's inception.
Like wise BLA,BRA Sindhudesh army etc?? some of the sepratist elements did not have any religious background but they do have huge support of mombatti mafia

and again, the example you gave, the brain dead pathan mullahs at awkum lynched and killed an innocent soul simply because he said something that hurt their feelings.
thousands of people are also killed by those whom Mombati mafia consider Freedom fighters
KJ case is a prime example
if you cannot follow law of land then simply leave the country and go somewhere else
lmao then that's not really freedom is it? the only reason west is centuries ahead of us (i say centuries because we still live in 600AD) is because they had ruthless criticism on every aspect of society during their enlightenment era, with religion being the number 1 target.
and i laugh at your statement 'if you cant follow law of the land'. lol. tell me, how many pakistanis pay tax? less than 1%. should 99% of pakistanis leave pakistan then?
our entire entertainment industry is a living breathing violation of the clause regarding decency and morality mentioned in the law you quoted, should the entirey of that lot leave as well?
and what about the corrupt leaders, politicians, bureaucrats? they're following the law to the letter, arent they?
if laws are unjust and incorrect, we must fight against them. just like the founders of Pakistan fought against the british laws. or would you say the same thing to them as well? follow the law of british india or go live somewhere else? xD
the value of a human life can't possibly be understood by religious extremists who are willing to blow themselves up for some fake promise of heaven.
Lol saying the one whose very own ideals have killed 30 million people in 39 victim nations since WW-II
very rich coming from you
leftist groups against pakistan? lmao, it was Jamat e Islami that was opposed to the idea of Pakistan. leftist groups have always struggled for human rights and democracy in Pakistan since it's inception.
didnt bacha khan a liberal opposed the idea of Pakistan and stood with Gandhi just like those mullah. even then the mentality was different but goals were same just like now
ofcourse who else can be ,even today I've some people from your beradri speeking against KJ's execution

so was Secular Bacha khan and most of the liberals call creation of Pakistan a blunder

Like wise BLA,BRA Sindhudesh army etc?? some of the sepratist elements did not have any religious background but they do have huge support of mombatti mafia

thousands of people are also killed by those whom Mombati mafia consider Freedom fighters
KJ case is a prime example
1. how is speaking against KJ execution going against the idea of Pakistan?
2. they were against the unjust treatment of their people at the hands of imperialist establishment. if those leaders opposed right in the beginning Pakistan wouldn't've been made. the army wanted to silence any dissent, and obviously that didnt go down well with the people who were promised freedom from chains when Pakistan was being made.
3. mombatti mafia doesn't even exist. i guess the concept of candle light vigils as a peaceful means to protest and remember is too much for extremists like you too handle :P

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