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Lunch between French and Iranian presidents canceled: France refused request to serve halal food and

You are mistaken entirely.
Our current PM is pure vegetarian but when he dine with Foreign guest all sort of wines, pork, beef,muttonn or chicken dishes served.
He only eat veg dishes, rest ones are free to eat their choice.

You are wrong.

Washington: It may be all vegetarian dishes and non-alcoholic drinks when President Barack Obama hosts a private dinner at the White House tonight for Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

According to sources, the Indian side had expressed a desire not to include non-vegetarian dishes during the private dinner keeping in mind sensitivities of the Prime Minister who is observing Navratri fasts.

"As with all guests hosted by US Presidents over the years, we always work to respectfully accommodate the practices of our visitors," said Caitlin Hayden, spokesperson of the National Security Council.

The Menu At Obama's Private Dinner For PM Narendra Modi
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This is precisely my point, you cater to the wishes of the guest of honor. I doubt the French President consider the Iranian President as an honorable guest.

But here seems Iranian President demand total ban on wine & other non halal stuff.
If French provide him menu according to his own religious custom (rest are free) then ok neither very rude.
I'll write is in large fonts for those outraged people out there who didn't bother to read the article.

The request for halal food is perfectly reasonable: if Hollande is going to invite Rouhani to lunch, he shouldn’t serve him food that his guest cannot eat for religious reasons. But the request that there be no wine on the table is inherently supremacist and absolutely unjustifiable. Rouhani would not be forced to drink wine, but that’s not enough: if he is not going to drink wine, then no one else can drink it either, including the non-Muslims present.

Source: Lunch between French and Iranian presidents canceled: France refused request to serve halal food and

The French were willing to serve halal food but the Iranians asked not only not to be served wine to them but also that wine SHOULDN'T be present in the same room with them.

In my opinion,the French did the right thing,the Iranians can go fudge themselves.
Re. wine: Why would it be a problem if some French representative(s) consumed wine or beer with lunch (if that was the individual's preferred choice) and some Iranian representative(s) consumed something else to their taste e.g. mineral water, juice, thea or coffee? Seem like a no-brainer to me.

Re. Halal food: I've read that in "Sunni Islam" [don't know if that's a proper term], meats slaughtered by Christians and Jews are halal, unless explicitly prohibited, like pork. Of course, Iran is predominantly Shia. So, how does that work out?
Halal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simplest solution: vegetarian lunch?
Re. wine: Why would it be a problem if some French representative(s) consumed wine or beer with lunch (if that was the individual's preferred choice) and some Iranian representative(s) consumed something else to their taste e.g. mineral water, juice, thea or coffee? Seem like a no-brainer to me.

Re. Halal food: I've read that in "Sunni Islam" [don't know if that's a proper term], meats slaughtered by Christians and Jews are halal, unless explicitly prohibited, like pork. Of course, Iran is predominantly Shia. So, how does that work out?
Halal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Simplest solution: vegetarian lunch?
There are no difference between Sunni and shiatsu regarding halal or Haram. A Muslim can't eat animal not slaughter according to Islamic way.
Why should France serve the murderous mullahs at all?

so funny....Look who is taking. No terrorists can even come close to uncle sam in his wildest dreams, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and then countless murders through ugliest CIA and ISIS.....compared to this....what has Iran done....would you like to share even a single incident...or it is just too easy to press a few keys.
...would you like to share even a single incident...

...A critic of Ruhollah Khomeini, [Ali Akbar] Tabatabaei was shot in his Bethesda, Maryland home by Dawud Salahuddin, an American Muslim convert on 22 July 1980.[3] Salahuddin disguised himself as a mailman with a borrowed mail truck.[4]

Salahuddin stated he was paid $5000 by Iranians to kill Tabatabaei. He is currently on the FBI fugitives list. He escaped to Iran via Paris and Geneva, reaching Tehran on 31 July 1980.[3] In a 1996 interview with ABC's 20/20, Salahuddin also confessed to killing Tabatabaei.[5] He further stated that he thought the killing was "an act of war".[3] In 2009, it was discovered that Salahuddin had been using a new name, Hassan Abdulrahman, and that he had been running the website of Press TV.[4]
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