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Malala and her family are now millionaires, claims a new report

People earn selling weapons which kill thousands, people earn millions marketing sugar water, people earn millions doing all kind of stupid sh@t and we applaud them and make them our heroes and here is a girl who got recognition and money for spreading a good message - that girls should get education and she is vilified - something doesn't seem right.

Point is where is the exploitation here? She sure is being handled by special interest groups but is that really so bad when the body of product which comes out is a message for female empowerment and defiance against barbarism present in our societies

It is absolute exploitation. It erodes public trust in her message and creates suspicions. The same way it got even more difficult for polio vaccination officials to get people to participate in the program after the OBL incident.
I don't mind her too much. It's her father I can't stand, he says some of the most stupid things.
It is the same country which can not protect her so that she has to exile herself or found a better life in UK...Making money is not evil...She suffered a tragedy and she is en-cashing on it....It is at least far better than involving in any bad things..
Your opinion. No troll intended but for a comment like this I would say that one should first look at their own backyard. what is happening in your country? rapes, genocide of non hindus, threats to celebrities, etc etc etc.

As far as she is concerned, she was disposed after use, unfortunately she survived and the masters had to own up before her father coughed up. Now they are preparing her for taking over Pakistan as Prime Minister in future. If she is been rewarded for her sacrifice, why they did not stand by other two girls who were shot with her at the same time.
Good for her! I can imagine the Talibs burning with jealousy in their dirty turbans and nasty beards!
As far as she is concerned, she was disposed after use, unfortunately she survived and the masters had to own up before her father coughed up. Now they are preparing her for taking over Pakistan as Prime Minister in future. If she is been rewarded for her sacrifice, why they did not stand by other two girls who were shot with her at the same time.

She showed her desire to joint politics and of course become PM before she was shot. Everything was fine and she should have been a native PM of Pakistan. But Taliban ruined it.

Now if she becomes 'westernized' PM, it will be double dose for Taliban.
girl shot earned millions of pounds. dozen of people get bombed and they don't even offered to drink water. I start hating word humanity....
If that happened to any one of us, we had all the reason to boast about are endeavours, sacrifices and stand we took but as it happened with someone else. Many are busy in criticising of what she achieved and earned... Yehi to Duniyadari hai dost...

girl shot earned millions of pounds. dozen of people get bombed and they don't even offered to drink water. I start hating word humanity....
That is another case or issue do not mix it up with Malala tragedy...
What charity work she has done ? She and her father are busy cashing the tragedy they faced

Really! Another fantasy by Zarvan.

sold country for a very low price.

Accha, how exactly, please enlighten.

That's actually modern world's biggest wonder...a teenage girl shot down in the head at point blank range and she was okay within a few days and her brain did not get damaged at all rather it is working even better....incredible.

So are you questioning that she was shot or her recovery or actually both? Stop living in denial.

There is no doubt that she was a victim, but does she deserves a Nobel prize for that, I doubt. Even if Nobel committee decided that she should get the Nobel prize, they should have waited for at least 10 years and seen her work before conferring one on her.

Actually if Nobel price can be given to Kissinger and Obama, I think she deserves more than those two goons.
Good for her, if it's true. :enjoy: She suffered a horrendous and barbaric attack. She recovered and has become a great spokesperson, taking tragedy and turning it into something positive for the world. She has turned out to be a fine, young lady as well. I hope she IS a millionaire while her attackers languish in their ignorance and obscurity.

she suffered bullet in her forehead, she is a metal head...
Really! Another fantasy by Zarvan.

Accha, how exactly, please enlighten.

So are you questioning that she was shot or her recovery or actually both? Stop living in denial.

Actually if Nobel price can be given to Kissinger and Obama, I think she deserves more than those two goons.
Fact now known to the world
Unfortunately women like Maalala ,Tawakkol Karman or Hirsi Ali let themselves become agents of the west even excusing western colonial policies towards muslim world. Hirsi Ali for example doesnt have a problem that her country(?)Somalia is occupied and condemned to an endless war. As long as she take votes she will blame everything to muslims because that sells to the western public
It is NOT easy to take a bullet in your head and come out alive

She is not an ordinary human ; she is GOD's child
Her friend was also shot, I don't see her making news or millions?

She made millions for the book that she didn't even know what's in it. She also tried backtracking from some of the anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan BS in the book, than she was told about the money and propaganda at stake by her handlers and sellout dad.
Your opinion. No troll intended but for a comment like this I would say that one should first look at their own backyard. what is happening in your country? rapes, genocide of non hindus, threats to celebrities, etc etc etc.

As far as she is concerned, she was disposed after use, unfortunately she survived and the masters had to own up before her father coughed up. Now they are preparing her for taking over Pakistan as Prime Minister in future. If she is been rewarded for her sacrifice, why they did not stand by other two girls who were shot with her at the same time.

Dear friend...I am not saying becaise she is Pakistani...I would have said the same thing if some one leave India to get a better life....Each individual has the desire and intrest to make his own living...On top of that if nation could not provide basic quality of life, then the situation becomes worse..This is applicable for both India and Pakistan too
She showed her desire to joint politics and of course become PM before she was shot. Everything was fine and she should have been a native PM of Pakistan. But Taliban ruined it.

Now if she becomes 'westernized' PM, it will be double dose for Taliban.
Her claim to throne came well after she recovered from hospital.
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