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Making life meaningful

Mr. Solangi


New Recruit

Dec 29, 2013
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I just joined the forum and thought to get help from senior members regarding a very important life matter of mine.
Well, I am an inborn Commando, took martial arts classes and the only dream of mine was to become a real commando, i.e, to join armed forces. But unfortunately was not recommended by the ISSB. Life had ended for me at that point and I could hardly make myself understand and make a diversion.
Again with same determination, iron spirit and strength I started preparation for CSS examinations. Appeared twice, but couldn't qualify. During my last attempt of CSS I suffered a tragedy that did not spare me to sit in the examination hall.
After wandering here and there, I joined Legal Profession, but soon I realized it does not fit with my mentality. Lying, fighting to save criminals and cutting other's pockets is not in my rules.
Now I want to do something that should make my life meaningful.
I have done my masters in Sociology (with specialization in Criminology) and LL.B.

Finally I would like to say that thousands of people come and go from this world without having played a vital role and at least I cannot tolerate the same for me. I want to be memorable after death.
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Everything happens for a reason. You can join other services like the police and serve the country. We need our young men and women to infiltrate the civil, militay, political judicial structures and clean them from inside.
Experienced a serious trouble with Tablet and just corrected the post from Desktop.
Your valuable advise may change a life forever.
Armed forces is not the only place available to make your life meaningful. In fact, per my personal opinion, it's usually quite the opposite, unfortunately. Most soldiers end up wasting their lives serving personal interests of generals and politicians.

Lying, fighting to save criminals and cutting other's pockets is not in my rules.

If you wish to be remembered, this is the culture you need to fight. This is the place where we need heroes and leaders. We have enough people willing to lay down their lives for the country, but very few to fight the corruption that drags us down. Godspeed!

"Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die."
Experienced a serious trouble with Tablet and just corrected the post from Desktop.
Your valuable advise may change a life forever.
rather than trying to make a big impact, try to do something you will enjoy doing. Am sure if it is legal to do so and you can earn money in the process, you would have made an impact on humanity.
Forgot to mention, pay your taxes. :)
It is very necessary for all people to make his life meaning ful. Because It show the personality of a man.
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